MADELEINE was born on
October 27th 1924 at Putôt-en-Auge, a little village in Normandy
situated at the foot of the Haute-Butte - a dependence of Dozulé,
which is a larger village with a school, St Joseph's, run by
Her parents, after thirty-five years of service with a big
land-owner, retired to a small house they had bought some years
earlier. They had three children : John, born in 1913, Madeleine,
and Peter, born in 1927.
After her apprenticeship to a dressmaker, Madeleine married on
August 14th 1948, shortly after the death of her father, and her
mother stayed on in the house with the newly married couple. She
lived to the age of 94 (R.I.P. Oct.1983), surrounded by the loving
care of her daughter. Five children were born, all at Putot. In
1968, the house being too small, the family settled in a more
comfortable home at Dozulé, near the school, catechism, and the
church. Madeleine and her husband brought up their five children,
not without difficulty.
In 1970, with a little pressure from her mother, Madeleine resolved
to make her "Easter duties" which she had neglected for four years,
for the church in Putot had no priest. After a brave confession she
decided to go to Communion on Easter Sunday and the following
And then, the Sunday after Easter, having been to Communion, and
before even kneeling down in her place, "something happened which I
could not explain... I felt a kind of weakness... I was as though
drunk with joy and happiness, I seemed to have discovered another
world." And that lasted until she got home. She thought about it all
that week but couldn't understand it, so she longed to go to
communion again the next Sunday, April 12th 1970, less by faith than
by curiosity.
As from that day on, a completely different life began for her.
Again, "this interior joy possessed me, but this time I felt a
presence which was not of this world... the presence of Jesus and
the Holy Spirit ; a supernatural power took possession of me, a
sweet presence... the world did not exist, my body did not exist,
there was left only God in me and me in God."
On reaching home, she felt transformed, her spirit full of joy, and
this joy did not leave her for an instant. Now there was no question
of waiting until Pentecost for her next Communion. The third Sunday
after Easter, April 19th, "this wonderful joy came again", she wept
with happiness. She decided to confide to the parish priest, because
such a secret could only be understood by a priest : "it is no
longer I, it is Jesus who is living in me." The priest encouraged
her to go to Communion during the week, "it is so long to wait from
one Sunday to the next... nothing can replace a Mass. It is Jesus in
the Host who saved me from doubt and at each Mass I really see Jesus
in the priest, in His gestures on the eve of the Passion, and I see
the Spirit of God come to the altar to give Himself to all of us."
Increasingly, she wanted to please God by becoming as
pure as a child. All her worries were forgotten, her life was
changed, for before, she found it without interest and rather
dreary. "All is transformed if one offers everything to God each
morning, for "love of Him" who has given His life for each of us.
Christ is risen, really alive ! Each day I live this Resurrection...
Never let a day pass without praying, without thinking about Jesus,
about all who suffer, who weep... prayer unites us to God, and gives
us a spiritual joy which no material goods can replace... Neither
science, nor human wisdom, nor any beautiful words can open the
heart of an unbeliever to God. A conversion is not the work of man,
God must attract a soul by His Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit man
is nothing and can do nothing. We must pray "with love" for without
the Spirit of God we are nothing. He watches over us unceasingly.
Tell everybody : God watches over us at each instant, and if we know
this and have really understood it, we can thank God. God alone can
transform the heart of man, but to receive the Lord's graces, we
must pray a lot with trust and faith."
"In my spirit, everything sings the Lord's praise, the flowers,
their scent, the trees, the morning dew, everything that exists and
is alive - it is the breath of God, for here on earth, everything
sings God's praises... I doubted in His existence, my life had no
interest, it was dreary... five children to bring up and a lack of
money... but since April 12th 1970, it's the resurrection of my
spirit, of my soul, material worries have faded away, this inner
peace rises above all earthly things... Heaven is at the end of our
present life..."
So Madeleine lived in thanksgiving for about two years, until Palm
Sunday 1972. As in 1971, she wanted to participate fully in this
Holy Week when Christ suffered so much to save the whole world. Thus
dawned Holy Tuesday, March 28th...

Hundreds of Crosses, 7,38 meters high, have already
been elevated throughout the world : France, Italy, Spain,
Portugal, Belgium, Switzerland, Equator, Bosnia, New-Caledonia...
In Nouméa the Cross of 7,38
meters, "a hundredth of the size, with dimensions representative of
My Holy Glorious Cross of Dozulé" (JESUS' Message on 16th July
1996), was blessed on Easter Sunday evening this year.
It has been put up on 22nd March 1996, when a cyclone
approached New Caledonia. On 27th March the cyclone broke with gusts
of wind of 230 Km/h. This photograph of the cyclone was taken 250
Kms from Nouméa by the son of someone who prays much for the souls
in Purgatory.
On the photograph can be seen trees with all their
foliage flattened by the wind, but also large numbers of white
silhouettes, with their arms outstretched in the form of cross,
facing the wind, on the ground in the air, in the branches. The
cyclone hit Noumea during the night of the 27th and the morning of
the 28th, the gusts of wind were no stronger than 150 Km/h, with
little rain, and the damage was minimal. The inhabitants are sure
that the Cross protected them.
In Tahiti an identical project is in the planning
In both cases the faithful have anticipated the request
of the Lord who wants the same Crosses,
JESUS dictated to "JNSR" on 16th July 1996 : "Thousands
of voices, thousands of Crosses which will rise over the whole world
: the Cross puts Evil to flight. Yes, you saw rightly. It's to show
the Nations that they must live in the shadow of My Cross ; for that
they must be illuminated : many in number, they will be the Stars of
the Earth lit by man who has obeyed the Will of God ; stars lit for
MARY, the Star of the Sea, the Star of Zion, the Star of the
Nations, a mass of flowers forming one great and wonderful flower
whose petals twine and intertwine to form the Rose of MARY (*) which
will give out a fragrance over the earth suffocated by the sickening
stench of sin"... "You will build them one hundredth of the size, on
modest hills, for My 738-metre Cross must tower over all the
Crosses"... "I will see these Crosses rise like voices calling Me,
for mankind will come there to pray for God to return soon"... "The
"M" of MARY tops the world like the Cross tops the "M" (**).
In the Message of 28th August 1996, JESUS said to "JNSR"
: "Each Cross will be put up like a sentry watching over you, for
the city where My Cross will be built will be under My
protection"... "Every day, at each of My Crosses, with love and
certainty that I am there, pray the Dozulé Daily Prayer. The arms
stretching from East to West will clasp you in My Mercy. My Crosses
will rise up from the ground right upto the Heavens, everywhere,
forming a barrier : they will stand in the way of Evil"... "My
Crosses are the bastion against Evil"...
And in the Message of 30th August 1996 : "The Noumea
Cross has received all My Love. You will see the wonders of God.
JESUS has just spoken to you. You are My living Crosses. Amen. Keep
in you My Hope, Amen."
(*) This Rose of MARY calls to
mind The Rose of Our Lady, that work distributed by Chretiens
Magazine, in which the occult web infesting our country is
(**) On the map of France, the
line which starts out from Lourdes and passes through Pontmain,
Pellevoisin, Paris (Rue du Bac) and La Salette, (the last five
apparitions recognised by the Church), traces an "M", the "M" of
MARY ; and the Dozulé Cross tops this "M", as on the Miraculous
En pratique : Ces Croix que Notre Seigneur nous demande
(à nous, Laïcs, puisque l'Église fait la sourde oreille), devront
avoir 7m38 de hauteur, avec des bras de 1m23 orientés d'Est en Ouest
et situés à 1m23 du sommet. Chaque Croix devra être aux couleurs de
MARIE : le bleu pour le profil, le blanc pour les faces Nord et Sud
qui seront revêtues de polycarbonate blanc recouvrant l'éclairage
fluorescent qui rendra la Croix lumineuse chaque nuit.

25th Anniversary of the
(28 March 1972 - 28 March 1997)
In 1997, in this YEAR of CHRIST when 28th March falls
on GOOD FRIDAY, may Dozulé's " ECCE CRUCEM DOMINI " resound not only
"as in a church" (1st App), but "as in
the whole Church", and that "in a strong, grave,
impressive voice", so that the extraordinary
"unique and definitive Message which God revealed to "His Servant"
may at last be heard and answered. The Words which came from her
lips are not human words but came through what the Spirit taught
(34th App.).
May "the Lady of
all Nations", the Coredemptrix and Mediatrix whose Amsterdam
Message (1945-1971) was celestially authenticated straightaway by
the event of Our Lady of Akita in Japan (recognised by the Church in
1984 and 1996), become the Advocate of the Message of
the Cross of all Nations... The Advocate of the Dozulé Event and
"The Merciful Sacred Heart by
Soeur Faustine"
March 28th 1997 : 25th Anniversary of DOZULÉ
PRAISE of "private revelations"
1. Before the coming of the Parousia with its "Sign"
(Matthew 24:30) and its "Dies irae" (Psalm
96:4), a precursory event, an
extraordinary "private revelation" occurred on the Dozule High Mound
(on 28th March 1972), and not in a fleeting manner ; it lasted with
intervals right upto October 1978...
The Pastors, the Watchmen, those affected in a special way, were in
a position to be on the watch for and receptive to such a "sign".
From its first hour, this Sign clearly proclaimed itself to be the
Glorious Cross of Christ : "ECCE CRUCEM DOMINI" (1st apparition).
This happened ten years after Vatican II in 1962, and exactly eight
years after the promulgation (on 21st November 1964) of "Lumen
Gentium" ("Light of the Nations").
2. In those years from 1972, as regards Dozule, which
was clearly Christ's Glorious Cross from the very first
extraordinary apparition at dawn on Holy Tuesday 1972 - "Ecce Crucem
Domini" - why were the Pastors, who were very much supposed to be,
so little moved by it ? No doubt because Dozulé was a matter of
"private revelation".
3. And yet, who is unaware that, from the beginning of
Church History, when the "Redeemer of man" wants to entrust to
mankind an important communication He does so by private revelation,
and that it cannot be otherwise ?
Isn't the whole History of the Church and of her
mission as "Light of the Nations" built on the dazzling "private
revelation" which, on the road to Damascus, made the most ardent
persecutor of the early Church into the great Apostle of the Nations
In this letter to the Galatians, Paul himself states how he received
and passed on the Gospel : This Gospel which I have proclaimed to
you is not from man ; and moreover, it's not by a man that it was
passed on or taught to me, but by a revelation of Christ. For you
have heard reports of my behaviour not long ago in Judaism - how
furiously I persecuted the Church of God and sought to destroy it
... (1:11--13).
4. In our times Heaven has thought it right to resort
to the "private revelation" called "DOZULÉ" (1972-1978). The
Redeemer of man Himself entered, came out of His Eucharistic
silence, to disperse and overcome for a long time the opaque "smoke
of Satan" which, from 1972, desired the self-destruction of the
Church of the Glorious Cross and the self-destruction of the
Glorious Cross itself.
Before John Paul II's first encyclical, "The Redeemer
of Man", in 1978, Jesus Christ in Person, through His Dozulé, had
taken up Satan's challenge...
(Extract from the OPEN
LETTER "FIORETTI", written for the occasion of the 25th ANNIVERSARY
of the "ECCE CRUCEM DOMINI" of DOZULÉ (28th March 1972 -28th March
1997) by Father Constant DEROUARD, O.S.M., a member of the Marian
Movement of Priests and the Religious Adviser of the "FRIENDS OF THE
Know that Jesus of Nazareth has triumphed over death, that His Reign
is eternal, and that He is coming to conquer the world and time."
You are living in the times when every event is the Sign of the
written Word.

Holy Tuesday, March 28th 1972, at 4.35 a.m.
