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New Blesseds
La Salette
Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady in Schio
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La Salette

La Salette
In mid-September, 1846, Pierre Selme, a
peasant of the Ablandins had to find a boy to replace
his shepherd who had become ill. He sought out Giraud
the wheelwright in Corps and tells him. "Let me have
your little Maximin for a few days..." "Mémin, a
shepherd? He is too much of a scatterbrain!" replied
Giraud. Ther is some give and take between the two, and
on September 14, Maximin walked to the Ablandins. On the
17th he saw Mélanie there. On the 18th, they ar watching
their flocks in a communal pasture around Mont Planeau.
That afternoon, Maximin made an attempt at conversation
with the silent Mélanie. They discover that they are
both form Corps. They talk a while and decide to
"pasture" together at the same spot the next day.
150 years of our Lady
of La Salette Appearance
On 19th September 1846, in La
Salette, a village in the French Alps, Our Lay appeared
to two poor and illiterate children, Melania and
Maximino, while they tended sheep on the mountain. The
"Beautiful Lady", as they said, appeared sitted down,
surrounded by light, with Her face in Her hands, and
crying. Then She stood up. dressed like a local peasant,
She walked some steps, and kindly asked the children to
walk towards Her. always in tears and with the cross
hanging in Her neck radiating light, She told the
children, in the dialect of that region, a long and
soulful message to be transmitted by them to their
In Her own words, the Beautiful Lady talked about the
problems people were having in La Salette, the problems
in France, and the troubles in Europe: hunger, child
mortality, lack of faith. She was suffering and She
called all the people look for conversion by listening
to the words of Her son Jesus. When She finished Her
speech, She walked other few steps on the grass while
rising to the sky.
After tht happening, the message of the Beautiful Lady
was transmitted by the little shepherds to the
villagers. The people were deeply touched by those words
and went to the place of the place of the appearance to
search a new life, as Our Lady announced. Since then
multitudes of pilgrims from all the world have been
finding reconciliation and peace in La Salette.
The "La Salette Happening", as the appearance is known,
was officially recongnized by ecclesiastical authorities
on 19th September 1851. In 1852
the Congregation of Our Lady of La Salette was founded,
with the aim to go on announcing Reconciliation.
This Congregation arrived in Brazil in 1902. Nowadays it
works in seven Brazilian states, working with parishes,
sanctuaries, pilgrimages, and popular missions. It is
also present in 21 different countries worldwide,
announcing the Gospel.
La Salette Spirituality - A Personal
I Introduction - A journey
By Joseph Baxer, M.S.
At the heart of my being is a spiritual
journey. Yes, I am flesh and blood. Yes, I live a
concretely human life - eating, drinking, smelling,
hearing, seeing ... touching and being touched ...
experiencing normal bodily functions, good health and
occasional disease. Yes, my body constantly speaks to me
of limitations and physical exercise stretches limits.
And yet within these very real boundaries I experience a
dimension of my life that goes beyond them - being loved
and loving. It is at once a human dimension of my live,
but very much a dimension that surpasses, transcends and
transforms the human. "Thee, God, I come from, to thee
go" (G.M.Hopkins) " My heart is restless until it rests
in thee" (Augustine)
My spiritual
journey is an attempt to respond to a God who is at the
very heart of my being. It is a journey within ...
explored often through the external journey of people,
circumstances, history, the give and take of daily life.
In many ways it is a journey without a road map. Yes,
there are guideposts ... the sacred scriptures and myths
of the word's great religions, the wisdom of classic and
modern philosophers and theologians, the traditions of
those institutions that have sought to be a sign of the
way, to illuminate the path for humankind. Ultimately,
however, each of us is an individual, answerable to the
deepest murmuring of our conscience and heart. The road
map for me is discovered in walking the path. This is at
once a daily invitation and a daily challenge. I find
T.S.Eliot's expression of this challenging journey most
apt. "We must not cease from exploration. And the end of
all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and
to know the place for the first time." With this paper,
I wish to look at some conscious murmuring of my heart's
journey and explore what may be inspirational and
foundational, nourished by the La Salette experiences on
that journey.
