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Kurescek is a hill which is 833 m high and it is located near city of Ljubljana in Slovenia. On this hill, is an old shrine dedicated to the Queen of Peace. People were turning to help to the Queen of Peace - Mother of God - on this place for centuries. It was in the second world war that the church on this hill has been demolished and desecrated.

France Spelic, the visionary (Our Lady calls him Smaverski), started to receive messages from Mary, in the year of 1989,. On December 9, 1989, during his visit to Medjugorje, he was instructed to renew the prayer on a forgotten and abandoned place. In the conversation with the priest, Joze Razinger, he learned that Kurescek could be the place. On January 29, 1990, the visionary received another message from Mary. »Go to Kurescek. Stay faithful. I am the Queen of Peace«. There was no more doubt about the place. The church was quickly renewed and on August 1992, it was blessed by the bishop Alojz Sustar from Ljubljana.

France Spelic was born on September 24th 1927 in Smaver, in Slovenia, to a poor family. His childhood was full of difficulties. He joined the Liberation Army when he was not yet 15 years of age (during World war II), and was trained to be an atheist and communist. In 1946 he married a widow Sida, became stepfather to the son of his wife and also had two daughters of his won with Sida. At first he was an officer under the leadership of communism. He resigned from his position as officer and became a teacher with a much smaller income. In 1954 he got hold of a Holy Bible and started to read it. This was his turning point to conversion. He also withdraw from the communist party. The consequences for this were very severe. There was constant interrogation and harassment. Nevertheless, with all his heart, he wanted to be a priest. Without any hope of becoming a priest, he still started to study theology at the age of 41. In the fifth year of his study his wife became ill with multiple sclerosis. He lovingly took care of her until her death on December 24th 1992. In spite of many obstacles and opposition, on November 21st 1993, at the age of 66, he did eventually become a priest as he had bin promised by Mother Mary.

It should also be mentioned that painful wounds are appearing on his body, much as in the same manner as St. Francis of Assisi and Padre Pio received them.

Our Lady wants, that everybody, who accepts him, calls him "father" as he become a father to many, not just a brother.

The facts about the war in Slovenia

In march 1990 Our Lady commissioned: "Prepare carefully the meeting of all those who wish to reconcile themselves, who wish to forgive all, so that they may be forgiven. Invite all to this meeting who want to share in divine peace, without regard to nationality. The meeting shall be in May, 1991. That shall become the month of reconciliation. Begin with May 1 and continue on all Saturdays of that month. Prepare yourselves already now with fasting and prayer."

The preparations were serious and many faithful people participated those reconciliation meetings. Next month, June 26, the war in Slovenia started and it was over in 10 days. The war in Slovenia was the beginning of the crisis in former Yugoslavia.

In 1995 the Queen of Peace said: "The world did not recognize how Slovenia was saved from the atrocities of war by the grace of God because of a small number of my children who faithfully followed what I had commissioned them to do."


The status of the apparitions:

The opinion of the former archbishop Dr. Alois Sustar over the messages

Father Marijan Sef asked the Commission for the investigation of the Marian apparitions, which was established by Dr. Alois Sustar, with the following three questions:

1. Is in the introduction to the booklet MARIJA KRALJICA MIRU NA KURESCKU (Mary The Queen of Peace on Kurescek - which is published on WEB and which contains the messages of the Queen of Peace) possibly contains something, which is not in the agreement with the teachings of the church or the church teaching profession?

2. Are contents of the messages in conformity with the teachings of the church, the church teaching profession and with the principles of the moral teachings of the catholic church?

3. Can we accept the recommendations that are contained in the messages as stimulus for the own spiritual life and can they be advised also to the others?

The chairman of the commission, professor Dr. F. Orazem, answered that the commission gives no information over the things, which it examines. Therefore it cannot answer to the placed questions. The commission's opinion is that concerning this questions everyone is to depend on his own conscience.

P. M. Sef turned with these three questions to the archbishop and got the following response:

"To the first two questions, given to the members of the Commission in the letter dated 31.10.1993, I can give a positive answer, while for the answer to the third question I ask a little patience until the next session of the Commission when I will get their opinion." The response of the archbishop means that neither in the introduction nor in the text of the booklet MARIJA KRALJICA MIRU NA KURESCKU is contained something, which contradicts the faith teachings, moral and the church teachings.

The answer on the third question got P. M. Sef from the archbishop at the beginning of of May (1994): "It is possible ".

Thus still no opinion was delivered for the supernatural origin of the messages



Medjugorje (Mount of Apparitions - Crnica), December 9, 1989

Son, love my Heart and the Heart of my Son. Invite the people and make them aware that through my Heart they may take refuge in my Son's Heart, so that they may find true peace that is so needed by all of you...

Renew prayer in a forgotten and abandoned place! I bless you.


Begunje - Slovenia (in a chapel before the tabernacle), January 29, 1990

Go to Kurescek! Remain faithful to me! I am the Queen of Peace.


Kurescek, Saturday, February 10, 1990.