Madeleine, having opened her bedroom window, started to
say the prayer to the Holy Trinity, as she did each morning when her
husband left for the factory at 4.30 a.m.
Then she saw a dazzling light in the sky, slightly to the right.
Frightened, she got back into bed, thinking that perhaps it was a
"flying saucer", because there are people who claim to have seen
Eight to ten minutes later she went back to the window : there was
nothing. Then, suddenly, in the same place a huge luminous Cross
formed in the sky : everything took shape gradually but together,
beginning with the extremities - the bottom, the arms and the top -
coming together in the center of the Cross.
The arms and the top of the Cross were equal, the Cross was enormous
- straight, impressive, wonderful, dazzling but easy to look at and
lit up the whole horizon : "a bit bigger than the calvary at Dozulé
when I am near it" she explained. (But Madeleine knows and says that
words cannot express what she saw.)
A few seconds later, she heard a , grave and compelling voice
announce :
which echoed as though in a church. She then made the
sign of the Cross.
Then gently and very slowly, another voice seeming to come from
beside her said :
" You will make known this Cross, and you will carry
A few seconds later everything disappeared "in a
flash". She took a scrap of paper to write down those three words
she did not understand.
For nearly two hours she wept : "How can I make known the Cross ?
How can I tell it to the world ? How can I convince people that
Jesus is there, that His Cross dominates the world ?" And with
regard to His orders : "Nobody will believe me !"
She added : "I thought it was only saints who had apparitions.. I'm
only a poor creature, a repentant sinner."
That same morning, after Mass, Madeleine resolved to ask M. L'Abbé
L'Horset (the parish priest) the meaning of the three Latin words.
He was astonished, asked, in vain, where she had heard them, and
gave her the translation : "Behold the Cross of the Lord."
Madeleine became very sad, she no longer felt any spiritual presence
during Mass, and thought she would never again see that wonderful
Cross. She felt abandoned but stayed calm and in great peace. That
lasted about two weeks.
Then a great inner joy flooded her soul. She understood the reason :
If Jesus had shown her His Cross, it was not to abandon her, nor was
the Message just for her. But then Madeleine felt torn in two ; her
natural reserve and the order given her by Jesus to make His Cross
known were hard to reconcile. To die would seem to be the solution,
but of course that was only a fleeting thought.
Madeleine now lived through a time of long, profound and generous
reflection : this Cross dominates the world which has no idea of It,
or ignores It, or simply forgets It. And yet It is the world's only
hope. It is there to save us, to remind us of how much Jesus
suffered to redeem us. However, the astonishment and wonder this
vision provoked in Madeleine, were different and did not surpass the
spiritual joy she felt since April 1970. She writes :
"Real happiness is spiritual joy, it is to unite one's spirit to
Jesus' Spirit, it is to let oneself be lead by the Holy Spirit like
a child by its mother."
She adds charitably in her prayers : "Make known to all those who
receive You in Holy Communion the spiritual joy You have given me,
that they may, like me, draw from each Communion the true joys of
your presence."
On Holy Thursday, March 30th 1972, Madeleine went to confession and
told the priest, who had rather insisted on knowing, her vision of
the Cross. "It is sometimes difficult to keep such a secret," she
wrote. She did not tell her eighty-three years old mother nor her
Wednesday, November 8th 1972 at 4.35 a.m.
Madeleine prayed with her arms spread in a cross at her
The "luminous Cross", wonderfully beautiful, of a brilliance and
limpidity to which no light on earth could be compared, took shape,
but it was not preceded by a dazzling light as on the first
And she heard a voice very close to her, very gentle and very sad,
say :
"Penance, penance, it is time to save all those sinners
who do not love Jesus..."
And she was told a secret regarding an approaching
menace to humanity. She wrote : "The world is so confused by ever
increasing progress that the Creator is forgotten... And yet, Jesus
will come and save the world and its sadness by the Cross. The
sufferings and miseries will come to an end. Then it will be the end
- peace... Yes, how marvellous to discover that heavenly light which
will have no evening. But to attain all the wonders which God has
announced, one must have a pure heart : it is time to convert, to do
Madeleine felt so sad she could not help crying. Coming out of Mass,
the priest approached her, a thing he never did ordinarily, and
asked her : "Why are you so sad ?" Madeleine, put at ease, then told
him the reason.
Thursday, December 7th 1972 at 4.35 a.m.
In the same place, a dazzling light like a flash of
lightening and the wonderful Cross took shape for the third time and
Madeleine heard a voice from on high :
"Audivi vocem de caelo dicentem mihi..."
(Translation : "I heard a voice from heaven which said to me.")
"Tell the priest to erect in this place the Glorious Cross, and at
its foot a sanctuary. Everyone will come here to repent and to find
Peace and Joy."*
Tuesday, December 19th 1972 at 4.35 a.m.
The fourth vision of the Cross with this announcement
in a very gentle voice as usual :
"You will see this Cross three more times."
Wednesday, December 20th 1972 at 4.35 a.m.
Fifth vision of the Cross, and a very gentle voice
which seemed to be beside her :
"Tell the priest that the Glorious Cross, raised on
this spot, has to be comparable to Jerusalem."
Thursday, December 21st 1972 at 4.35 a.m.
The sixth vision of the Cross, still in the same place,
at the same time and in the same way. The voice seemed to be beside
her :
"Would you be so kind as to tell the Bishop that the
priest must not leave his parish before carrying out the task which
is asked of him."
Madeleine gazed at the Cross for about 15 to 18
minutes. She said : "This marvellous light does not hurt the eyes,
it only dazzles the spirit." Then she heard :
"Find three people, and together say the rosary for the
erection of the Glorious Cross, here, on the border of the Dozulé
Note : From that day, Sisters B. and M. said the rosary
with the priest, and were told about the apparitions.
Wednesday evening, December 27th 1972 at 7.00 p.m.
(Feast of St John Evangelist)
Madeleine left the sacristy of the parish church with
the priest, and saw the luminous Cross, much smaller and seemingly
higher in the sky. Some seconds after, at Its foot, an oval cloud
formed, then the Cross disappeared suddenly and a human form stood
on the cloud : "Never have I seen anything so beautiful. His Head
was inclined and His Hands stretched out towards me as though
welcoming me." She heard :
"Don't be afraid, I am Jesus of Nazareth, the Risen Son
of Man... Be so good as to repeat this : "O sorte nupta prospera
Magdalena !" "Annuntiate virtutes ejus qui vos de tenebris vocavit
in admirabile Lumen Suum."
(Translation from the Latin : "O Madeleine, whom a
happy fate has made a spouse ! Proclaim the wonders of Him who has
called you from shadows to His marvellous light.")
And Madeleine wrote : "I was able to admire this marvel
for a few more seconds, then everything disappeared suddenly... I
longed for time to stand still... then I would not have been the
only one to see Jesus this evening of December 27th ; all mankind
could have admired this Beauty... all would have had the same
longing as I : to contemplate Him for all eternity...
"His eyes are full of love, gentleness and sadness at the same time,
and His voice is of an incomparable sweetness... And everyone will
see Him one Day soon, coming on a cloud, and on that Day the face of
the earth will be dazzled. It is time to lift your heads, there is
still time to be saved... We are all one spirit in God. Jesus has
deigned to visit me... He is as present to you, but our bodies get
in the way and cannot perceive the spiritual..."
Note : Madeleine has decorated the church and arranged
the flowers for a wedding, a task assigned to her because the nuns
were absent and which should have been done the previous day, if
Father L'Horset had had time to explain to her where the flower
vases and ornaments were kept.

Tuesday, June 12th 1973 at 7.00 p.m. in the Chapel
Madeleine finished the recitation of the rosary with
the Sisters and the priest. She felt a breeze brush her cheek,
thought it was a draught but, intrigued, asked the priest if he too
had felt this breeze. After his reply to the negative, the light "of
dazzling beauty", appeared where the Tabernacle was. Jesus appeared,
His hands extended in welcome and said :
"Be so kind as to come here."
(Madeleine went up to Him.)
"Say this aloud : "
(He dictated it slowly, word by word :)
"I am the First and the Last and the Living One, and
All that has been given you : I am Love, Peace, Joy, Resurrection
and Life. Kiss the people present here for love and out of charity
for your neighbour."
"Be so kind as to repeat this :
"Attendite quod in aure auditis, praedicate super tecta. Per te,
Magdalena, civitas Dozulea decorabitur per Sanctam Crucem et
aedificat Sanctuarium Domino in monte ejus. Terribilis est locus
(Translation : Listen ! What you hear in
your ear, proclaim it from the housetops. Through you, Madeleine,
the city of Dozulé will be adorned by the Holy Cross, and it will
build a sanctuary to the Lord on His hill. How awesome is this place
"Kiss the ground three times in penitence for
Jesus was very sad. He looked for a long time at the
three persons present and said :
"Say this aloud to the persons who are saying the
rosary with you : " (the two Sisters and the priest)
"Make haste to tell the world what you have seen and heard in My
Name. Order the Bishop to announce My Law, so that the Glorious
Cross may be raised and the Sanctuary of Reconciliation be built on
the precise spot where Madeleine has seen it six times, then all
come to it in procession."
Then Jesus lifted up His arms, the hands turned towards
Madeleine, eyes fixed on the distance ; He said :
"When this Cross is raised up on earth, I shall draw
everything to Me."
Then he lowered His hands and arms in an attitude of
welcome and said :
"Be so kind as to come here each First Friday : I will
visit you until the erection of the Glorious Cross."
Madeleine worshipped Him for a moment, then rising a
little, He disappeared.
Friday, July 6th 1973 at 7.05 p.m.
In the Chapel, Jesus appeared in place of the
Tabernacle. His hands stretched out to Madeleine in welcome. He
smiled for a long time at her, with a very sweet smile, and a look
of marvellous kindness. He raised His right hand towards her, placed
the other on His breast and said :
"Be so kind as to repeat this :
"Misit Dominus manum suam et dixit mihi : "Spiritus Domini docebit
vos quaecumque dixero vobis."
(Translation : " The Lord stretched out His
hand and said to me : The Spirit of the Lord will teach you
everything I have said to you.")
"Go and tell the Bishop everything I have dictated, and
the Lord's servant will have spoken a language which is foreign to
"But, Lord", said Madeleine, "I don't remember it any
more !"
"Remember this word of Mine : You will witness in my
Name, and you will not need to practise what you have to say, for I
shall be with you."
Then Jesus desappeared.
First Friday of August 1973
Jesus did not come.
Madeleine left the Chapel weeping, could not sleep and thought she
had not done what Jesus asked of her - to go to the Bishop.
She went a few days later, with the priest and Sister B., hesitant
and anxious. Once there, the Holy Spirit brought everything back to
mind and the Bishop said : "If this comes from God it will persist."
She was happy to have accomplished what Jesus asked of her, and in
the car going back to Dozulé, there was great joy.
"Without You, Holy Spirit, nothing exists, nothing is
possible. We are only darkness. But when one possesses You : all is
joy, all is love, all is possible."
Friday September 7th 1973 at 7.00 p.m.
In the Chapel the light appeared in the place of the
Blessed Sacrament, then Jesus, smiling with such a sweet smile.
"Make a genuflection and greet Him... Rejoice, Jesus of
Nazareth, the Risen Son of Man is there, in front of me, surrounded
with light... His hands and His countenance shine like the Sun, His
look is all love and kindness... and this is what the First and the
Last and the Living One says to all of you who are witnesses :
"Rejoice, rejoice without ceasing in the Lord. May your
joy be known to all men. Rejoice as the Lord's servant present here
overflows with joy in the light she discovers... Be humble, patient,
(Then looking more serious :)
"Kiss the ground three times in penance for Iniquity."