II A Personal Context and Vision
Here I look at the context of my life and
the conscious values or personal perspectives that
direct my life. Later, I will examine what may have been
influential in developing that personal
paradigm/horizon. Having lived three fourths of my life
within a La Salette context, I presume in advance that
In searching for a word to describe the
context of my life, "privileged" comes to mind. I am
blessed with good health. I grew up in a family where I
felt secure and loved although that experience may have
been lived unconsciously. A share of conflictual family
moments did never sever the family bonds. I judged and
experienced God as good and concerned with my life. The
practice of the Catholic faith tradition was important.
Although my brother would later become a Buddhist monk,
it was a manner of reclaiming profound Catholic
teachings that were not lived in the world where he
found himself. My maturing response to his different
faith expression opened my heart to new understandings
of God's love. Contact with the Jewish community existed
from my earliest years. Our economic situation of family
life was one that permitted individual initiative (both
parents working as well as each child taking part time
jobs) to allow adequate, though far from luxurious,
food, clothing and lodging. Although my parents formal
education ended with primary studies, they were both
self taught and encouraged formal education as well as
the teachings of nature. I feel blessed with this
This privileged context continued in and
through my experience with La Salette, already more than
three fourths of my life. Years and years of others
"speaking about and living" La Salette, extensive time
spent in France at the Alpine mystic site itself with
the event and the message, formal education in the US
and Europe, speaking and living with members of the
Congregation and others from around the globe, exposure
to quantum physics and Teilhard de Chardin, ministries
that have permitted me to enter cultural situations very
diverse from my own ... are all elements that have
entered the formation process of the fabric of my being.
In the context of these experiences takes place my
journey. Examining my life in this context, I will thy
to name some of the values which highlight the patchwork
quilt of a La Salette spirituality as I live it and then
explore the foundations of that spirituality.
Let me outline some elements that are at
the heart of my value system or spiritual vision:
a. Gratitude. I have a firm belief that I
am a beloved son of God, freely graced with life, love
and faith. Further, I am privileged to share through
baptism the life of Christ. I am challenged to let my
life be that of "Christ who lives within me." Loved, I
am invited to let my life be a journey of grateful
response to that love of God. This relationship to God,
lived out in concrete daily relationships and
ministerial tasks, is nourished through the Spirit of
God. b. Goodness of creation. I recognize the profound
goodness of all creatures and of creation. I seek to
bring a respectful attitude towards all of life. c.
Evolutionary creation. I acknowledge that the universe
and all creatures are in a creative process of becoming.
I understand myself and all human beings to be partners
- human and divine - in this creative process that "God
may be all in all." Special attention today is due to
the environment and ecological concerns. Men and women
are partners and stewards of creation. d. Christ - alpha
and omega. I see Jesus, an anointed one, who is a
mediator and saviour for all people of good will,
whether explicity in gospel proclamation or in the
mystery of God's providential activity. e. Equality of
men and women. Regardless of gender, race or colour of
skin, all are created in the image of God and are to be
treated with profound respect. A special priority of our
age that I recognize is to assure that women's rights
and dignity be respected. f. One people. While
respecting diversity of cultural expressions and a
plurality of human traditions. I am convinced that our
God wishes all of humankind to be reconciled, one with
another in peace and harmony and justice and love. The
great religious traditions of our world ar called,
challenged and graced to assist in this realization. g.
Role of Christianity. My conviction is that as a
Christian, I have a particular responsibility to be an
empowering agent of reconciliation in our world. This
implies economic, social, political and religious
reconciliation. h. Ecumenism and interfaith
collaboration. Since all of the great religious
traditions of our world are a reflection of men and
women's search for God's presence, it is a special task
today to collaborate among the different branches of
Christianity and with other expressions of religion
towards developing a world ethic where the profound
values of harmony and justice can be realized. i.
Catholic Church. For me, our Church is a privileged
instrument of God's grace. participation in the Church
challenges me to be responsible for a continuing
"aggiornamento" within the Church itself and a witness
of people living the reign of God. With respect for the
Scriptures, Church tradition and those called to
leadership, I am obliged to be foremost responsible to
the priority of conscience in my life. j. La Salette
Congregation. Again, a privileged instrument of God's
grace. My participation is centred among a brotherhood
who have as a charisma the call to be ambassadors of
reconciliation and to empower other to share in that
ministry. I understand the development of the
Congregation as dynamic, interconnecting with the
membership and the world to ever be renewed and new. I
am personally convinced that its present form will
significantly change if it is to survive as an
institution able to respond to the critical needs of the
age and the signs of the times.