I am the Queen of Peace. Renew prayer at this place. Encounter here my Heart and the Heart of my Son

Immediately set up signs of faith and prayer. Begin occasionally with the Holy Sacrifice which should become regular as soon as possible. Arrange a room temporarily for Holy Mass, so that the celebrant can be under a roof. Devotions shall be held here until the house and the church are built, where I will enter as Queen of Peace and grant peace.

This will be a place of graces, a place of healing from diseases and wounds of the soul. Whoever takes refuge with faith in my Heart and in the Heart of my Son at this place will be healed and share in the peace that only heaven can give.

Daughters and sons who are in the renewal, take care that I will not be lonely on first Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. On these days visit me at this place.

My daughters and sons! Love charity, my Heart is the way to it. Love one another! Love is more powerful than Satan who will often besiege you.

Remain faithful and pray, pray! I will be with you. Do not try to prove anything; I will prove. Learn from the messages I have given in Medjugorje.

I bless you!

For meditation and prayer 1 Kings 6,11-13


Slovenia ( at a chapel before the tabernacle ), Thursday, February 22, 1990.

A week from Thursday go to Kurescek. Others should also go with you. Pray, pray much for priests, especially for those who are in distress and trials. The priests themselves shall take their refuge in me, but also in the person who I am going to indicate to you. We both shall implore the High Priest for all who will pray with confidence.

The visionary Smaverski asked Mother Mary how the message that she had given in Medjugorje should be understood, namely, that the apparitions there would be the last ones, and yet she is appearing at Kurescek. Mary answered: "These are the last apparitions with respect to time, not to place!"



Kurescek, Thursday, March 1, 1990.

Praised be Jesus Christ! I rejoice over you. My Heart is the way to Jesus. Enjoy walking on this path! Your faithfulness to the fourth commandment of God will be rewarded. This is the only commandment with a promise. You will be rewarded for the faithfulness and reverence towards your earthly and heavenly parents.

Tell the priests, my sons, they should seek refuge in me with love. My Heart accepts all priests: strong and weak, faithful and fallen. Gladly, I accept all those who thank me and all those who have recourse to me. My intercession and my blessing will be with all who are in distress, trial and danger, so that the satanic forces may not deceivingly lead them to infidelity to the priesthood.

All priests, my beloved sons, shall know my motherliness and the peace that I give. They shall also come to me on the first Saturdays at this place of peace.

In the background, to Mary's left appeared the figure of a bishop, hovering above the ground as Mary did. Gently, she looked at him, pointed at him with her left hand and said:

He, Bishop Anton Vouk, prayed much and was concerned about the Church having enough priests. Because of the dangers he was greatly concerned about his priests, and that is why he is their intercessor in heaven. Turn to me and to him with the petitions for priestly vocations and in the various dangers, distress and trials of priests.

Remain faithful to me! I bless you. God's peace be with you!


Kurescek, Saturday, March 3, 1990

Praised be Jesus Christ! Peace, peace be with you! God is your peace. Convert and repent! Be bearers and distributors of peace. May peace reign between you and God and among the people. Call, invite to national, neighbourly and family reconciliation!

Prepare carefully the meeting of all those who wish to reconcile themselves, who wish to forgive all, so that they may be forgiven. Invite all to this meeting who want to share in divine peace, without regard to nationality.

The meeting shall be in May, 1991. That shall become the month of reconciliation. Begin with May 1 and continue on all Saturdays of that month. Prepare yourselves already now with fasting and prayer.

Speak and invite others: Do not harden your hearts and forgive, so that you may be forgiven! This is your Mother's wish.

I thank you because you open the door for the stream of people that will flow to me at this place. Do not fear difficulties, I am with you. Do not seek yourselves, fulfill the Will of God. Priests shall take care to be at the disposal of the people for the sacrament of reconciliation.

The vision of the stations of the cross followed, starting parallel to the cemetery, continuing about a hundred meters to the right along the edge of the woods, up the abandoned path at the right hand below the church and behind this path, on the north-west side of the church. Mary said:

Set up the symbols of the stations of the cross and pray !

After the vision of the stations of the cross, Mary appeared with open arms, her palms turned upwards and said:

Be faithful to me! I bless you! God's peace be with you!

For meditation and prayer, she quoted Is. 40: 1-12.


Kurescek, April 7, 1990

Praised be Jesus Christ! Thank you for coming. Your hearts need peace. Long for reconciliation! Spread my wish for reconciliation in families, among neighbours and among nations.

I wish that the feasts of the Passion of my Son and myself bring peace and love.

Priests, my beloved sons, love one another and do not judge your priestly brothers who are undergoing trials. Be faithful to your promises, which you made to the Church, the Pope, the Bishops and the Superiors, so that you can remain faithful to your ministry and to God.

Thank you for coming. Remain faithful to me. I bless you!


For meditation: 1 Sam. 8 and Hebr. 7


Kurescek, May 5, 1990

My Son and I wish that you announce reconciliation to all men. All shrines dedicated to me shall be focal points of reconciliation and love. The month of May, 1991, shall be a month of reconciliation for all men. Take care that my wish is made known to all men. Do not be slow, time is precious.