Jesus looked so sad. He always looked at the people in
the Chapel so sadly, as though He saw the world. Madeleine asked Him
why, and He answered :
"I am sad because of the lack of faith in the world,
because of all those who do not love my Father..."
(Then very slowly :)
"Say this aloud :
"Go everyone in procession to the exact spot where the Lord's
servant saw the Glorious Cross, and every day say this HUMBLE
PRAYER, followed by a decade of the rosary." (One "Our Father" and
ten "Hail Marys") Then Jesus said :
"Say the whole rosary, you and the people who say it
with you."
Dictated very slowly, gravely and firmly :
- Mercy, my God, on those who blaspheme You : forgive
them, they know not what they do.
- Mercy, my God, for the scandal in the world : deliver them from
the spirit of Satan.
- Mercy, my God, on those who run away from You : give them
appreciation for the Holy Eucharist.
- Mercy, my God, on those who will come repentant to the Glorious
Cross : may they find there Peace and Joy in God Our Saviour.
- Mercy, my God, so that your Kingdom may come, but save souls,
there is still time... for the time is drawing near, see, I am
coming... Amen. Come, Lord Jesus."
Madeleine was in tears. Jesus looked at her sadly while
she recited the rosary. After it, He said :
"Lord, pour out on the whole world the treasures of
Your infinite Mercy."
"Be so kind as to repeat this :
"Vos amici mei estis, si feceritis quae Ego praecipio vobis... Each
time that you bear witness in my Name, be so good as to repeat
Madeleine said : "Lord, I shall do as You will."
(Translation : "You are My
friends, if you do what I command you.")
Friday October 5th 1973 at 7.00 p.m.
In the Chapel, Jesus took the place of the Blessed
Sacrament. There was neither altar nor monstrance. The Lord appeared
quite near to Madeleine, slightly raised, His feet resting on a flat
stone with some pebbles beside it. His right foot a little forward,
uncovered nearly to the ankle, the left foot mostly hidden by the
robe, which was held in by a cord. The neckline, which was round and
gathered, revealed the neck, the sleeves were rather wide like an
alb, the robe was all in one. His hair, rather long, fell to His
shoulders, His hands were full of light, like His countenance, which
was marvellous, everything else was white. His look was love and
kindness shining like the sun.
("I underline this phrase, I have it from Jesus," wrote
He smiled at her, His hands stretched out in welcome.
Madeleine genuflected, bowed to Him, then knelt down and made the
sign of the Cross. ("I do it automatically, without Him asking me to
: doubtless it is He who makes me do it : I have to do it,"
explained Madeleine.)
He stayed some moments without speaking. She marvelled
at this vision, and He said :
"Tell the people here to say with you the prayer I have
taught them, followed by a decade of the rosary :
- Mercy, my God, on those who blaspheme You : forgive
them, they know not what they do.
- Mercy, my God, for the scandal of the world : deliver them from
the spirit of Satan,
- Mercy, my God, on those who run away from You : give them
appreciation for the Holy Eucharist.
He who does the will of my Father and who eats this Bread will live
for ever in this Light...
- Mercy, my God, on those who will come repentant to the Glorious
Cross : may they find there Peace and Joy in God Our Saviour.
- Mercy, my God, so that your Kingdom may come, but save souls,
there is still time... for the time is drawing near, see, I am
coming... Amen. Come, Lord Jesus."
Jesus quietly recited the decade of the rosary with
Madeleine, who waited for each Hail Mary, and who wrote : "It was so
moving to say the rosary with Jesus, that I had never said it before
so slowly." Then Jesus said :
"Lord, pour out on the whole world the treasures of
Your infinite Mercy."
Madeleine observed : "I believe I did not repeat this
phrase so absorbed was I by the wonderful presence of Jesus. I could
stay endlessly admiring Him without saying anything, or asking for
anything ; besides, there is nothing to ask ; I neither hear nor
move, and when Jesus is there, I am no longer on this earth. I
neither see nor think of anything round me... no words can explain
what I feel... one has the impression that in this clear light one
could see to the depths of the universe or of eternity.
I can assure anyone who doubts, that there is certainly another
world than the one we see, and the one we do not see is the more
Jesus added :
"Say this aloud :
"The Glorious Cross," (Here He looked round at those present)
"raised on the high ground, must be comparable to the city of
Jerusalem by its vertical dimension. Its arms must stretch from East
to West. It should be all lit up..."(And with a grave expression)
"Thus is the Sign of the Son of Man..."
"At a hundred metres from the site of the Glorious Cross in the
direction of the right arm dig down, water will come out there. You
will all come and wash as a sign of purification..."
Leaning towards Madeleine, without telling her to say
it aloud :
"Always be joyful, don't bewail the general cataclysm
of this generation, because all this must happen. But behold the
Sign of the Son of Man in the sky. And now the time of the nations
must be accomplished. All will beat their breasts. After the
evangelisation of the whole world, then I shall return in glory."
He looked at Madeleine, smiled and disappeared.
Friday, November 2nd 1973 at 7.00 p.m.
In the Chapel, Jesus appeared with His hands open,
lifted His arms in the form of a Cross, His head bent slightly
towards the right as though He were about to be crucified ; there
were no wounds - in fact I have never seen His wounds. He said :
"Dozulé will be, henceforth, a blessed and holy town...
You are living in a time of supreme effort by Evil against Christ.
Satan has been let out of his prison. He has taken possession of the
whole earth."
Jesus always speaks to me very slowly. That day, His
voice was very, very grave. I was very sad to see Him like that.
Then He said to me :
"Gog and Magog, their number is incalculable. Whatever
happens, do not worry. All will be thrown into the fire for
eternity... Blessed are they who are captivated only by the Supreme
Then Jesus lowered His arms and hands and resumed his
usual position, that is with His hands held out towards me, and He
said :
"This message is for you :
"Blessed the one who is captivated only by the Supreme God, for My
Father is only Goodness. He forgives the greatest sinner at the last
moment of His life... Tell those who are dying repentant, that the
greater the sin, the greater is My mercy. At the very moment when a
soul leaves its body, it finds itself in this splendid Light. Tell
them - Jesus' words."
Jesus smiled at her for a long while, left her a
serious message for the Bishop, and told her something concerning
herself personally... Then Jesus disappeared.
Friday December 7th 1973
Jesus did not come.
Madeleine waited a long time. At 7.45 p.m. she left the Chapel. She
knows, however, that He is always there, present in our day to day
living. She wrote : "My Jesus if you knew how I love you ! and He
Friday, January 4th 1974 at 4.15 p.m.
Madeleine, who came at about 2.00 p.m. to do some
ironing at the Convent, first went to the Chapel to adore Jesus. She
left and came back about 3.00 p.m., "as though something impelled
me" ; she felt riveted to her place, inclined to stay ther
indefinitely ; she heard 4.15 p.m. chime...
She was about to begin the last decade of the rosary,
when she suddenly became blind, felt her heart pounding and cried
out to the priest who, at that moment, was there with Sister M.
"What's happening to me ? I can't see any more... I'm frightened
!... what time is it ?... I want to go home."
She heard the priest come to her. He said later : "I
came near her, and she certainly gave every sign of being blind ;
she seemed to be quite lost in darkness, her eyes without light, her
face wan, confused and panicky. I tried to reassure her, thinking
that it was the first episode of a mystical phenomenon rather than
an unexpected trial." "Just wait a few moments it will pass." I
asked Sister M. to fetch Sister B. who came immediately."
However Madeleine was not reassured. She wrote later :
"I said to myself : you can see that it's not he who is in my place
! I asked myself what would become of me, I thought of my family, my
children... how miserable I felt. Jesus did tell me that I should
suffer for sinners one day after a visit. He didn't tell me I would
become blind. He told me what would happen to my body and how,
particularly, I would suffer in spirit... what I
said was out of fright...
I didn't think, either, that it came from Jesus, it wasn't the time,
because before it was 7 o'clock in the evening when I saw Him.
Then in this terrible anguish, in the darkness, not only of sight
but of spirit, joy flooded my being."
The priest said : "her eyes which were dull recovered
their sparkle, her sorrow was transformed into an immense joy, and
indescribable peace."
She wrote : "I imagine it's the same for someone
suffering on his deathbed : when the soul leaves its body, it
suffers no more, but suddenly finds itself in this gentleness, this
spiritual light, it is transfigured with Jesus."
Then the light appeared as usual in place of the Blessed Sacrament,
"still more beautiful, more shining, and purer than usual"...
Madeleine, who was at the back of the Chapel thought : "I am in His
hands, we are all in His hands, He is Master and does what He wills
with us ; we must thank Him for all the graces He gives us, if we
can see, hear, walk, if we have health and are happy, it is thanks
to Him, and Him alone. He can take all that from us in an
And Jesus appeared, His right hand on his Heart, the
left hanging down the side of His body. He smiled at her and said :
"Why are you afraid ? Why do you doubt ? I am here..."
She answered : "Lord, I was afraid because I thought I
was going blind...".
He said :
"Tell them that everyone on earth is like that - in darkness."
And then without telling her to say it aloud :
"Kiss the ground three times in penance for the lack of
Faith." which she did.
Then Jesus, with a slow gesture, took His hand from His Heart, held
it out to her making a sign for her to come nearer and at the same
time He said :
"Come up here and greet Me."
Madeleine went on her knees very near Him and bowed as
He taught her. He said, with His hand on His Heart :
"Be so kind as to repeat this :
"Ecce Dominus noster cum virtute veniet et illuminabit oculos
servorum Suorum. Laetamini, laetamini in Domino, laetamini cum
Magdalena. Paratum cor ejus : "Speravi in Domino, ut se simplicitas
prodit amabilis."
(Translation : "See Our Lord will come with
power and will enlighten the eyes of His servants. Rejoice, rejoice
in the Lord, rejoice with Madeleine. Her heart is ready : "I have
hoped in the Lord, so that a loving simplicity may reflect Him.")
Then without telling her to repeat it aloud :
"Every time you return to your place after each
Communion, put your left hand on your heart, and your right hand
across it."
While He explained it, Jesus made the gesture ... He
smiled at her for a few instants and disappeared.
First Friday, February 1974
Jesus did not appear.
March 1st 1974 from 3.30 to 3.40 p.m.
The priest, three Sisters, and four ladies were present
in the Chapel. "Here is the Light", said Madeleine. Jesus appeared
as usual in the same place as though to welcome Madeleine. He smiled
at her for a few moments, He raised His eyes to heaven, with a grave
and faraway look. He said :
"Be so good as to repeat this :"
He raised His arms in a cross, a little bit higher, and
said very slowly, each phrase being repeated by Madeleine :
"Ecce cujus imperti Nomen est in aeternum. Quae videt
Me, videt et Patrem Meum, Magdalena !" "Annuntiate virtutes ejus qui
vos de tenebris vocabit in admirabile Lumen Suum. Nolite timere,
Deum benedicite, et cantate Illi."
(Translation : "Behold Him whose Name is of
eternal Reign. Who sees Me sees My Father. Madeleine ! Announce the
marvels of Him who has called you from darkness into His admirable
Light. Don't be afraid, bless the Lord and sing to Him")
Jesus continued :
"I am the Light of the world, and the Light shines in
the darkness, and the darkness did not understand Me."
"Penance, penance, penance ; kiss the ground three times in
penitence for the lack of faith in the world."
Then He assumed His usual position :
"Today Jesus of Nazareth, the Risen Son of Man, is
visiting me for the eighth time. His hands, His face shine like the
sun, His clothes are brilliantly white, His look is Love and
Kindness. Love your neighbour as I love you ; your look should be
love and kindness for each one of you. Kiss someone present with
love and charity."