III Foundation for a La Salette
Conscious of these guiding elements and
principles of my life, a posteriori, I want now to
examine some of the influences within the La Salette
tradition that seem important and may have been
nutritive, often through a process of osmosis, of my
spirituality framework. For me, the roots of my
spirituality that I can identify in the Apparition are
1 - The presence of Mary at La Salette and
the message is a sign of God's tenderness, love and
compassion for humankind. A mother who weeps for and
with her children is expressive of deep emotion and
concern. She affirms by her presence the goodness of
creation, the goodness of humankind. It is also a clear
affirmation that human history is far from complete.
Reaching out to enter human consciousness in this way,
God mystic presence in announced in Mary's mouth.
Concretely, creation an humankind are sacred.
2 - The intimate universality of God's
presence is announced at La Salette. This event speaks
at once of intimacy and universal communion. Tears. "Do
not be afraid." "Come near." "Do you remember the
incident when the wheat..."
"Do you pray well?" The children describe a
very personal conversation having taken place. Even the
patois is spoken. Forgotten details are recalled. All
seems to be embraced ... at once in intimacy that is so
personal ... yet also so wide as to extend to all that
life is. Ultimately, our mysterious God is announced as
immediately present, sharing human life, offering
partnership in the journey of life. Here our God is
revealed as intimately present especially to the heart,
in the deep emotions that human beings can experience.
This is a God in conversation, a God of a covenant, "I
am your God and you are my people."
3 - The event and message of La Salette are
profoundly christocentric. A deep communion with the
sacred is invited of the children and of all. "Do you
pray well?" What attention to you give to Sundays? Is
Lent a time for renewing your awareness of the holy in
your lives? I do not want my son to abandon you! Mary is
present as universal mother, inviting her children to be
in touch with the universal Son, the Son of Man, Jesus,
the anointed one. This mystic event forcefully directs
attention to the Hebrew and Christian scriptures and the
focus of those scriptures ... that humankind is so
beloved of God that there is a visible, enfleshed
Emmanuael to reconcile us in oneness with the Source of
our creation.
4 - La Salette announces a communion of all
peoples, bonded together as God's people. Mary refers to
"my people". A communal conversion is called for. In the
message, there is no distinction between those of
different race, colour, gender or creed. No limit is
placed upon the mercy or compassion or tenderness of
God. No person of good will is excluded. There is no
listing of rules and regulations for membership among
the people of God. Mary does not limit herself to be
mother only to a select few. All are called to
conversion. Here the invitation to reconciliation is
spoken. Here clearly the providential activity of God is
announced for all men and women of good will.
IV Nourishing a Spirituality
I believe that my relationship to God has
been deeply influenced by my La Salette experiences. I
seek to see my life as one led by the Spirit of God.
I've come to be aware, however, that a spirit led life
is not automatic, but involves a willing participation
and collaboration. My La Salette experience has led me
to focus on some "practices" that seem helpful.
First, there is a call to reverence for the
sacred, for all of life. Daily sacred space, meditation,
quiet time is important for me. This implies daily
contact with the sacred Hebrew and Christian scriptures.
Secondly, the invitation to an ongoing,
deepening relationship with God is at the same time an
invitation to the sacredness of human relationships. At
the heart of the La Salette experience is a
conversation. I seek to recognize the priority of
persons and those relationships ahead of tasks to
accomplish or functional roles to fulfil.
Thirdly, human relationships need to be
fashioned in many ways, primary among those being the
communal sharing of sacred moments. Eucharist is for me
a privileged place for that communal sacred sharing.
Fourth, the La Salette event takes place
outdoors, with those who are accustomed to physical
endeavour. This invites me to understand my bodily
health as a gift from God to be cared for and respected.
Regular physical work or exercise, adequate sleep and
attending to a healthy diet are ways of living a
stewardship for the gift of my body in the beauty of
Fifth, Mary invites the children to be
ambassadors of the "good news". I see this as a daily
invitation to be a messenger, one who seeks to empower
others to be reconciled with their own goodness and to
recognize their own capacity for service. This is surely
an invitation in the spirit of Christ to be a "person
for others."
Sixth, the children are aided in their
journey by this human, mystic conversation. I am aware
that I have many limits and am also in need of
accompaniment. This means for me regularly sharing my
spiritual journey with another to seek to continually
discern the will of God in my life.