Priests, my beloved sons, be faithful to the baptismal vows and the vow that you have given at ordination before God, the Church and the Bishop. Do not withdraw from your Bishop. This is the wish of your Mother.

Thank you for coming. Remain faithful to me. I bless you!


Kurescek, June 2, 1990.

Praised be Jesus Christ! I rejoice over you all for following my invitation. Many of you will feel my presence and my blessing.

Do not worry about the difficulties, doubts and opposition of some. Neither winds nor storms shall carry you away. I, your Mother, am with you. -Do not forget reconciliation. Take part in prayers for this reconciliation wherever and whenever the Church invites you to it; at the same time you too are to invite others and call them to reconciliation.

Carefully prepare meetings for reconciliation that shall take place at this site, in May 1991.

Love priests and pray for them. Many priests are misled by dark forces, so that they deviate from fidelity to their vows, neglect prayer and become cold towards it. A soul without prayer is without breath. Without breath, death and disintegration enter.

Pray, pray! The foundation of your prayer will dispel the powers of evil, so that priests will not fail.

I bless you all.


Kurescek, July 7, 1990.

Praised be Jesus Christ! Thank you that so many have gathered here with me. Many would like to confess, but there are too few confessors. Also, not all of the priests present here are disposed to hear confession. Follow the messages that I give in Medjugorje. Also the messages I am giving here are for all men.

Endeavour to know the secrets of the Heart of my Son and of my Heart.

Pray for priests. Impurity of body and soul are the main entrances through which the evil spirits can enter into their souls. These evil spirits loosen fidelity towards the vow, given to the Bishop, the Church and lastly to God. My sorrow is great because of the infidelity of priests and because of the scandal coming upon men, due to unfaithful priests.

Prepare yourselves and mature for reconciliation. Pray for reconciliation, peace and love in young families.

Prepare yourselves spiritually for communion with the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Do not wait to become many.

I bless you all, also those who came with impure intentions.


Kurescek, August 4, 1990.

Praised be Jesus Christ! My Heart rejoices because many are always with me, also at this place.

Surrender all your unrest to me. Fulfil the act of repentance. Reconcile yourselves with one another and with God.

Pray for reconciliation, so that you will experience it yourselves. Satan roars and searches for whom he can devour.

Drink to your satiation the peace that my Son wants to give to you in abundance.

Priests, beloved sons, accept my invitation to conversion. Allow my Heart to transform you according to the plan of the Heart of my Son.

Pray for one another, especially for those brothers who undergo dangerous trials. You are not alone, my Immaculate Heart is with you. It is open, enter into it! From your hearts the kingdom of Jesus will spread and His peace will radiate to all people.

The example of your patron, the holy Pastor of Ars, shall encourage you to lovingly seek refuge in him, so that he shall intercede for you to obtain those virtues for you through which he himself reached sanctity. Love one another as Anton Vovk has loved his priests.

Trust in me, do not let anyone mislead you!

I, the Queen of Peace and your Mother, bless you and give peace to you all who take refuge in me with confidence.


Kurescek, September 8, 1990.

I rejoice because so many of you have gathered out of love for me.

With my Son Jesus I rejoice because you are many who take my wishes for reconciliation and spiritual growth serious and who make efforts. Once again I ask you to renew your hearts, so that you become bearers of peace! Love one another, love your enemies as well and forgive them. Proclaim and spread my wishes for reconciliation. Pray for the spiritually sick families who fall apart because of a lack of love. Pray for national and international reconciliation. Carry the lamp of love before me with the peace that I give you, so that I can dwell in all of your families.

Pray for priests and do not judge the weak!

Priests, return to the original sources of Christianity! Follow the example of the first Christians, of the Apostles and of the later saintly men and women! In the documents issued by the Church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit are the foundations of the spiritual renewal of the Church. Many priests do not endeavour to know these encouraging documents because they prefer to swim in shallowness. You do not only guide yourselves, you are leaders of the souls entrusted to you! I will bless all your endeavours for spiritual deepening.

I bless all of you and those whom you have carried to me in your hearts. Pronounce and spread my wishes for reconciliation!


Kurescek, October 6, 1990.

Praised be Jesus Christ! I rejoice because so many are with me. I rejoice over your prayers and the opening of your hearts because you, together with me, have accompanied my Son in the terrible procession of the Way of the Cross.

Your prayers for reconciliation do not remain without answer from me and my Son. With great care prepare yourselves for the month of reconciliation.

Pray the Rosary often with love and discover the mysteries of this prayer. Each mystery is a source of living water. Pray not only with your lips, pray with the heart and with the soul.

Love one another. Each one should contribute his share to the unity of the Church. Call on me, trust in me, and I will help you. Be on guard against the roaring lion, that he not use you for dissension in the Church, in the family and in society.

Priests, my beloved sons! Celebrate all liturgical ceremonies, especially the Sacrifice of Holy Mass, with great reverence and recollection and with beauty in the symbolic gestures.