Madeleine kissed the first person there, it was Sister
M. de l'A., superior general of B. Then Jesus added :
"This gesture is a sign of love and reconciliation for
the whole world. Rejoice, Mary, said the Archangel Gabriel at the
Conception of the Son of Man."
Then in a very grave voice :
"Truly I say to you, today it is the same. Rejoice,
because the time is near when the Son of Man will come back in
glory. Rejoice, rejoice in the Lord without ceasing, may your joy be
known to all men because of the words you have just heard, because
of My Name."
Then some moments after :
"Let each of you, in the silence of your heart, ask God
for the grace you desire ; this very day it will be granted you."
Madeleine stayed some moments in silence. Then she
listened to the very serious words Jesus said to her. She did not
dare to repeat them because of their gravity ; she confided them to
the priest on leaving the Chapel. In the same attitude, Jesus went
on :
"Tell the Church that she must renew her message of
PEACE to the whole world, because the hour is grave. Satan is
directing the world, he seduces minds, makes them capable of
destroying humanity in a few moments. If humanity does not resist
him, I shall give him leave to act, and it will be a catastrophe,
such as has not been since the Deluge, and this will be before the
end of the century. All those who come to repent at the foot of the
Glorious Cross will be saved . Satan will be destroyed ; thereafter
it will be only Peace and Joy."
Then He disappeared.
Friday, April 5th 1974 at 3.40 p.m.
In the Chapel the halo of light formed in place of the
monstrance, then Jesus appeared, His hands outstretched as though to
welcome Madeleine, who was lost in admiration of Him. "It is so
wonderful." He smiled at her. She asked Him aloud :
"If you are Christ, why do I never see your Wounds ?"
The priest had told her to ask this question. Jesus
continued to smile at her. She wrote : "What a mysterious sweetness
I felt at that moment, I didn't feel I was any longer on earth."
Jesus then raised His right hand and said :
"Peace be with you. Say this aloud : (Then, reverting
to His usual position and no longer smiling, He said :)
"Jesus asks : why this anxiety, why do these thoughts arise in You ?
You, priests who have the charge of accomplishing what I ask of you,
is it easier to cry miracle on seeing water springing from the hill,
than to hear the Lord's servant saying words she does not understand
? Men of little faith, remember My Words."
Jesus' voice was severe :
"Those who come in my Name will speak languages unknown to them."
After a little silence, and without telling her to
repeat it :
"Don't have any doubt, get up, touch my hands."
Madeleine rose, Jesus offered her His left hand, then
His right hand. She wrote :
"So I took His two hands in mine."
(The people present saw Madeleine stretch out her
hands, to the right and then to the left, on each side of the
monstrance as though to take Christ's hands.)
He said to me :
"Do not doubt any more. A spirit has no hand, no
Madeleine went back to her place and knelt down. Jesus said :
"Say this to them (She repeated it aloud) : Do not
doubt any longer, it is indeed the Risen Jesus that I am seeing
today for the seventh time(*). I have just touched His hands."
(*) The 14th, 15th and 16th apparitions present some
confusion concerning the manner of counting "visits" or "visions" of
Our Lord.
- at the 14th was said : "Jesus is visiting me for the 8th time",
and here the 7th apparition is counted as a visit.
- at the 15th was said : "I see Him for the 7th time", and here the
7th apparition is not counted, nor is the 13th apparition where
Madeleine did not "see".
- at the 16th was said : "He visits me for the 17th time" and here
the 7th apparition is counted as 2 visits of Christ in Glory, and
the 6 first visions of the Glorious Cross are counted as visits (6 +
2 + 8 + the 16th = 17times).
Then in response to the wish of those who did not know
where to dig the pool, Madeleine asked aloud : "Lord, where must we
dig to find the water ?" He answered :
"The Glorious Cross must be raised on the high mound,
nearest to the limit of the Dozulé territory, at the exact spot
where there is a fruit tree, The Tree of Sin, because the Glorious
Cross will liberate from all sin. Its arms must extend to the East
and the West. Each arm must measure 123 metres and its height be six
times as much. It is from the radius of 123 metres, space occupied
by the Cross, that the 100 metres must be measured. Then, dig a pool
2.00 x 1.50 metres and 1 metre deep. Make an enclosure. Water will
well up."
Then Jesus added :
"If your heart is dry, then there will be little water,
and few will be saved."
"Vos amici mei estis si feceritis quae Ego praecipio vobis, dixit
Dominus" (Translation : "You are My friends if you do what I command
you, says the Lord.")
"Put your left hand on your heart and the right hand
over it."
Then Jesus disappeared and Madeleine went back to her
place. She wanted to shout out her joy, she wept with joy and said
to the priest and another person present, as they left the Chapel :
"Jesus is really alive. Risen in the flesh, I touched His hands.
They are hands of flesh like ours, they are warm... I want to
sing..." At her request they sang the Magnificat. "I have been
ordered to say nothing, one must obey the priests and bishops. That
is what has restrained me. I would have liked to shout out my joy to
everyone, so as to give the joy of the Risen Jesus to all who
Good Friday, April 12th 1974
After agreement between Sister B. and the owner of the
meadow, three men came in the afternoon to dig the pool. It was cold
and on a spirit stove at the bottom of the hole being excavated,
Sister B. warmed up some coffee for the volunteers.
Friday, May 3rd 1974, 5.10 to 5.25 p.m.
Jesus appeared, His hands extended towards Madeleine.
He smiled at her and she was very happy ; she would have stayed
indefinitely in His presence. He said :
"Say this aloud : The priest is not mistaken ; this
crooked tree is the symbol of sin. Pull it up before any fruit
appears, and make haste to have the Glorious Cross raised in its
place, because the Glorious Cross will free from all sin."
Madeleine said : "A moment later Jesus joined His hands
on His Breast. He looked at me sorrowfully, I saw two tears flow
from His eyes. I wept then ; Jesus was so sad." Then He said :
"Woe to the whole of humanity if there is no water in
the pool within fifty days of its completion, because Satan is
hindering the purification of most people. Remember what I said, I
shall leave him free to act because of the lack of faith." A moment
later :
"Tell the Church to send the Message all over the world and to hurry
in erecting, at the place indicated, the Glorious Cross and, at its
foot, a sanctuary. Everyone will come there to repent and find Peace
and Joy. The Glorious Cross, or the Sign of the Son of Man, is the
announcement of the approaching return in glory of the Risen Jesus.
When this Cross will have been raised from the ground, I will draw
everything to Myself."
"Find eleven persons in this blessed and holy town ; they will be My
disciples. They will beg from door to door in My Name for the
elevation of the Glorious Cross. And here are the orders which each
disciple will respect :
- work until the erection of the Glorious Cross,
- be humble, patient, charitable, so that you may be recognized as
My disciples,
- don't look for any personal advantage, only to have the Glorious
Cross raised, because everyone who comes to it to repent will be
Then, without specifying that she should repeat it :
"Tell the priest that I am visiting you for the
seventeenth time, for the Glorious Cross is also the Risen Jesus."
Then He disappeared.
Note : The priest and Madeleine had in vain climbed the
hill together to try and pinpoint the exact site of the Cross. They
then made use of electric torches pointed towards the sky. Madeleine
stayed at the window from which she had six times seen the Cross,
and she directed the priest as he climbed the hill. This brought him
to a little round knoll, surrounded by a ditch which is in fact, at
the limit of the Dozulé territory. There remained to establish the
exact spot on this knoll where the Lord asked for the implantation
of the Cross. The priest thought that this could well be at the
crooked apple tree. But he wasn't sure and could not sleep that
night thinking about it. Jesus here confirms how right he was.
The pool had been dug by counting 223 metres on a
string tied to the trunk of the apple tree. The appearance of water
in this pool became the essential preoccupation. They even forgot to
go to the site of the Cross. They made a novena after Pentecost for
this water which still didn't come.
One night Madeleine and Sister M. dreamed that the water had
appeared in the pool. They told the priest in the morning, and he
replied : "What beautiful dreams you have, Sister !" The previous
evening he had seen that there was no water in the pool. All the
same, Madeleine climbed the hill, and saw that the water really was
there, a lot of it. It was 30 centimetres deep. They inquired at the
meteorological station which replied that it hadn't rained during
the night, and that such a depth of water could not be obtained by a
Friday, May 31st 1974 from 9.45 to 10.05 a.m.
Madeleine did not expect to see Jesus because it was
not the First Friday. But every morning she went to the Chapel to
visit Jesus after taking the children to school. Shortly before
communion, Sister B. came to fetch the priest for a sick person. He
didn't expect to be absent long.
Suddenly, the halo of light appeared in place of the tabernacle. It
was wider and seemed lower than the previous times, and it seemed to
be awaiting someone. Madeleine said to Sister B. whom she fetched :
"There is someone there, but it isn't Jesus" on seeing someone
appear, "it's someone I don't know." Madeleine added : "I felt
present in the Chapel whereas before I was totally absorbed by the
vision of Christ, unaware of everything round me..."
"This unknown being held a kind of banner, on top a
little cross ; this as well as the shaft was of the same colour and
brilliance as gold. And below the cross a pennant in cloth, it
seemed, carried three words of which I thought I glimpsed the first
and the last : "QUIS... DEUS." The lower end of the shaft was
pointed like a lance or a pike. The personnage had short curly hair,
ressembling a soldier's. His tunic was short, his right hand held
the middle of the shaft, a kind of thong was fastened round his
I asked him : "Who are you ?"
"I greet you ", and he bowed his head to me.
"I am Michael the Archangel,
God has sent me.
You will see the Mysteries of the Redeemer
and you will repeat each phrase,
one after the other,
as I dictate them to you."
Madeleine said : "If God has sent you, I will obey
Still visible, the Archangel said :
"Per Mysterium Sanctae Incarnationis Tuae."
("By the Mystery of Thy Holy Incarnation")
And he desappeared.
Madeleine said : "I saw someone kneeling, robed all
in white. I thought it was an angel. He was looking at a beautiful
young girl, with a kerchief on her head. On seeing the angel, she
bowed, and stayed with her head bent. She put one hand over the
other on her breast, in the same way that the Lord taught me. I
particularly noticed this gesture which struck me. A few seconds
later, everything disappeared.
Then I saw the Angel again who said :
"Per Nativitatem Tuam."
("By Thy Nativity")
The Archangel disappeared.
Madeleine then saw a baby in a reed cradle, or on
straw arranged like a cradle ; there were many people around in
long robes, who seemed to admire Him... then everything faded.
She saw the Archangel in the same place, and concludes that he is
always there, but disappears from sight because of the importance
of the living picture shown her.
Before disappearing he said :
"Per Baptismum et Sanctum Jejunium Tuum."
("By Thy Baptism and Holy Fast")
Jesus was accompanied by a tall man, though not as
tall as Jesus. He was dressed in a kind of cape or shorthaired
fur. I saw water flowing like a river. This man held a ladle by
its handle, he took water from the river, and poured it over
Jesus' head ; a few seconds later : Jesus climbed an uphill path,
and at the top, sat down. He crossed His hands, raised His eyes to
heaven, as though praying, then everything disappeared.
She saw the Archangel again who said :
"Per Crucem et Passionem Tuam."
("By Thy Cross and Thy Passion")
then disappeared.
On his right shoulder, Jesus painfully carried a very heavy Cross,
walking in the middle of a path. On each side of the path, a crowd
seemed to be laughing. Some raised their hands as though to throw
something at Him.
Jesus didn't fall in spite of the weight of the Cross. I was
surprised ; several times I thought He was going to collapse on
the road, poor Jesus. Then the picture faded.
The Archangel reappeared and said :
"Per Mortem et Sepulturam Tuam."
("By Thy Death and Thy Burial")
before disappearing.