V Agenda
I began by acknowledging that at the heart
of by being is a spiritual journey. It influences far
more than I can consciously be in touch with. It is a
journey of faith. "Be it done to me according to our
word. "Both Mary in accepting the word of the angel
Gabriel and Joseph in following the invitations known
through his dreams followed paths that were socially
either unknown, unacceptable or considered risky.
Maximan and Melanie, in entering a mystic conversation
broke through the normal human conventions of their
lives, overcoming fear and allowing their lives to take
a path that would stretch beyond their wildest
imaginations. So, here I stand. I can only seek to be
open as those before me, ready to change my heart, be
converted again and again. I wish to be ready to respond
to the events, circumstances and people that will come
into my life. I pray for the grace and the wisdom to be
courageous to continue on the journey.

The other brightness
Contrary to
their habits, the two children lay down on the
grass...and fell asleep. The September sun was relaxing
and the sky was cloudless. The chattering brook
highlighted the stillness of the mountains. These were
quiet moments... Mélanie woke up with a start and shook
Maximin! "Mémin, Mémin, get up!... let's go look for our
cows. I don't know where they are!" Quickly they climb
the hillock facing the Gargas. From that vantage point
they could see the surrounding area, and the cows right
there, grazing peacefully. The two children were
relleved. Mélanie took a few steps down the hillock.
Half-way, she froze, stunned, and let her shepherd's
stick fall. "Mémin, look over there, a light!" Near the
small brook on one of those stone benches... there was a
globe of fire. "It's as if the sun had fallen there!"
But the sun still shone in a cloudless sky. Maximin ran
to Mélanie's side yelling, "Where is it? Where is it?"
Mélanie pointed to the bottom of the ravine where they
had just rested. Maximin came to her, frozen with fear
an dais, "Hold on to your stick! I am keeping mine and
if it comes close I'm giving it a good whack!" The light
stirred, moved and swirled. Words failed the children to
describe the rush of life that streamed from the flery
globe. A woman appeared within the light; she was
sitting, her head in her hands, her elbows on her knees,
in deepest grief.

The beautiful Lady
The Lady rose
slowly. The children had not moved. She spoke to them in
French: <<Come near, my children, do not be afraid. I am
here to tell you great news.>> They approached the Lady.
They stared at her. She was still crying. "She seemed
like a lady that her children had beaten and who had run
away into the mountains to cry". The beautiful Lady was
tall. She was all light. She was dressed like the women
of that region: a long dress, long apron tied at the
waist, a shawl crossed and knotted in the back. On her
head she wore a peasant bonnet. There were roses in a
crown around her read, around her shawl and her shoes.
Light shimmered like a flery diadem on her forehead. A
chain seemed to weigh heavily on her shoulders. A finer
lind-chain held a brilliant crucifix on her breast, with
a hammer on one side and tongs on the other.

Maximin Giraud
Giraud was born at Corps, on August 26, 1835. His
mother, Anne-Marie Templier hails from this same region.
His father, Germain Giraud is from a neighbouring
district. The mother dies leaving Maximin, 17 months
old, and a daughter, Angélique, who is eight years of
age. Shortly after, Mr Giraud remarries, Maximin
receives little attention: the wheelwright is at his
workshop or at the bar. His wife is not interested in
this high-strung, careless little urchin who is always
out exploring the streets of Corps, watching the
stagecoaches and the old farm wagons, or roaming the
countryside with his goat and his dog. Under a mop of
black hair there is constant mischief brewing, a quick
eye and an agile tongue. During the Apparition, while
the beautiful Lady speaks to Mélanie, Maximin twirls his
hat on his walking stick, or, with the other end of his
staff, pokes pebbles toward the feet of the Lady. "Not a
single one touched her!" he would calmly reply to
questioners. Feeling appreciated he responds in kind:
treated roughly he uses the same currency. Maximin had a
difficult childhood. During the three years following
the Apparition his half-brother Jean-Francóis, his
step-mother Marie Court, and his father Giraud the
wheelwright, all died. His mother's brother, the "Oncle
Templier", a rough and calculating man, becomes
Maximin's guardian. School progress is slow. Sister said
Thècle who keeps an eye on him calls him "perpetual
motion". Constant pressure from pilgrims and busybodies
don't moke Maximin's life any easier. A few visionary
partisans of the so-called son of Lou'si XVI want to use
him for political purposes. Maximin hoodwinks them with
gibberish. Against the advice of the parish priest and
defying the orders of the bishop of Grenoble, they bring
the boy to Ars. Maximin does not enjoy their company but
enjoys the ride and the chance to see new sights. The
unpredictable Father Raymond, the Curé's assistant,
greets them. He calls La Salette a hoax and the children
liars. During the morning of September 25. 1850, the
Curé of Ars meets with Maximin in the sacristy, then in
the confessional, but without hearing his confession.