Care for your sanctification, for only in this way can you be leaders of the people of God.

There is no more honorable ministry as the one of the priest because it originates in eternal values. Great is the responsibility of the priest because with light he leads into life, yet with darkness into ruin. Priests, you are bearers of the light of God, so that no man may go astray due to a lack of this light.

My Heart rejoices over your readiness to renew the Church for me. From here I will bless all those who work for the Church.

I bless you and all those whom you have entrusted to me in prayer.


Kurescek, November 3, 1990.

Praised be Jesus Christ! Discover the riches of my Heart. Enrich yourselves with it. Seek peace at the spring of My Heart. Pray in order that you become more and more aware of the poverty of the human heart and of the riches of my Heart, which is a shortcut to the Heart of my Son. Pray and ask for the gift of love, so that each one of you may mature to perfect reconciliation. Forgive, so that you may be forgiven.

Priests, my beloved sons! Surrender yourselves to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that you may know the greatness, holiness and responsibility of the priestly ministry. Your ministry is carried out on earth, yet it is a service for God in fulfillment of His plan of salvation. Many priests pursue this ministry only for the sake of gaining the means to satisfy their earthly needs, yet their ministry is much more than that.

I, your Mother, want to help you. Enter into my Heart. Spread my wishes within the messages and inspire one another, that all of you my children may feel my motherly care and love.

I bless you and all those whom you have entrusted to me in prayer.


Kurescek, December 8, 1990.

A big crowd of people, Mary appeared above them. Mary cries and says:

I rejoice over all who follow me. But I am sad because of those who instigate unrest, division and disobedience among you.

Why don't you cry out and invite to reconciliation? Why do you keep me and my messages of Kurescek in concealment? Your love for my Heart and the Heart of my Son should be purified. Unite yourselves in the family of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. This shall become the spiritual stream for all those who love our Hearts and want to learn from them and nourish themselves from them.

Priests, my beloved sons! I invite you to be a model within the family of my Heart and of the Heart of my Son. On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception I especially invite you to carefully prepare the meetings for reconciliation. Fasting, prayer and taking refuge in my Heart shall be your help.

I am your Mother and I bless you.



Kurescek, January 5, 1991.

Do not be afraid, I am with you. Remain faithful also in the trials ahead of you. Many undergo severe trials, especially those who neglect prayer or who have utterly given it up and who celebrate the Sacrifice of Holy Mass very superficially. In such priests fidelity to God, to the Church and to the vows begins to break down rapidly. That is why they do not have any strength to care for the chastity of spirit and body.

Priests, my beloved sons! Prepare carefully for reconciliation. Pray for yourselves, that you may be victorious in periods of trial; pray especially for the priestly brothers who are in danger, love them and do not abandon them. Remain faithful to the Church, to your Bishop and to your vows. I will help you, trust in me!

I, your Mother, the Queen of Peace, bless you and all those whom you have recommended to me.


Kurescek, February 2, 1991.

I am thankful to all those who visit me here. I am especially thankful to the few priests who accept my message without fear and I bless them especially.

Again, I invite the faithful and priests of the renewal that they may follow me with confidence and realize my messages of Medjugorje and of Kurescek.

With special desire I invite all sons and daughters of John Bosco. They shall accept my messages, live and spread them in their ranks and among the people entrusted to them.

I wish that the parishes of Zelimlje, Golo and Ig consecrate themselves to my Heart and to the Heart of my Son after careful preparation. The consecration shall be solemn. Afterward the parishes shall renew themselves in the spirit of this consecration and surrender themselves to the powerful wind of the love of my Heart and of the Heart of my Son.

The priests, religious brothers and religious sisters who feel the wind that blows from Our Hearts shall become the souls of the family of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

They shall see to it that laypeople also join the family of Our Hearts.

I wish that each week an hour of immersion into the mystery of my Heart and of the Heart of my Son shall take place. All members of the family of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary shall be present at this, if in any way possible.

With prayer and fasting prepare yourselves for reconciliation, so that you may share in the peace of God.

Pray, pray for peace in the world. Satan is attacking with full strength and is threatening world peace. The Church, too, is being tried severely. Prayer, fasting and a life according to the Gospel are the strongest weapons against the terrible forces of evil.

I, your Mother, the Queen of Peace am with you. Do not be afraid! Live my messages. God is almighty, therefore only He is your peace and your victory.

My blessing shall accompany you, especially those who are faithful to me and those whom you recommend to me.


Ig, February 2, 1991.

At Holy Mass, during the Our Father

The crown of the solemn year of the parish of Ig shall be the consecration of the parish to my Heart and to the Heart of my Son. This is the wish of your Mother, the Queen of Peace. I rejoice over the great number of my daughters and sons. I greet you and I thank you.


Kurescek, March 2, 1991.

Praised be Jesus Christ! Beloved daughters and sons! Listen to Lent which is inviting you to conversion. Do acts of atonement. Pray, pray much and support prayer with fasting. Pray for peace and reconciliation.