Madeleine saw Jesus on the Cross, apparently dead, the head fallen
forward, the torso naked, a large wound on the right side, and
under the wound a thin rivulet of what seemed to be coagulated
blood. Three persons were at the foot of the Cross, one on each
side, standing, and looking at Jesus' face with grief. The one in
the middle knelt and clasped the foot of the Cross with both
hands, as though she wanted to kiss Jesus' feet, nailed to a
wooden support. Madeleine wept.
Again she saw the Archangel who said :
"Per Sanctam Resurrectionem Tuam."
("By Thy Holy Resurrection")
At that moment, Madeleine saw Jesus alive, and a grat
joy took possession of her. He looked as He did the very first
time, on the evening of December 27th 1972, smiling, His hands
extended towards her in a gesture of welcome and He said :
"I am Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of Man Risen
(and He added) from the dead. Look at My Wounds."
With His right Hand, He drew away the right side of
his robe, even though it had no opening. Madeleine then saw a
large wound but without blood. On the back of his right hand she
saw a small hole. His left hand, held out to her, also had a hole
in the palm, and the same on each foot. Then He said :
"Come near and touch My Side."
Madeleine rose, and put out her right hand, and with
the first and second fingers touched the edge of the Wound, which
seemed deep. She was very moved and said : "Lord, you suffered so
much for us."
She was saddened by the thought that Jesus had suffered so much
for the world, the sin of the world, the ingratitude of the world,
for all of us, poor sinners.
She knelt down again, and Jesus took up His usual position, His
hands held out to her. His robe was back in place ; He said to her
"Say this aloud."
(He dictated each sentence slowly, and she repeated it.)
"Jesus asks you to let the whole world know the prayer He taught
you. He asks that the Glorious Cross and the Sanctuary should be
raised by the end of the Holy Year. (*) For it will be the last
Holy Year. Every year let a solemn feast be celebrated on the day
when Madeleine saw the Cross for the first time. Everyone who,
full of trust, will have come here to repent, will be saved in
this life and for eternity. Satan will have no more power over
A few moments later and in a very grave voice :
"Truly I tell you, My Father has sent Me to save you and to give
you Peace and Joy. Know that I am Love and Compassion." And He
adds : "This is the end of My Message."(*)
(There is a Holy Year every twenty-five years, and 1975 was a Holy
Year.) ( 25rh March 1983 - 22nd April 1984, is an exceptional Holy
Year, announced by Pope John-Paul II, commemoration of 1950th
anniversary of Christ's Resurrection and our Redemption.)
Jesus was still there when the Archangel, without
being visible, said the following words which Madeleine repeated :
"Per Admirabilem Ascensionem Tuam"
("By Thy Admirable Ascension")
At that moment Jesus raised His right Hand over
Madeleine and said :
"Peace be with you and with all who approach you."
Jesus lowered His Hand ; Madeleine saw Him rise
gently and smoothly and then disappear.
Again Madeleine saw the Archangel who said :
"Per Adventum Spiritus Sancti Paracliti."
("By the coming of the Holy Spirit the Paraclete")
He stayed there and said :
"Jesus has just left you. His Message is ended but
you will see Him again."
He added the following which Madeleine repeated aloud :
"Per cujus imperti Nomen est in aeternum, ab omni
malo libera nos Domine."
("By Him Whose Name is of eternal Reign, from all evil deliver us,
O Lord")
The Archangel said to her, without indicating that she should
repeat it ;
"That means : By Him Whose Name is of eternal Reign, from all evil
deliver us, O Lord."
The Archangel said :
"Say this aloud : God reproaches priests for their
slowness in accomplishing their task and for their incredulity,
God has asked them to tell the world the marvels of Him who called
Madeleine from darkness to His admirable Light, for the Glorious
Cross will adorn the town of Dozulé. They have not done this at
all. That is the reason for the lack of water in the pool. A
calamitous drought will fall on the entire world. Let priests
attentively read the Message and scrupulously respect what has
been asked of them."
"Ask the person present to give you a candle." (Sister B.)
When Madeleine was holding the candle, the Archangel said :
"Put the lighted candle on the spot from which Christ has just
left you. Let all who come to this chapel imitate you."
A moment later : "You have the whole day to tell the
priest and people who want to hear you ; you will remember
everything, they will be surprised at your memory. Let the priest
find one person, who will reread the Message three times to him
and repeat it to him ; he will not be able to."
The Archangel looked at Madeleine and continued :
"Write what I am going to say to you when you get
home. You will hand this writing to the priest when he says to you
: "I have an appointment with the Bishop in the week of the Sacred
"Make a novena beginning on the feast of the Sacred Heart. This
novena will consist of one mystery a day -the mysteries which have
been taught to you. Then go and see the Bishop. You will tell him
that God has sent you. Give him the entire Message, that he may
know it fully. The doors will open, the Bishop's heart will melt."
So, in the meantime, Madeleine carefully kept this
writing. On Wednesday June 12th the priest came to tell her : "I
have an appointment with the Bishop next week." She said : "That's
the week of the Sacred-Heart." The priest : "I don't know about
that." Madeleine : "I'm certain of it." There and then she gave
him her writing, the "note" which the Archangel had told her to
She felt impelled to go and see the Bishop, and it was indeed the
week of the Sacred Heart. Altogether they made a Novena beginning
on the feast of the Sacred Heart. Madeleine wanted to go and see
the Bishop."But one can't go and see the Bishop like that, I have
to make an appointment", said the priest, "you must obey."
Madeleine wrote : "One must always obey, but I longed to disobey,
because I know that God gave me this urge. An inexplicable urge
gave me the courage to go there. My disappointment was very
Madeleine wept about it, certain that the Bishop would have
received her. To please men she had disobeyed God. "I think God
reproaches me for it," she said.
She had no means of transport, except a motor-bicycle, and the
Bishop lived quite far away.
She went three months later ; "There was no more urge, the grace
had passed by," she said after.

Friday July 5th 1974
Jesus appeared but remained silent.
Friday, July 19th 1974
The discovery of water in the pool, much more than fifty days
after the warning of May 3rd. (exactly 98 days after...!)
Saturday, August 3rd, 1974
Madeleine was in her garden checking if the laundry
was dry. Going into the house, she heard a faraway voice, coming
from the site of the Cross :
"This is Michael the Archangel, listen to me."
Madeleine knelt down, turned towards the voice :
"Tell the priest to cement three sides of the pool, but not the
bottom. On the fourth side, that of the width, at the end, cement
twenty five centimetres, then make three steps. Let all come in
procession, and not fear to wash in this dusty water, for know
that you are dust, and into dust you will return. But your spirit
will be purified. This water is not a spring, it comes out of the
Happy the man who will come to be purified and not fear to soil
Friday September 6th 1974 in the Chapel
Sister MM. was with Madeleine when she cried out with
joy : "There's the Light !" Then , to the left of the Blessed
Sacrment, appeared St Michael,. He said :
"Greetings !"
Madeleine went on her knees before him, a little to
the left of the Blessed Sacrament. He said :
"Do not come on your knees to me, but before Him whom
you have come to adore."
Madeleine rose, and knelt down before the Blessed
Sacrament. At that moment she saw luminous rays stream from the
Host. They seemed alive, renewing themselves endlessly as they
left the Host, as though from a luminous well-spring. (It was
difficult to put into words). St Michael was somewhat in the
"Do not grieve over little David's eyes. If God wills
he should be like that, it is not because his eyes are closed, but
because his parents'eyes are shut to the Light of Faith. Light a
candle on the spot where the Lord left you last time."
During these words the Sacred-Host never stopped
projecting illuminating rays. Then everything faded.
Note : Little David, with the bad eyes, is
Madeleine's grandson.
A short while before, a lady from Paris, praying in the Basilica
at Lisieux for her son who had lost his Faith, heard : "Dozulé,
Dozulé..." On inquiry, she discovered it referred to a small town
nearby, and went there. The story she told about it to the priest,
disturbed him deeply.
The First Friday of October 1974
Jesus did not appear.
Friday, November 1st 1974. All Saints.
Madeleine went to Mass at 8.00 a.m. in the Church.
Then at 3.30 p.m. she went for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
She returned for Benediction at 8.00 p.m. with little Ghislaine.
At the moment the priest lifted the monstrance for the blessing,
the halo of light formed and the Host sparkled with rays.
Madeleine heard :
"Say this aloud."
(She repeated it aloud.)
"..'Dicite in nationibus...' Tell all nations that
God has spoken by the mouth of His servant. He has revealed to her
that the Great Tribulation is near, for she has seen that the Sign
of the Son of Man which rises in the East is forthwith in the
West... This Sign of the Son of Man is the Lord's Cross. I trell
you truly, the time has come for the world to repent,
such as has never been from the beginning of the world until this
day, and will never be again. When the calamitous drought already
foretold, falls upon the world, only the pool God has caused to be
dug will hold water, not for drinking, but for you to wash as a
sign of purification. And you will all come and repent at the foot
of the Glorious Cross, which God is asking the Church to raise.
Then at that moment, all the nations of the earth
will lament and it is at this Cross that they will find Peace and
After these day of distress then will appear in the
heavens the Son of Man Himself, with great majesty and power, to
gather the chosen from the four corners of the earth.
Blessed the repentant for they will have eternal
Truly, I say to you, heaven and earth will pass, but
My Words will never pass."
Then to Madeleine alone, at the moment when the
priest in a silent prayer, on behalf of the Bishop, was asking for
a sign :
"Tell them there will be no other signs than the Sign
of God Himself ; the only visible sign is the attitude of His
servant and her words which are the words of God, and these words
are irrefutable.
If man does not erect the Cross, I shall make it
appear but there will be no more time."
Then the light disappeared.
Friday February 14th 1975 - First Friday of Lent.
In the Chapel at 3.00 p.m. Jesus appeared preceded by the halo of
light but He said nothing.

Friday, February 21st 1975 at 3.00 p.m.
Jesus appeared, smiled and with a grave manner said :
"Tell the priest that it is in the Name of God and by Him that you
have prophesied. Then, tell him to take the Message to those who
have the charge of carrying it out with confidence and humility,
because there is little time left to do what I am asking."
Friday February 28th 1975 from 3.00 to 3.30 p.m.
Jesus appeared... after a few moments He said :
"Tell the priest : I wish to pour My mercy into human hearts,
first for those who know My Message and then for the whole world.
Those who have the charge of raising the Glorious Cross must not
be blind, for there will be no other sign than this prophetess who
has been called from darkness into Light. Truly, there will not be
any other sign, for this generation is the most hypocritical and
the most wicked."
Friday March 7th 1975 at 4.00 p.m. in the Chapel
"Tell the priest that this town, which is blessed and
sacred, will be protected from every calamity, particularly each
household which says daily the prayer I taught them, followed by a
decade of the rosary."
Then the Lord stopped looking in the priest's direction. He looked
at Madeleine, extended His hands towards her, the right further
forward, and said :
"It is to you that I am speaking (smiling) : "be humble, but don't
accept any help for yourself. You have nothing to expect from this
world, but your joy will be immense in the next."
Friday March 14th 1975 at 3.00 p.m.
"Persevere Madeleine, in prayer, fasting and
abstinence. Persevere without fear of the mockery and slander
which will break out against you, for few believe in the words you
have spoken, but the priest can bear witness that your face
reflects the invisible Presence. After these days of fasting, you
will take on a heavy task."
Madeleine felt a little afraid of this task and said to the Lord :
"What if I cannot accomplish this task ?"
"If I give you a task to do, it is because you will be able to do
"Cross your hands on your breast as I taught you."
Friday, March 21st 1975 at 3.30 p.m.
"Begin tomorrow a novena to prepare yourself for the
task I shall ask of you. This novena consists of one mystery a
day, followed by the prayer I taught you and a decade of the
rosary. Say it with recollection and humility."