What might the frustrated Maximin have told him? The
upshot of the meeting was that for many years the holy
priest will never cease to doubt and to suffer.
Following the decree of September 19, 1851, he will
refer everyone to the judgment of the bishop. Many years
pass before he can give his own acquiescence and recover
his peace. Maximin protested that he had never recanted,
but he was at pains to explain his behaviour. A mere
listing of the places Maximin travelled to makes one
realize to what extent the boy was exploited. From the
Rondeau minor seminary to the Grande Chartreuse, from
the rectory of Seyssin to Rome. From Dax and
Airesur-Adour to Vésinet, then to Tonnerre college, to
Petit Jouy en Josas near Versailles and Paris. Maximin
was in turn a seminarian, a nursing-home employee, a
medical student. Failing the state examinations he got a
job in a pharmacy. He enlisted in teh pontifical zouaves
but canceled his contract after a six-month stint and
returned to Paris. The newspaper La Vie Parisienne
published an attack against la Salette and the two
children. Maximin protestes and the newspaper prints a
correction. In 1866 he publishes a short work "My
Profession of Faith in the Apparition of Our Lady of La
Salette" ("Ma profession de foi sur l'apparition de
Notre-Dame de La Salette"). It was during this time that
Mr and Mrs Jourdain, a couple devoted to him, bring a
measure of stability into his life, and, at great
financial risk, clear his debts. Maximin enters into a
partnership with a liquor dealer who uses his now famous
name to increase sales. The improvident Maximin gets
nothing out of it. In 1870 he is drafted and assigned to
Fort Barrau in Grenoble. Following this he returns to
Corps and is joined there by the Jourdains. The three
live poorly and are helped by the fathers of the shrine
with the approval of the bishop. In November Maximin
makes a pilgrimage to the shrine. In the presence of a
rapt audience he repeats the story of La Salette as he
had done on the very first day. This would be the last
time be would do so. On February 2nd he visits the
parish church, also for the last time. On the evening of
March 1 st, Maximin receives the sacrament of
reconciliation and holy Communion, drinking a little La
Salette water to swallow the wafer. Five minutes later
he surrenders his spirit to God. He had not reached
forty. His remains lie in the cemetery of Corps, but his
heart rests within the La Salette basilica. He wanted to
underscore once again his love for La Salette: "I
believe firmly, even to the shedding of my blood, in the
fomous apparition of the most Blessed Virgin on the holy
mountain of La Salette, on September 19, 1846, the
apparition that I have defended in word and suffering...
It is with this spirit that I give my heart to Our Lady
of La Salette". Maximin had nothing, left to give but
his loyalty and his faith in the church. In the person
of the Beautiful Lady the always lovable and restless
boy had finally found affection in the peace of God.

Mélanie Calvat
She saw the
light of day at Corps in the midst of a large family on
November 7, 1831. Her father Pierre, a pit sawyer by
trade took odd jobs. The mother, Julie Barnaud gave
birth to ten children. Mélanie was the fourth. The
family's poverty was so complete that the young were
sometimes dispatched to beg on the street. At a very
young age Mélanie was hired out to tend the neighbours'
cows. From the spring to the fall of 1846 she worked for
Jean-Baptiste Pra at Les Ablandins, one of the hamlets
of the village of La Salette. Prá's neighbour was Pierre
Selme and it is he who hired the restless Maximin for a
one week stint to replace his own sick shepherd. In the
presence of her chatterbox companion. Mélanie, already
timid and taciturn, was on her guard. The children had
some common traits. Both were born in Corps but had
never met, probably because of Melanie's long absences.