I wish that you live in peace and charity. Be fond of and love one another. Do not observe others in order to notice their weaknesses. See in them what is worthy to be imitated and what God has planted into their hearts.

Priests, my beloved sons! I am not offended that many among you do not take my messages seriously, yet I am sad that they do not immerse themselves in my motherly Heart in the way the Church has recommended for a long time. These ones fail to fully profit by my assistance, intercession and blessing. I invite you to encounter me in prayer and contemplation. Immerse yourselves in my Heart.

I rejoice over the great number of people I see coming to meet me. Your visit with me is the sign that in their hearts love and trust are growing, therefore I bless you. I bless also all whom you have recommended to me and for whom you have prayed.


Kurescek, April 6, 1991.

Praised be Jesus Christ! I am thankful for your fidelity, yet I am sad because of those who could have very well collaborated with me in the preparation of the meetings of reconciliation and who could have shared my desire with the world. But they have abandoned their collaboration with me and with those who desire from their hearts that my wish be fulfilled. I ache from the mistrust, the doubts and the lack of seriousness regarding my messages. Even though there is so much lack of seriousness many people will experience the grace of reconciliation: in many a family peace and fidelity will return. My fervent desire for reconciliation will be enkindled at Kurescek and at my other shrines, where the seekers of peace and reconciliation will take refuge. I am indeed the Queen of Peace.

I rejoice over your collaboration with me and with the grace of God, yet I am sad because of your coldness and lack of seriousness. He who does not collaborate will not be lost, yet he will not be fully open for many graces.

My beloved sons, the priests, I invite to collaborate with me. They should be on guard against the tricks of Satan, and especially against the means by which Samson was led astray.

Be my faithful children, I will help you. Be courageous even though you are few, I am with you.

I bless you all! Carry my blessing into your houses and wherever you live.


Kurescek, Wednesday, May 1, 1991.

Praised be Jesus Christ! I rejoice that so many lovers of my Son's Heart have come to me and have listened to my invitation to reconciliation. I will pray for all of you who desire reconciliation, for all of you who wish to forgive, and who wish to receive forgiveness! I will pray for all of you who have gathered here and for those who in any other place lift up their hands to my Son and who wish peace for themselves and for others. Kurescek and all my shrines shall be places of reconciliation and thanksgiving for the peace received.

All of you who seek reconciliation should also perform sacramental reconciliation. Forgive, so that you may be forgiven. Strengthen yourselves with the Body of my Son! There are some among you who did not come here because of reconciliation; they will leave here without my blessing.

Priests, my beloved sons, I wish that you may immerse yourselves more and more into the significance of your vocation and know what kind of work you are performing in the ministry of reconciliation. Put all of your heart into this sublime, grace-filled ministry!

All of you who are gathered with me share in my blessing and peace. Reach our your hands to those whom you forgive, so that they too may forgive you. If you cannot reach out with your hands to someone, reach out with your hand in spirit following your desire.

Carry my peace to all men and share it. I bless you and I give you my peace.


Kurescek, May 4, 1991.

The Way of the Cross, at the thirteenth station.

Praised be Jesus Christ! Dear lovers of God's peace and justice, surrender through me all hurts caused by the injustice other people have inflicted on you or that you have inflicted on others, and by the incapacity to forgive. You will receive strength and love and you will be able to forgive. Drink to your satiation the divine peace coming from my Heart and from the Heart of my Son and also share this peace with others. If you bless all those who do not like you, you yourselves will be blessed.

Forgive, forgive! Care for the presence of God in families, and peace will be among you.

I rejoice because you have overcome the difficulties of bad weather, for the sake of love for me. I will pray with you, so that my Son may bless you abundantly.

Priests, my beloved sons! In my heart is joy, for you are also here in the ministry of the Sacrifice and Reconciliation of my Son. Pray for your brothers, the priests, and also for those who do not understand you, who oppose you and judge you. Love one another and be careful shepherds and doctors of the souls who are entrusted to you and who come to you for medication for their souls.

With a joyful Heart, I bless you. I bless all those whom you forgive and those whom you have forgiven.


Kurescek , May 11, 1991.

Praised be Jesus Christ! My heart is full of joy because love has the victory in you, so that you can easily forgive and seek strength in the Triune God. With a joyful heart, I pray for you, for you are my children.

Today I have a special wish for reconciliation for you: Forgive, I wish that you finally forgive your priests if they have ever harmed you, and if you in any way do not like their way of treating you. Forgive them if perhaps they have not been zealous enough and if they have not always been a good example. Pray for them, for through them you receive grace after grace.

Even the thorny tree can bear beautiful grapes at the side of the fruitful vine, because the vine embraces it with its branches. Be one with your priests as the Heavenly Father is one with the Son. The members of the Body may not be separated from one another.

Priests, my beloved sons! Also for you I have a special wish. Forgive your Bishop, if you have ever taken offense in him and also forgive one another. All of you are workers in the vineyard of the One Lord. Be humble, and also forgive your little sheep who are disobedient. Disobedience is a sign of disease, but for such persons medication is needed.