Madeleine asked : "Lord, when will you let me know the task I have
to do ?"
"Good Friday."
He smiled at Madeleine and disappeared. He had looked at her with
a grave air, but with extreme sweetness and goodness.
Good Friday, March 28th 1975
Madeleine went to the church at about 11.00 a.m. then
again at 3.00 p.m. for the Stations of the Cross, and at about
5.00 p.m. but Our Lord did not appear. She dreaded the evening
because of the big congregation. At about 8.30 p.m. fifty people
were in church.
Madeleine saw the Light at the top of the church beyond the high
altar, which was now invisible to her. She went towards the Light,
and knelt down before the Lord whose hands were held out to her.
"Say this aloud : Why do you weep over the death of
Jesus Crucified, when today He is living among you ?
"Pray rather, for those who today, even more than in the past,
persecute Him.
"Go back three steps ; you will repeat what I dictate, your arms
Jesus crossed His hands and lifted His eyes to heaven
as though praying ; His eyes were grave and sad, I felt His
- Mercy my God, on those who blaspheme You, forgive
them they know not what they do.
- Mercy my God, for the scandal in the world, deliver them from
the spirit of Satan.
- Mercy my God, for those who today even more that in the past,
persecute You ; pour your mercy into human hearts.
As Jesus lowered His hands, Madeleine saw a sphere
under His feet. He lifted His hands quite high towards the
congregation, and white and red rays poured from His palms. He
said to Madeleine :
"Say this to them : (Madeleine repeated aloud) Know
that Jesus of Nazareth has triumphed over death, that His Reign is
eternal, and that He is coming to conquer the world and time."
Madeleine was filled with great joy. She said : "I
felt that the Lord dominated the earth. It seemed to me that He
came in power and glory, for the sphere under His feet was the
earth." She repeated aloud Jesus'words :
"It is by the Glorious Cross, which Madeleine saw
three years ago today, it is by the Glorious Cross which is the
Sign of the Son of Man, that the world will be saved.
Jesus who is at this moment in your presence, asks that you all go
in procession to the place where the Glorious Cross appeared. Go
and repent ; you will find Peace and Joy there. Jesus asks that
every year a solemn feast be celebrated there - on this day." "Notum
fecit Dominus a Magdalena salutare Suum." ("The Lord has made
known His salvation by Madeleine").
Then to Madeleine alone :
"Write what I am going to say when you get home."
Jesus looked at me and smiled. He held out His right
hand towards me. The earth and the rays had disappeared, His look
was so gentle.
"You have been chosen, Madeleine, to be the reflection of My Love.
That is why you have been set all on fire. After this wonderful
day, will you be so kind as to carry out an important task ?"
Madeleine said aloud : "May your will be done."
"Have written out three hundred and twenty times the prayer I
taught you, and be my apostle.
Go and tell each household in this town, right up to its borders,
that Jesus of Nazareth has triumphed over death, that His Reign is
eternal, and that He is coming to conquer the world and time.
"Say this aloud : You are living in the times when every event is
the Sign of the written Word.
And without telling Madeleine to repeat it aloud :
"I want them to say the prayer
every day followed by a decade of the rosary. Each
household that says it with great confidence will be protected
from every cataclysm, then I will pour My mercy into hearts.
If they ask you who sent you, say that it is Jesus of Nazareth,
the Risen Son of Man. Remember, don't be afraid of humiliations,
slander and mockery which will surge up round you. You will be
hated for My Name's sake, but persevere to the end. If you wish,
take someone with you. You have plenty of time to carry out this
task. Your family should not suffer from it, because this last
Holy Year will not end until after the raising of the Glorious
Cross. But those who have the charge of raising it should hurry,
because the time is near. Do not return to a household whose door
has been closed to you.
Say this out loud ; Sin came into the world because of man. This
is why I ask man to erect the Glorious Cross.
Tell them that afterwards I will return in glory, and you will see
Me as My servant sees Me."
Then Jesus desappeared.
Madeleine rose and found herself in church. When she turned round
and saw all eyes on her, she did not dare to go back to her place
; the priest made her a sign to go to the side aisle.
Note : After the celebration of the Passion at 8.30
p.m., the priest strongly recommended the congregation to keep
silent about what they had seen and heard, and which they didn't
understand. He added that any who wanted an explanation should
come and see him in private. Although the recommendation was
respected, it gave rise to false interpretations. This
recommendation annulled the preparation which Christ had just made
with these people - and with others later, - a preparation
destined to facilitate the important task that He had told
Madeleine to carry out.

Friday, April 11th 1975 at 3.00 p.m.
"Tell the priest : I desire that the whole world know
the Message. The priests should speak openly and without fear, for
nothing must be hidden which should be revealed."
Friday, May 2nd, 1975 at 5.45 p.m. in the Chapel
Madeleine was alone : She saw, all of a sudden from her place, the
Sacred Host send out red and white rays constantly moving in
perpetual renewal ; they were not immobile like the sun's rays.
There was no Message, nor a voice, however the monstrance had
disappeared to give way to the rays.
Friday, May 30th 1975 at 3.00 p.m. in the Chapel
"Tell the Priest that the era when I resuscitated
bodies is no more, but the moment has come when I must resuscitate
spirits. Those who claim, in the world today, to resuscitate
bodies and heal them in My Name, are not worthy of My Father in
"Madeleine, go and proclaim My Message to Dozulé. The task which I
have given you, you must accomplish. Don't be afraid, I will give
you the strength to do it."
"My Father has blessed and consecrated this town, and everyone who
will come and repent at the foot of the Glorious Cross, I will
resuscitate them in the spirit of My Father. They will find here
Peace and Joy."
"The first nun who kisses you as you bring the Message, does not
believe in the words you say. She under-estimates you. Don't mind
too much. Be charitable."
Friday June 27th 1975 at 3.15 p.m.
"Ask the Nun who does not live in this town, to be so
kind as to come here on Friday. Will she please bring writing
materials. By your mouth, I will communicate a Message to her."
Friday, July 4th 1975 at 3.50 p.m.
The priest had just announced the third decade of the
The Light appeared and then Jesus. He looked at Madeleine and then
at Sister John of Arc who had come with writing materials :
"Say this aloud : This is what the nun must write :
this letter is addressed to the Head of the Church. It is Jesus of
Nazareth who is dictating it through the mouth of His servant. He
says :
"Blessed are those called by My Father who have found Peace and
Joy on the land of Dozulé, but how great will be the number when
the entire world will come to repent at the foot of the Glorious
Cross, which I am asking you to raise.
For the era when I resuscitated bodies is no more, but the moment
has come when I must resuscitate spirits.
Understand this well : In the days which preceded the Deluge,
people didn't suspect anything until the arrival of the flood
which carried them all off. But today you have been warned, you
are living in the times of which I said :
On this earth there will be disasters of all kinds : Iniquity is
the cause of misery and famine, nations will be in anguish, there
will be portents and phenomena in heaven and on the earth. So, be
ready because Great Tribulation is near, such as has never been
since the beginning of the world until today, and which will never
be again.
I tell you, this young generation will not pass before all this
happens. But do not be afraid, for behold in the heavens the Sign
of the Son of Man which Madeleine saw shining from the East to the
West. You, Head of Churches, in truth I tell you, it is by this
Cross set up over the world, that nations will be saved.
My Father has sent Me to save, and the moment has come when I must
pour My mercy into human hearts.
(Then in a low voice to Madeleine alone :)
"My Message must not sleep at the bottom of a drawer, but be Truth
and Light for the whole world."
(Then aloud ) : "This Glorious Cross must be raised by the end of
the Holy Year. And this Holy Year must be extended until the
elevation of the Glorious Cross.
Thus ends My Message. I order you to give it yourself to the Head
of the Church, accompanied by a Superior."
Then Jesus disappeared.
The Message was dictated so slowly that Sister John of Arc had
plenty of time to write it. She waited for Monseigneur to order
her to take it to the Holy Father. Madeleine had forgotten its
Friday September 19th 1975
That day the Mother Superior and Sister John of Arc were to be
received by the Bishop at 4.00p.m. After a decade of the rosary,
Madeleine saw the Light at the tabernacle in the Chapel and heard
"Tell the priest, the Nuns and two persons who know
the Message to come here at 5.30 p.m."Then the Light disappeared.
At the hour fixed, the Light appeared, then Jesus. The 2 persons
chosen by the Sisters were there. He said to Madeleine :
"Peace be with you. Make the sign of the Cross."
"Father, may your Will be done on this earth."
"Say this aloud : You priests and nuns entrusted with the Message,
do not let humanity run to perdition. I have asked you to work to
have the Glorious Cross raised. Can't you see that the moment has
come because of the phenomena which follow ? Time is passing, and
My Message remains in darkness. If that is so the number of saved
will be small. But you, who have not carried out My Father's Word,
your chastisement will be great. Because it is by the number of
souls saved that you will be judged.
Don't act by wisdom and reflection, but listen to the folly of the
Message. Because it is by this Message that it pleases God to save
the world. - Do not be like the Jews who ask for signs - . But by
this unique and definitive Message which God has revealed to His
servant. - The words she has said are not of human origin - But
were taught her by the Spirit.
The Moment has come when I must pour my Mercy into human hearts,
but let those who have been entrusted with the Message be
convinced that it is they who are preventing Me because they are
keeping the world in ignorance. Remember, the days will be
shortened because of the elect, but woe to those who do not carry
out the Word of God."
"Take off your shoes and leave the Chapel, and walk
until your feet are resting on earth. Then come back here."
(Madeleine did what Jesus asked her. When she was on her knees
again before Him, He said to her :)
"This ground of Dozulé which My Father has blessed and
consecrated, we are not even worthy to put a foot upon it."
Once again Jesus' face became radiant with goodness and sweetness.
He smiled and said :
"I am the God of goodness and love. My Mercy is infinite. If my
words today are cruel, it is not in order to condemn you. On the
contrary I want to save the world by My Message."
Then Jesus disappeared. At that time that Madeleine
wrote this, Monseigneur was asking the two Sisters for wisdom and
reflection... Jesus answered him here with sadness.

Friday, December 5th 1975 at 6.45 p.m.
It was nearly time for Benediction, the little chapel
was full of people ; Madeleine's joy was so great when she saw the
Light that she could not help crying out : "There's the Light !"
She got up and went before the exposed Blessed Sacrament. Jesus
appeared, His hands held out to her ; she saw only Him. "It is so
beautiful, what an inexpressible sweetness. I can only see Jesus
of Love, I am no longer in the chapel, Nothing else exists, I
think of nothing else, I can no longer feel my body, I feel it is
dead. When one dies I think that is how one will feel. There will
be nothing but my spirit united to that of Jesus." At this moment
Jesus places His Hand on His breast and says :
"Say aloud what you are going to see :
"With His left Hand, Jesus draws aside his robe from
his breast (Jesus smiled and explained) from His Heart flow red
and white rays. His right hand is held out towards us : The flames
from my Heart burn Me, says Jesus. More than ever I want to pour
them out on each of you. This what I promise the whole of
humanity, once they know My Message and put it into practice :
- I will sweeten the bitterness into which the souls
of sinners are plunged.
- I will multiply graces in the souls of priests and nuns because
it is through them that My Message must be made known.
- I will keep devout and faithful souls near to My Heart ; they
comforted Me on the way to Calvary.
- As soon as they know My Message, I will pour out the rays of My
grace on pagans and all those who do not know Me, yet.
- I will draw the souls of heretics and apostates into the Unity
of the Church.
- I will receive children and humble souls into the shelter of My
Heart, so that they will cherish a special love for our Heavenly
- I will grant all sorts of Graces to those who, knowing My
Message, will persevere to the end.