Both spoke the local dialect and fragmented French. They
had neither schooling nor religious instruction, could
neither read or write. Melanie's father was on a never
ending quest, for employment. Her mother, overwhelmed
with work and the cares of her brood could give each one
very little affection. At the time of the apparition
Maximin and Mélanie were financially, intellectually and
affectively among the poorest of the poor. They were
totally dependent, they would be profoundly and
definitively stamped by the apparition, which will
nevertheless leave their personalities intact. Mélanie
was very different from her new companion. She tived sit
strangers and was away from her family except for the
winter months when she lived with them in cold and
hunger. That she had become timid and withdrawn should
not surprise anyone. "She always answered with a simple
yes or no", said Baptiste Pra, her employer. Still, she
responded clearly and simply to questions concerning La
Salette. She resided four years with the Sisters of
Providence. Her memory was poor and she had still less
aptitude for study than Maximin. As early as November
1847, her directress feared "that the celebrity that had
been thrust upon her might make her conceited."
Surrounded with concern and consideration on the part of
visitors when she became a postulant, then a novice in
the same Congregation, she held fast to her own
opinions. For this reason, the new Bishop of Grenoble,
while recognizing her piety and devotion, would refuse
to admit her to vows "in order to train her... in the
practice of Christian humility and simplicity".
Unfortunately, Mélanie then took to lending a willing
ear to "troubled and sick individuals," to people whose
minds were obsessed with popular prophecies,
pseudo-apocalyptic and pseudo-mystical theories. This
would affect her for the rest of her life. To give
credence to her pronouncements she linked them to the
secret she had received from the Beautiful Lady. Even a
cursory review points to immutable differences between
what Mélanie says and writes, and the words and signs
Mary gave at La Salette. Mélanie's problems and
phantasms became the epicentre of her discourse. Through
her prophecies she reaps revenge on those who oppose her
projects. She thus expresses her rejection of a society
and a hostile environment. She recreates an imaginary
past where the frustrations of her childhood are
effectively exorcised. As early as 1854, Bishop
Ginoulhiac wrote: "the predictions attributed to Mélanie...
have no basis in fact: they have no importance with
regard to La Salette... they have come after La Salette
and have nothing to do with it". The bishop added: "The
children were given the broadest freedom to amend or
deny any statement they may have made, but they have
never altered anything on the veracity of the event of
La Salette". With this in mind, Bishop Ginoulhiac, on
September 19, 1855, proclaimed the following from the
Holy Mountain itself: "The mission of the shepherds is
herewith ended, that of the Church begins."
Unfortunately, Mélanie pursued her prophetic
meanderings. Later, these were orchestrated by the
blazing talent of a Leon Bloy and would become a "Melanist"
movement allegedly stemming from La Salette, but lacking
any foundation except the unverifiable pronouncements of
Mélanie. All this is far distant from the historical
foundations of the Apparition. The content of these
so-called prophecies, despite their religious vencer,
have nothing to do with religious truth as taught by the
Church, and recalled by Mary at La Salette. The subject
matter is no longer faith but the unstable, questionable
and sterile terrain of personal assumptions. This type
of writing alienates faith instead of strengthening it.
In 1854, a English priest brought Mélanie to England.
She entered the Carmelite convent of Darlington the
following year: she took temporary vows there in 1856,
but left the convent in 1860. She tried religious life
again with the Sisters of Compassion of Marseille. After
a stay in their convent of Cephalonia (Greece), and a
short sojourn at the Carmelite convent of Marseille, she
returned to the Compassion for a brief time. Following a
short stay at Corps and La Salette, she went to live at
Castellamare di Stabia, near Naples in Italy. She
resided there seventeen years, writing her "secrets" as
well as a rule for a future foundation. The Vatican
urged the local bishop to forbid her this type of
publication, but she persisted in their search for
approbation and an imprimatur, even extracting a hearing
from a papal official, Bishop Lepidi. This, however,
never constituted even a veiled approval. The authority
invoked by Mélanie is incompetent in the matter. After a
stay at Cannes in the south of France, Mélanie travelled
to Chalon-sur-Saône, seeking to found a community with
the sponsorship of the Canon de Brandt of Amiens.