With great joy I will assist you and pray with you, so that you stay one in the Mystical Body, the Head of which is my Son. Love one another, be patient with one another and forgive one another! I rejoice with you and I bless you!


Kurescek, May 18, 1991.

Praised be Jesus Christ! The joy that I feel because of your love for me and for my desires will be rewarded with rich blessing and peace in abundance. All of you will be living witnesses. The priests who came to this place to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of Mass and who are in the service of reconciliation are a special joy for me.

All you who are endeavouring for reconciliation, receive the peace of my Son who is the only Way through which you can satiate yourselves with the Truth that frees you and leads you into Life. He who does not enter this Way will not participate in Peace and Reconciliation, will not strengthen himself and will not free himself through Truth. If you want to share in Life and enter into it, renounce your way and your truths.

I will always bless you, even when some sadden me through lukewarmness, disbelief and disobedience. Today I bless all of you with great joy. Carry my blessing to your houses and especially to those who have recommended themselves to your prayers at this place. May my blessing and peace strengthen all the sick who have come here and all those who want to visit me in my sanctuaries but cannot do so.


Kurescek, Saturday, May 25, 1991.

I bless all the many lovers of my Heart and of the Heart of my Son who have visited us at this place and at other shrines. Many lights of reconciliation have been enkindled. Continue to enkindle further lights of reconciliation and peace! All of you who during this month have found peace and reconciliation with yourselves, with others and with God, are to be my living witnesses. The deeds of reconciliation are not accomplished. Continue, pray for forgiveness and witness love to one another through acts of reconciliation. I will assist you and also wait for those who have not yet found the way to my Heart.

Priests, my beloved sons! I rejoice very much over all those who in humble love serve reconciliation and who enkindle lights among the priests and the faithful. I rejoice over the reconciliation among you in relation to the Bishops and to all men. Do not extinguish this fire! Do not be downcast because of the wounds, the humiliations and the mockeries caused by the fact that you are devoted to me. Forgive and love! You who have felt the working of my Heart are to become witnesses of my love. I will reveal myself to the others. May your experience of reconciliation be transformed into a great fire of love. Bear witness to me through your deeds!

Joyfully I bless you. Carry my peace with you. I bless all those who have recommended themselves to you and for whom you have prayed.


Kurescek, June 8, 1991.

Praised be Jesus Christ! My dear sons and my dear daughters! I greatly rejoice over all of you who with faith take refuge through my Heart in the Heart of my Son. Again I ask you to nourish yourselves with the food that will satisfy you so that you will not hunger any more, and to drink to your satiation the living water so that you will not be thirsty any more. Only by the power of this food and this drink will you discover the secrets of my Heart and of the Heart of my Son. This you need, in order to walk along this path and to reach its end. Great poverty is in the souls of all those who do not know the treasury of Our Hearts.

I invite all daughters and sons to love one another and to love their priests. Come to me, I will always be with you. Do not feat the dark clouds.

Priests, my beloved sons! I am thankful for your obedience and your trust. Enkindle the torch of love for my Heart and for the Heart of my Son in other priests who are still lukewarm towards me and their priestly ministry. This causes great pain to Our Hearts.

I am thankful to all those who accept my invitations. Many among whom you live need the light; mediate it, become a light! I, your Mother, am with you.

I bless all and pray with you for those you have entrusted to me. Remain my faithful children.


Kurescek, July 6, 1991.

O blessed peace, that my Son gives to you these bad days because of my intercession.

He who experiences unrest during this trial should pray and his heart will find rest, and he will gain trust in my intercession.

Forgive and strive for peace and reconciliation. In your souls the call of John the Baptist shall resound: "Convert and repent!" When you have converted, the Kingdom of God and peace will be among you.

Renew prayer in the families. Unite yourselves in prayer-groups, both small and big. Do not call down the wrath of God upon your enemies, but bless them and pray for them. Even if they consist only of two persons, prayer-groups are focal points of graces and little lights for those who are in darkness.

I rejoice over the great number of my children at this place of peace, because your love for me has overcome the fear that Satan has sown among you.

I wish that you gather on Kurescek, August 5, in order to praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and to give thanks that I am your Mother.

Do not be ashamed because of my Son's Name and of my Name.

I bless you, trust in me.


Kurescek, August 3, 1991.

Dear lovers of my Heart and of the Heart of my Son! Again I invite you to pray more for peace. If all of you who belong to the Name of Christ were true lights, there would be more light among the people and also among the powerful. Surrender yourselves through my Son as the complete possession of the Father, so that he may transform you and shine through you with the light of salvation.

Pray, pray for the powerful who threaten with the weapons of hatred the lives of those whose Landlord is GOD. They destroy and kill because they are in darkness. Pray for true wisdom for them, so that their conscience may be awakened in them so that GOD may order their decisions.