- I will relieve the souls in Purgatory ; My Blood will extinguish
their burns.
- I will bring warmth to the hardest hearts, to frozen souls, to
those who wound My Heart the most deeply.
- I promise all those who come repentant to the foot of the
Glorious Cross, and who say every day the prayer that I have
taught them, that in this life Satan will have no more power over
them, and that after a long period of sinfulness, in an instant
they will become pure and will be children of God for ever.
My Father, Whose Goodness is infinite, wants to save
humanity which is on the edge of the abyss. You must prepare
yourselves through this ultimate Message. Know that it will be at
the moment when you no longer believe in it, that the Message will
be accomplished, because you know neither the day nor the hour
when I shall come back in glory."
Then Jesus took up again His usual position and said
"In twenty days you will begin a novena, it will end
on the first Friday of the month. I shall say every day the prayer
I have just taught you. This novena will prolong the Holy Year."
"In twenty days, yes, oh how happy I am..."
(Red and white rays flowed from the Lord's Heart while He was
dictating His promises.)
Madeleine passed these twenty days in expectation, prayer and
recollection. She counted the days "like a young girl who awaits
her fiancé." She felt united to this Jesus who is all Love, all
Mercy. Her joy was great, a spiritual joy which lifts up to
heaven, and which she asked Jesus to share with all unhappy,
lonely people, with unbelievers.
She wasn't able to sleep on this lovely Eve of Christmas 1975...
"How beautiful was Christmas Day 1975 !"
December 25th 1975, at 3.15 p.m., the first day
Madeleine arrived at the chapel at 3.00 p.m. knowing that Jesus
was coming, her heart beats fast. At 3.15 p.m. the halo of light
formed round the Blessed Sacrament. Madeleine came forward and
knelt down, but Jesus did not appear. She heard, uttered in strong
voice :
"God has spoken to men. Let those who are entrusted
with the Message listen to His voice. Because of their lack of
faith, the whole world will experience great catastrophes, which
will shake the four corners of the earth. What you are
experiencing now is only the beginning of sorrows. Humanity will
not find Peace, so long as it does not know My Message and put it
into practice."
Then Jesus appeared and went on, Madeleine repeating :
"Would you be so kind as to come here for eight consecutive days.
You will make a novena that I will dictate to you each day. My
Father, Whose Goodness is infinite, wants to make His Message
known to the world, in order to avoid the catastrophe. More than
ever I want to pour a flood of My grace on all souls in distress.
And here is what I promise to each of these souls when they know
My Message and put it into practice."
"The first day."
(At the moment Jesus lifted His left hand to His heart and drew
aside His robe ; red and white rays burst forth. The other hand
was held out to Madeleine, towards everyone, towards the world.
Madeleine repeated each sentence.)
"I will sweeten the bitterness into which the souls
of sinners are plunged."
"Say with Me : Our Father..." (Jesus said it all very
slowly with Madeleine)
"Say three times : Hail Mary..." (Madeleine recited these alone)
"Say : "By your sorrowful Passion, Lord, have mercy on us and on
the whole world." "Glory to God in the highest", "Peace and Joy on
earth to the men He loves."
"You will say this every day."
Then Jesus disappeared.
December 26th 1975 at 5.15 p.m., the second day
The Light, then the Lord appeared. Red and white rays pour from
His Heart...
"The second day."
"I will multiply graces in the souls of priest and nuns, because
it is through them that My Message must be made known."
"Our Father..." "Say three times : Hail Mary..." "By your
sorrowful Passion...." "Glory to God..." "Peace and Joy..."
December 27th 1975 at 5.15 p.m. the third day
The Light, then Jesus appeared as usual.
"The third day."
At this moment, brilliant rays sprang, red and white, from His
"I will keep devout and faithful souls near to My Heart ; They
comforted Me on the way to Calvary."
"Our Father..." "3 Hail Marys..." "By your sorrowful Passion,
Lord..." "Glory to God..." "Peace and Joy..."
"Make the sign of the Cross"
"The rays which pour from His Heart must spread over all repentant
sinners, and all those who call upon Him." Madeleine commented.
December 28th 1975 at 5.15 p.m., the fourth day
The Light appeared, then Jesus.
"The fourth day."
As each time, with a slow movement of His left Hand, He revealed
His Heart. At once red and white rays burst forth ; He stretched
out His right Hand of which the palm was visible : Madeleine
repeated what Jesus dictated :
"As soon as they know My Message, I will pour out the rays of My
grace on pagans and all those who do not know Me, yet."
"Our Father..." "3 Hail Marys..." "By your sorrowful Passion,
Lord..." "Glory to God..." "Peace and Joy...."
"Make the sign of the Cross."
December 29th 1975 at 6.30 p.m., the fifth day
Just as Madeleine arrived she saw the Light. Jesus appeared as
"The fifth day" (Rays come out of His Heart)
"I will draw the souls of heretics and apostates into the Unity of
the Church."
"Our Father..." "3 Hail Marys..." "By your sorrowful Passion,
Lord..." "Glory to God..." "Peace and Joy..."
"Make the sign of the Cross"
December 30th 1975 at 5.30 p.m., the sixth day
(The Light appeared. Christ appeared. Red and white rays sprang
from His Heart. He held His right hand out towards those present
and said :)
"The sixth day."
"I will receive children and humble souls into the shelter of My
Heart, so that they will cherish a special love for our Heavenly
"Our Father..." "3 Hail Marys..." "By your sorrowful Passion,
Lord..." "Glory to God..." "Peace and Joy..." "Make the sign of
the Cross."
December 31st 1975 at 5.15 p.m., the seventh day
(The Light, then Jesus appeared, and then red and white rays from
His Heart)
"The seventh day."
"I will grant all sorts of Graces to those who, knowing My Message
will persevere to the end."
"Our Father..." "3 Hail Marys..." "By your sorrowful Passion,
Lord..." "Glory to God..." "Peace and Joy..."
The rays desappeared, His robe fell back into place, and His hands
were once more held out to Madeleine. Jesus said : (without
indicating she should repeat it aloud)
"In three days go and tell the magistrate of this
town that Jesus of Nazareth has triumphed over death, that His
Reign is eternal and that He is coming to conquer the world and
time. If he asks who sent you, say that it is Jesus of Nazareth,
the Risen Son of Man. Take him the Message ; let him get to know
it. Tell him that God entrusts him to give back to the Church the
land of which she must become the owner."
Madeleine : "If I am badly received ?" Jesus smiled :
"His appearance will be harsh, but his heart will be transformed ;
his dignity will not let it show."
Madeleine : "Lord, I will do Your Will."
Jesus disappeared. The priest was absent. On his return, Sister B.
transmitted the Message to him. In reply, the priest, who wanted
to do nothing without the Bishop' advice, forbade Madeleine to
take the Message to the Mayor. "Whom should one obey ? Christ or
the Church ?"... She went to the chapel and there recovered her
(note : in spite of this prohibition, Madeleine accompanied by Mme
A. did take the Message to the Mayor.He welcomed them very well.
But the priest manifested her his vivid dissatisfaction regarding
her proceedings with the Mayor.)
January 1st 1976 at 5.40 p.m., the eighth day
The Light appeared, then Jesus, then red and white rays came out
His Heart...The red rays, more numerous, were like blood which
gushed from a spring, the Source of Life. They were alive,
springing slightly then flowing downwards, rather like sprinklers
on a lawn. They renewed themselves incessantly. Jesus said :
"The eighth day."
"I will relieve the souls in Purgatory ; My Blood will extinguish
their burns."
"Our Father..." "3 Hail Marys..." "By your sorrowful Passion,
Lord..." "Glory to God..."
"Peace and joy on earth to the men He loves."
"Make the sign of the Cross."
Jesus smiled and disappeared.
Friday January 2nd 1976 at 5.53 p.m., the ninth day
The Light, then Jesus appeared a usual uncovering His radiant
"The ninth day."
"I will bring warmth to the hardest hearts, to frozen souls, to
those who wound My Heart the most deeply."
"Our Father..." "3 Hail Marys..." "By your sorrowful Passion,
Lord..." "Glory to God..." "Peace and joy..."
"Say this aloud : I promise all souls who come repentant to the
foot of the Glorious Cross, and who say every day the prayer that
I have taught them, that in this life Satan will have no more
power over them, and that after a long period of sinfulness, in an
instant they will become pure and will be children of God for
ever. My Father, Whose Goodness is infinite, wants to save
humanity which is on the edge of the abyss. You must prepare
yourselves through this ultimate Message."
"Make the sign of the Cross."
"Without saying a word, ponder in your heart the words you have
heard. Although time passes, your faith must remain unshakable."
Jesus smiled and disappeared.
Madeleine wrote : " So those wonderful nine days
have ended. The last words that Jesus has just said to me, make me
think that I shall not see Him again for a good while... The
months pass, Jesus has not come back. Doubtless His Message has
ended. But in spite of the Message which Jesus wishes to be
proclaimed to the world, and which the Church has the
responsibility of acknowledging, I remain in great peace... O my
God, may your Kingdom come, but before then, make your Message
spread over the whole world... "
" I pray that Jesus may enlighten those who
doubt... He is always present in my heart, especially after each
communion... "
Madeleine prayed and did penance so that the designs of God might
be accomplished.

First Friday of July 1977
The priest had gone to Caen to see the Bishop.
Sister B. was also away. Madeleine and Mme T. were alone in the
chapel at that moment. Madeleine wrote :
"A cracking noise, and the Archangel Michael appeared to the left
of the Blessed Sacrament ; I knelt down before him, but with his
left hand which was free he signed to me to go forward to the
Blessed Sacrament. So, I turned away, and the moment I knelt down
before Him, He sent out red and white rays without my seeing Him.
Jesus was indeed there, for I felt myself vitalized by His rays.
The Archangel said :
"Greetings," and bowed his head to me and said :
"Devoted daughter, burning with charity, God has established in
his Church : 1° apostles, 2° prophets, 3° doctors and many others
He has chosen. But you, in today's world, apostle and prophet, act
with people according to your heart ; the Consoler is guiding you.
God has made known what must happen tomorrow at dawn, in
witnessing to all you have seen, heard and touched of Jesus
Christ. But woe to the world because of intrepid priests who fight
and refuse. God is angered by this refusal of obedience and His
anger is cruel. But Jesus, the Meek, the Wise, His love is so
great for men, that He wants to save them in spite of everything,
because this generation is the most hypocritical and the most
wicked, but because of lethargic priests and because the day has
come when God must judge the world, He gives His grace to all
those who listen to Him, and declares blessed those who make known
His Message, and put it into practice.
"But you, Madeleine, who have been entrusted with transmitting it
to the priest, listen to him and correspond with him. Remain in
the peace given you by Jesus, meditate in your heart, and pray,
pray, for Jesus weeps over the degradation of His Church."
The Archangel disappeared, and then the rays that surrounded the
Blessed Sacrament.
(Note : On July 1st 1977, the Bishop, wishing to satisfy himself
about the continuation of the Apparitions by changing the priest,
told Father L'Horset of his move to Pont-Farcy.
He accepted but it must be said that, going to the appointment
with the Bishop, his car broke down, and the car of the Sister who
came to his help also broke down. Father L'Horset was imbued with
the Message, and had organized talks about it for some time.
Friday December 2nd 1977 in the chapel
After the Light, the rays flowed from the Host and Madeleine heard
a voice :
"Would you be so kind as to hand over your manuscripts to the
priest named by the man."
Madeleine did this.
Friday February 3rd 1978 at 6.15 p.m.
Madeleine went to the chapel from 2.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. to adore
Jesus. She went back at 5.30 p.m. after giving tea to the children
home from school.