Eventually she entered into litigation with Bishop
Perraud, the ordinary of Autumn. The Holy See, brought
into the matter, decided in favour of the bishop. In
1892, Mélanie returned to a place near Lecce, Italy,
then journeyed to Messina in Sicily on the invitation of
Canon Annibale di Francia. Following a few months in the
Piedmont region, she was invited by the abbé Combe,
pastor of Diou, a priest muche taken up with
politico-religious prophecies, to settle in the Allier
region. She finished a contrived autobiography, wherein
she created an extraordinary childhood enriched with
pseudo-mystical wanderings, her own imaginings and the
chimera provided by her correspondents. The message
Mélanie attempts to link to La Salette during this
period hes nothing whatever in common with the testimony
she gave about the Apparition in the early years. When
the conversation returns to the event of September 19,
1846, she reverts without fail to the simplicity and the
clarity of her early narrative, which agrees with that
of Maximin. She gave an instance of this on a visit to
the Holy Mountain on September 18-19, 1902. She returned
to Altamura, near Bari in southern Italy and died there
on December 14, 1904. Her remains ar buried under a
marble column with a bas-relief depicting the Virgin
welcoming the shepherdess of La Salette into heaven. One
thing is certain: at the close of her confused erros,
there is one point from which Mélanie never departed:
the testimony she and Maximin gave on the evening of
September 19, 1846, in Baptiste Pra's kitchen at Les
Ablandins. She held firm throughout the inquiry directed
by Bishop Philibert de Bruillard, as well as that of the
confirming investigation conducted by Bishop Ginoulhiac.
Throughout a difficult lifetime, Mélanie remained poor
an devout, ever faithful to her first testimony.

What the beautiful Lady said on the
The Beautiful
Lady spoke to the two shepherds:- "She wept all the
while she spoke to us", said Maximin and Mélanie later.
Together, or separately, the two children repeated the
same words with slight variations that never affected
the sense. Whether her questioners were pilgrims, public
officials or ecclesiastics, investigators or
journalists, friendly, neutral or hostile, they all
heard the same message:
<< Come near; my children, do not be afraid. I am here
to tell you great news.>>
"We listened. All our attention was on
her." Like Maximin and Mélanie we are invited to let her
message come into our lives.
With them we listen and
gaze at the crucifix, dazzling with glory.
<<If my people do not obey, I shall be compelled to
loose the arm of my Son. It is so heavy that I can no
longer restrain it.>>.
<<How long gave I suffered for you! If my
Son is not to abandon you. I am obliged to entreat Him
without ceasing. But you take no heed of that. No matter
how well you pray in the future, no matter how well you
act, you will never be able to make up to me what I have
endured on your behalf.>>
<<I have given you six days to work. The seventh I have
reserved for myself, yet no one will give it to me. This
is what causes the weight of my Son's arm to be so
<<The cart drivers cannot swear without
bringing in my Son's name. These are the two things
which make my Son's arm so heavy>>.
<<If the harvest is spoiled, it is your own
fault. I warned you last year by means of the potatoes.
You paid no heed. Quite the contrary, when you
discovered that the potatoes had rotted, you swore, you
abused my Son's name. They will continue to be spolled,
and by Christmas time this year there will be none
The local dialect word for potatoes (pommes
de terre) puzzied Mélanie. In dialect one says "là
ruff". The word "pommes" reminded her only of apples.
She turned to Maximin for help. But the Lady said:"
<<Ah! You do not understand French, my
children. Well then, listen. I shall say it
Repeating these last sentences in dialect
she continued in the "patois" spoken by Maximin and
<<If you have wheat, it will do no good to
sow it, for what you sow the beasts will cat, and
whatever part of it springs up will crumble into dust
when you thresh it.>>
<<A great famine is coming. But before that happens,
children under seven years of age will be seized with
trembling and die in the arms of those holding them. The
others will pay for their sins by hunger. The grapes
will rot and the nuts will be worm-eaten>>.
Suddenly, Mélanie no longer
heard the Lady's voice although her lips were still
moving. She noticed that Maximin was listening very
attentively. Then she, in turn, was able to hear words
that Maximin could not hear. Maximin's native
restlessness won out over his effort to behave. He toyed
with his hat, taking it off, putting it on again, and
with the tip of his walking stick he poked at pebbles.
"Not a single stone touched the beautiful Lady's feet,"
protested Maximin a few days later. "She said something
to me and told me, "You will not repeat this and this.
After that I could not hear her, and I began diverting
myself." Finally, they both heard the Lady's voice
<<If my people are converted, the stones will become
mounds of wheat and it will be found that the potatoes
have been self-sown>>.
<<Do you say yours prayers well, my
The children answered with one voice: "Not
too well, Madame, hardly at all".
<<Ah! my children, it is very important to
do so, at night ant in the morning. When you don't have
time, at least say an "Our Father" and a "Hail Mary";
and when you can, say more.>>.
<<Only a few rather elderly women go to
Mass in the summer. Everyone else works every Sunday all
summer long. And in winter, when they don't know what
else to do, they go to Mass only to scoff at religion.