Unite in the families of my Heart and of the Heart of my Son. The Father has put into the Son's Heart the unending, inexhaustible treasure of grace. Come to me, my Heart will beat before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Priests, my beloved sons, be lights to your faithful. Pray much and encourage people to pray. There are many faithful who would like to pray together but who do not have a spiritual director because some priests do not listen to their needs. The groups without guidance are in danger of going astray. Do not fear the extra work; prayer must not be a burden for it brings blessings and joy.

Pray, pray much for peace, for adversaries and for all those who have power. Lead the people into the life and work for peace. My Heart will help you!

I bless all of you who rejoice in visiting me and all those whom you carry in your Hearts, especially the priests.


Kurescek, August 5, 1991.

All you who have followed my invitation, I greatly rejoice with you. Priests, my beloved sons, you are a special joy to me, because there are always several of you at my shrines.

Praise the Father with me who has loved the world so much that He has given His Son for the salvation of the world. Praise the Father with me for He has chosen me as the Mother of His Son. Let us praise the Son who has given you unto me, for you are my children. Praise the Father through the Son who sends the Holy Spirit who strengthens and inspires you.- May today's journey, all your prayers and the Sacrifice of Holy Mass be your offering in honor of the Holy Trinity and a thanksgiving to my Heart. Rejoice over Divine Mercy and over me, your Mother. Today, I bless you with special joy.


Kurescek, September 7, 1991.

The Queen of Peace gave as a commission the construction of a big, new church. This church shall be dedicated to the Most Holy Trinity.

In the vicinity shall be a home for the Community of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Our Lady showed the place where the church shall be situated and the place for the Stations of the Cross.

There is no escape from personal and national trials without prayer and fasting. Again I invite you to pray and to fast. Be a light, live my messages.

I bless you and all those who accompany you from their homes and have recommended themselves to your prayer.


Kurescek, October 5, 1991.

Praised be Jesus Christ! Today you are few in comparison with the great number of people who usually bring joy to my Heart and to the Heart of my Son. The disobedience of the people of GOD towards its Creator has caused much disaster in history. Ignorance towards the signs of the time is like the walking of a blind man in an unknown place. Some did not recognize the signs, this is why the dragon has begun to spit the fire of evil. Wake up, recognize at least now where your salvation is! Pray, fast, renounce and offer your pains and yourselves to God on the altar. Sacrifice and offer up your gifts for my intentions, so that my Heart and the Heart of my Son may begin to reign in the world. Submit your desires to the Holy Will of God, so that you won't impede the coming of God's peace into your own hearts, into the hearts of individuals who are waging war with one another and into the nations who are waging war with one another.

My Heart still especially invites you priests, my beloved sons, to recognize the signs of the times. Be the light of God unto the people, not darkness. Do not abandon prayer, otherwise you will not see the signs. Care for the purity of your thoughts and actions, of your souls and bodies. Daily consecration will attract believers and unbelievers. If you do not withdraw from my Heart you will feel my presence. I am your Mother, therefore I will not abandon you. Cooperate with my Heart!

I bless you all, especially those who suffer.


Kurescek, November 2, 1991.

Praised be Jesus Christ! Enter into my Heart and into the Heart of my Son and strengthen yourselves with perseverance and peace. For the sake of peace perseverance in ardent prayer, fasting and repentance is needed. Pray, pray for peace! Offer up your sufferings and invite the sick and the handicapped to offer up their sufferings, so that instead of hatred and terror, love will begin to reign.

The reason that the dark powers who sow terrible disaster among you are always becoming stronger is the disrespect for GOD's wishes, which are also my wishes. Allow me to help you. Live the Gospel and my messages which are a special grace for you in these times.

Priests, my beloved sons, do not doubt me and my help. Be careful about how you shepherd your flock. Be their light!

I bless all, especially those of my children who are obedient to me and who work for peace and offer up their crosses for its sake. Do not forget that I am your Mother and the Queen of Peace and believe in it.


Kurescek, December 7, 1991.

My Heart is sad because there is so much hatred and lack of peace on the earth. Yet I rejoice that the number of my children who are faithful to me increases. Pray, so that you may become capable to understand the voice of the Gospel and that the world may see my hand reaching out to it.

My dear daughters and sons, today I have a special wish which you shall communicate to the world. Protect the Holy Father John Paul II through prayer and fidelity. Pray for the unfaithful Cardinals, the unfaithful Bishops and Priests who sow dissension, cause scandals and unfaithfulness to the Holy Father, the Church and to God.

John Paul is my most beloved son. Listen to him and there will be more peace, unity and blessing in the Church and in the world.

Priests, my beloved sons, neglect of prayer is the cause of your faint-heartedness and of the deviation of many. May prayer be a need for you and not a duty, for it is the source of strength and blessing.

I bless all of you who endeavour, especially the suffering and the handicapped. Carry my blessings to all the lonely!



Kurescek, January 4, 1992.

Put into practice the Gospel and my messages, which are an expression of the Gospel.

Come to me, I want to bless you. Until August 5th no new messages will be published.

I am especially looking forward to the meeting with you on the 10th of February. Be my courageous and proud children! Do not fall prey to ambiguity and to the seductive world. The storm cannot get to my faithful children, therefore do not withdraw yourselves from the presence of God.