"I think I felt drawn to the chapel, to go there at that time. In
the church I heard 6.15 p.m. strike, there was only one person
there. I trembled with joy, for I saw the Light take the whole
place of the Blessed Sacrament as on previous occasions, that is,
there was neither Blessed Sacrament, nor altar. Then Jesus
appeared, His Hands held out to me in welcome. I was happy because
I hadn't seen Jesus Himself in person, since January 2nd 1976 (at
the end of the novena)."
Jeus said :
"Make the sign of the Cross."
"In the Name of My Father in Heaven, I have come to put things
right. Satan is seducing you. After the ninth day of the promises
I made to humanity, he came to make trouble in My Message. But
listen well to this : When God the Father sends Blessed Michael,
the Light always precedes his coming, and remember My words : evil
spirits will come in My Name who will seduce you, and will come
even to your houses disguised as angels of light. Don't believe
them, they will lead you into error. Be on your guard ; you have
been warned. You are living in the period when Satan is unchained
in all his might ; but the time is approaching when I shall come
to conquer evil."
"You Madeleine, who are the only visible sign for My Message, you
will not fall again into error. Henceforth, I order you, make the
sign of the Cross as soon as a light appears. If it is Satan, at
that same moment everything will disappear."
"Peace be with you."
and then it was dark.
"The Sisters had gone to Mass at Brucourt ; I presumed the doors
were closed, so I went back quickly to the house to write, and I
locked myself in the bathroom ; that was the only door with a key.
I cried so much I could scarcely write : "to have been seduced by
Satan ! and Jesus in His great goodness, had come to tell me !".
Friday July 7th 1978 at 2.00 p.m. in the chapel
Madeleine : "The Light appeared in place of the
Blessed Sacrament, a little wider than usual. Straightaway I made
the sign of the cross as Jesus told me the previous time, and I
said : "If it's Satan, let him disappear." As soon as I had made
the sign of the cross and said these words, I felt peace and
confidence take possession of me."
Then Jesus appeared, smiled and said :
"Tell them what you see."
"I saw Jesus seated, in front of Him a table like an altar, but
the altar in the chapel was there no longer. It was a white table,
like white stone. On this table several books were open ; six or
seven, I'm not quite sure. Then, another book, also open which
Jesus held in His Hands.
Then He said to me :
"Would you be so kind as to say this aloud ?"
"Be careful, you all who keep veiled the prophetic words which
have been given to you, the book I hold in My Hands, is the
BOOK OF LIFE, which My
Father has just given Me the power to open, and it is on this holy
and sacred hill, the place He has chosen, that everything will be
renewed. It is here that you will see the Holy City, the new
Jerusalem. And behold, God's dwelling will appear among you.
"But then, those who fight and refuse to hear the
words which this humble servant has pronounced will strike their
breasts. You, whom I have asked to proclaim My Message, you are
guilty of leaving the world in ignorance of what must soon happen.
Do not lean on your own reflection. Why do you resist, since I
have given you My dogmatic Grace. For pity's sake, I ask you to
listen to Me, My Heart is overflowing with Mercy."
Jesus rose, the Table disappeared. He smiled a long
time at me then He said :
"Tell the priest and all whom you will meet what you
have just seen and heard ; you will remember it all day."
Then Jesus disappeared suddenly and "I was back in
Friday October 6th 1978 at 9.15 a.m. Madeleine
arrived at the chapel at- 9.00 a.m. to pay a visit to the Blessed
Sacrament. She was alone :
"At 9.15 a.m. the Light appeared ; I thought of fetching Sister B.
but I did not have time. Jesus appeared, His Hands held out as
though to welcome me. He said :
"Make the sign of the Cross."
He was smiling all the time. Then He joined His
Hands and with a sad expression said :
"Pray and do penance without wearying."
His manner was grave :
"For the third time, Madeleine, I ask you to be My
apostle, by accomplishing the task I asked. Don't be afraid, you
will be hated because of Me. But afterwards sons of Light will
arise in this town."
Then after a silence :
"Today you see Me again, but you will see Me no
longer ; however I shall continue to visit you in My Body and
After another silence :
"But when this Cross will be raised from the ground,
then you will see Me, for at that moment I shall reveal to the
Churches the mysteries written in BOOK OF LIFE which has just been
opened. Tell the Bishop what you have just seen and heard."
Then He smiled at me and said :
"In spite of My supplications, do not be anxious,
you possess a wisdom that no one else down here possesses ; your
calm and your silence are the visible signs of My Word in this
world where action and boldness dominate. May your face always
reflect the Invisible Presence. I tell you, obey your Superior, He
alone is responsible on this earth for doing the Will of My
Father, but woe to the world in peril, for he is delaying."
Then Jesus smiled and disappeared.
Note : Before this apparition, Madeleine had made a
novena to know whom to obey.
- The Lord had indeed said that it was no longer the era when He
raised bodies from the dead but that the moment had come when He
should raise spirits. (31st and 33rd App.) Such a resurrection
happened in 1979, to Madeleine's great joy, because it was that of
her husband, to whom she revealed, that year, her visions of the
Cross and the Apparitions of Christ... Her husband, an upright man
of good sense, assured by his wife that she had really seen the
Glorious Cross, was moved to tears, and returned for the first
time in many years to kneel and pray at the chapel.

Read, meditate on and
The Cross and what threatens us :
"Make this Message known and put it into
practice", said Jesus ; and as long ago as 12th June 1973 (8°
App.) : "Order the Bischop to announce My Law and to raise the
Glorious Cross and the Sanctuary of Reconciliation on the
precise spot where Madeleine saw it six times, and, all of you,
come to it in procession"... "You are My friends if you do what
I command you" (10° App.).
"After the evangelisation of the whole world, then
I shall return in Glory" (11° App.)... "You are living in the
time of supreme effort of Evil agains Christ. Satan has been let
out of his prison. He has taken possession of the whole earth"
(12° App.).
"Tell the Church to renew her Message of Peace to
the whole world because the hour is grave. Satan is directing
the world, he seduces minds, makes them capable of destroying
humanity in a few minutes. If humanity does not resist him, I
shall give him leave to act, and that will be a catastrophe such
as there hasn't yet been since the Flood, and that before the
end of the century. All those who come to repent at the foot of
the Glorious Cross will be saved" (14° App.).
"Tell the Church to send the Messages all over the
world and to hurry in erecting, at the place indicated, the
Glorious Cross and, at its foot, a sanctuary. Everyone will come
there to repent and to find Peace and Joy. The Glorious Cross,
or the Sign of the Son of Man, is the announcement of the
approaching Return in glory of the Risen JESUS. When this Cross
has been raised from the ground, I shall draw everything to
Myself". (16° App., 3rd May 1974)
.........22 Years later,
nothing has been done !
The two successive Bishops in charge of Dozulé
have cast doubt on this Message of Christ.
So a modest, temporary Cross has been raised by the faithful on
the precise spot indicated by Our Lord. The Holy Rosary is said
there each day. And a large international pilgrimage is made by
thousands of pilgrims twice a year, on the Feast of the Glorious
Cross (14th September in Liturgy) and on 28th March, the
anniversary of Christ's first apparition at Dozulé, for, said
JESUS "the Glorious Cross is the Risen Jesus".

On 7th September 1973, JESUS dictated to Madeleine
the Dozulé Prayer.
JESUS of Nazareth has triumphed over Death
His Reign is Eternal
He is coming to conquer the world and time
Mercy my God, on those who blaspheme You :
forgive them, they know not what they do.
Mercy my God, for the scandal in the world :
deliver them from the spirit of Satan.
Mercy my God, on those who run away from You :
give them appreciation for the Holy Eucharist.
Mercy my God, on those who will come repentant
to the Glorious Cross : may they find there Peace
and Joy in God our Saviour.
Mercy my God, so that Your Kingdom may come,
but save souls, there is still time... for the time is
drawing near, see, I am coming... AMEN.
Recite a decade of the rosary
(1 Pater, 10 Ave)
Lord, pour out on the whole world the treasures of
Your infinite Mercy.
(Jesus promises that each household which says
this prayer daily
with great confidence, will be protected from every cataclysm,
and that He will pour His Divine Mercy into hearts).
This promise was made by Jesus Himself to His
instrument on March 28th, 1975 at DOZULE (France).
At Dozulé, a material proof of authenticity :
On Our Lord's very precise instructions, a very
modest Pool of Purification was dug. "Come, all of you, in
procession there and do not fear to wash in this dusty
water... your spirit will be purified." Well, in this stagnant
water, the dust never settles to the bottom, as if gravity had
no effect on it there, whereas if some is put into a
container, the dust settles to the bottom and the water
becomes effectly clear.
It is very obvious that the journey of a Pilgrim
coming to Dozulé in confidence must be preceded by a good and
complete sacramental confession, and that the person who
recites the Daily Prayer dictated by Christ, must keep himself
in perfect spiritual cleanliness (note that it is often easier
to go to confession after a pilgrimage at Dozulé than
At Dozulé, on December 25th, 1975, before the Novena which
was intended to prolong the Holy Year, the Lord said to
Madeleine :
"Humanity will not find Peace, so long as it
does not know My Message and put it into practice. My
Father, Whose goodness is infinite, wants to make His
Message known to the world, in order to avoid the
catastrophe. More than ever I want to pour a flood of My
Grace on all souls in distress. And here is what I promise
to each of these souls when they know My Message and put it
into practice."
The 1st day : "I will sweeten the bitterness
into which the souls of sinners are
plunged." (1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys)
"By Your sorrowful Passion, Lord, Have mercy on us and on
the whole world. Glory to God in the highest. Peace and Joy
on earth to the men He loves."
"Make the sign of the Cross"
The 2nd day : "I will multiply graces in the
souls of priests and nuns, because it is through them that
My Message must be made known." (1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys)
"By Your sorrowful Passion, Lord... Glory to God... Peace
and Joy..."
The 3rd day : "I will keep devout and faithful
souls near to My Heart, they comforted Me on the way to
calvary." (1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys)
"By Your sorrowful Passion Lord... Glory to God... Peace and
The 4th day : "As soon as they know My
Message, I will pour out the rays of My grace on pagans and
all those who do not know Me, yet."(1 Our Father, 3 Hail
"By Your sorrowful Passion Lord... Glory to God... Peace and
The 5th day : "I will draw the souls of
heretics and apostates into the Unity of the Church." (1 Our
Father, 3 Hail Marys)
"By Your sorrowful Passion Lord... Glory to God... Peace and
The 6th day : "I will receive children and
humble souls into the shelter of My Heart, so that they will
cherish a special love for Our Heavenly Father." (1 Our
Father, 3 Hail Marys)
"By Your sorrowful Passion Lord... Glory to God... Peace and
The 7th day : "I will grant all sorts of
Graces to those who, knowing My Message, will persevere to
the end." (1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys)
"By Your sorrowful Passion Lord... Glory to God... Peace and
The 8th day : "I will relieve the souls in
Purgatory : My Blood will extinguish their burns." (1 Our
Father, 3 Hail Marys).
"By Your sorrowful Passion Lord... Glory to God... Peace and
The 9th day : "I will bring warmth to the
hardest hearts, to frozen souls, to those who wound My Heart
the most deeply." (1 Our Father, 3 Hail Marys)
"By Your sorrowful Passion, Lord... Glory to God... Peace
and Joy..."
"I promise all souls who come repentant to the foot of the
Glorious Cross, and, who say every day the prayer that I
have taught them, that in this life Satan will have no more
power over them, and that after a long period of sinfulness,
in an instant they will become pur and will be children of
God for ever. My Father, Whose goodness is infinite, wants
to save humanity which is on the edge of the abyss. You must
prepare yourselves through this ultimate Message."
"Make the sign of the Cross".