During Lent, they go to the butcher shop like dogs>>.
<<My children, haven't you ever seen
spoiled wheat?>>
"No Madame", declared Maximin, quick to
speak for Mélanie as well as for himself.
Turning toward Maximin, the Lady replied:
<<But you, my children, must have seen it
once near Coin with your Papa. The owner of the field
said to your Papa, "Come and see my spoiled wheat." The
two of you went. you took two or three ears of wheat in
your hands. You rubbed them together, and they crumbled
to dust. Then you came back from Coin. When your were
only a half-hour away from Corps, your papa gave you a
bit of bread and said: "Here, my son, eat some bread,
this year anyhow. I don't know who will be eating any
next year if the wheat continues this way".
"It's very true, Madame. Now I remember:
Until now I didn't", admitted Maximin.
The beautiful Lady concluded, no longer in
dialect but in French:
<<Well, children, you will
make it known to all my people.>>

The mile-high shrine
The Shrine of
Our Lady of La Salette, site of the Apparition of Our
Lady in the French Alps, rises before an audience of
solemn mountains, at an altitude of over 6.000ft. The
Shrine and its lodging facilities have been enfrusted to
the "Association des Pèlerins de La Salette " by the
diocese of Grenoble. The Missionaries and the Sisters of
Our Lady of La Salette provide spiritual thrust as well
as the day-to-day administration of the Shrine. They are
assisted by chaplains, religious or diocesan priests, by
Sisters, lay associates, salaried help and volunteers.
The Eucharist, the rosaries, the vigils and the
processions form the prayer backdrop for talks on
Scripture, round-table sharing on specific themes,
informal gatherings, meetings with a chaplain. The
relevant topics of missions and vocations are part of
the programs.

On the mountain slopes
Early on
September 19, 1846, the two children climb the slopes of
the Mont sous-les-Baisses, each urging four cows up the
mountain. Besides his own flock, Maximin had a goat and
his dog Loulou. Sunlight flooded the Alpine slopes. Far
down the mountain the Angelus bells rang out from the
village church. This was a sign for the shepherds to
lead their cows toward the "flock spring", a small pool
formed by the brook as it tumbled down the Sézia ravine.
Then they goaded the cows toward an adjoining field on
the slopes of Mount Gargas. The animals browsed quietly
in the hot sun. Maximin and Mélanie went back up the
hollow to the "people spring" and broke out their frugal
lunch of bread and cheese. Other shepherds come up from
the lower pastures and joined them in friendly chatter.
When they left, Maximin and Mélanie crossed the brook
and came down a few steps toward two stone benches near
a dry stream bed: this is the "small brook". Mélanie set
down her small bag, and Maximin placed his smock and his
lunch on a nearby stone.

The Verdict
On September
19, 1851, Bishop Philibert de Bruillard, Ordinary of
Grenoble issued his "doctrinal pronouncement". Its basic
message is the following:
We judge that the apparition of the Blessed Virgin to
two shepherds on September 19, 1846 on a mountain of the
Alpine chain, situated in the parish of La Salette, of
the archpresbitery of Corps, bears all the
characteristics of truth, and that the faithful have
grounds for belleving it to be undeniable and certain.
The impact of this decree was considerable. Many bishops
had it read in the parishes of their dioceses. For
better or worse the press took hold of it. It was
translated into many languages and appeared in the
Osservatore Romano on June 4, 1852. Congratulatory mail
streamed into the bishop's offices at Grenoble. The
pastoral instincts of the Bishop of Grenoble urged him
on. On May 1, 1852, he published another decree
announcing the construction of a shrine on the mountain
of La Salette, as well as the founding of a group of
diocesan missionaries to whom he gave the title of
Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette. And he added:
"Who can doubt that it was for the whole world that the
Blessed Virgin appeared at La Salette?" The future would
confirm and exceed all expectations. With a team in
place, one can say that the mission of Maximin and
Mélanie had come to an end. Bishop Ginoulhiac, the new
bishop of Grenoble summarized the situation as he saw it
on September 19, 1855: "The mission of the two shepherds
has come to an end, that of the Church now begins. Those
men and women of all nations and races who have found in
the message of La Salette the path to conversion, a
deepening of their religious faith, a vital force for
daily living, and a rationale for their commitment to
Christ in the service of others, are beyond number.