Prayer, especially the prayer of the Rosary, is your weapon. My blessing assists you always.

The messages from 8th of February until August 5th were published after 5th of August.


Kurescek, February 8, 1992.

Mary, the Queen of Peace, was in tears and spoke with a weeping voice:

If humanity, all Christians and especially the Croatians would only recognize now what they have missed because they have not obeyed me. I have been inviting them for ten years, warned and asked that they should pray for peace and endeavour for a life devoted to God. The majority has not accepted me, the messenger of God, has not received my warnings or my invitation to consecration The consequences and trials are terrible. Oh, if they would at least recognize me now, the Queen of Peace, and accept me as the Mother through whom God is speaking.

Threatening clouds are gathering around the South. Slovenia is no longer threatened by war, but dangerous, spiritual darkness is sneaking in. In a crafty way, it will try to penetrate into all pores of Christian life and work. Its main goal is to hurt Christianity and to overtake political power. From Slovenia the darkness will reach far.

Only one way remains to defend and protect yourselves: convert, live in reconciliation, share peace, live according to the Gospel and the divine messages which you receive through me. Pray, pray and fast. You can only rest in my Heart and in the Heart of my Son, there is no time any place else for spiritual indolence and rest.

My blessing will accompany all those who love the truth and live in obedience. You, my son, I bless especially, for in great trials you will need my help."


Kurescek, Monday, February 10, 1992.

Second anniversary of the apparitions of Kurescek.

Praised be Jesus Christ! Even though I tremble in sorrow because the satanic forces have so much power over the faithful and over humanity in general, I rejoice very much over you who have heard my voice and have come to me. This is my day and you are mine. I rejoice in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You are gifted with great grace for I have come to you according to His Will and you have come to me. All your thanksgiving and praise I will unite with mine, and I will offer it to the Father and the Son for that is the work of the Holy Spirit.

Trust me, pray and fast, I shall be with you, your helper. I bless you, especially those who have overcome difficulties and obstacles in order to come to me.

I am the Mother and Queen of Peace.


Kurescek, March 7, 1992.

Praised be Jesus Christ! Thanks be to all of you who have come to me. Thank you that at least some are striving to fulfill the Will of GOD and that you endeavour to live according to the Gospel and that my messages are truth for you. I will bless you and pray with you, so that you may pass through the great obstacles. Through prayer and fasting you will be able to resist the powers of darkness. These have only power over man. The Almighty destroys them through your faith and prayer.

Have confidence in the Holy Trinity and in my intercession and you will conquer. Otherwise a strenous path is waiting for you!


Kurescek, April 4, 1992.

You are my joy, blossoms in the little wreath on my head. Remain faithful to me, do not allow trials to remove your trust, faith and love for GOD and for me.

The storms of trials for the Church, especially for the Church in Slovenia, have already shown their forces. In the unrest of today's wind the image of the pressure of the powers of darkness, still little known to you, shows itself. Fidelity, prayer, fasting and vigilance are your defense.

Let yourselves be guided by the Holy Spirit, who is your strength and help. I will be with you also. Be strong.

My blessing shall remain with you.


Kurescek, May 2, 1992.

With special longing, I invite all religious orders and other spiritual communities to renew the faith and sanctity of the Church and to return to their original spirituality. The communities shall be a living fire and light of the Gospel.

Do not fear opposition. The opposition against the communities who spiritually renew the Church is a sign of the personal spiritual crises and complacency of those opposing them.

I invite to spiritual renewal especially the priests, my beloved sons, because they can contribute the most to the spiritual renewal of the Church. They can be bearers or hinderers of spiritual progress.

I bless all you who hear me.


Kurescek, June 6, 1992.

I always rejoice over you, even if there are sometimes tears in my eyes. I will bless you because those who gather at this place are becoming more and more numerous. I promise that this place shall be a special place of graces.

Strive for reconciliation and peace. Do not imagine that it is possible to reach this with a single deed. It is an action of continuance in which it is necessary to strive through prayer, fasting and sacrifice for reconciliation and peace. Only a life according to the Gospel and according to my messages enables you for reconciliation which brings about peace...

I bless all of you and also those who have recommended themselves to you for prayer. I especially bless the suffering.


Kurescek, July 4, 1992.

My Heart rejoices over all of you who wish to hear me and who put into practice the Gospel and my messages.

I rejoice over all the Bishops and Priests who inspire the children to consecrate themselves to me. The decision of the Slovenian Bishops that all Slovenia consecrate itself to me is the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and my blessing. Therefore you will not wait in vain for my answer to this consecration.

I will especially bless the Slovenian, Croatian and other Bishops, so that they may be a blessing to the whole Church.

And you, Smaverski, await in prayer the suffering that lays ahead of you. You will not be alone, I will help you ...

The Queen of Peace blessed all those present and all the sick.


Kurescek, Saturday, July 18, 1992.

I myself did not wish that my apparitions in Medjugorje be accepted immediately within the whole Church. But I was sad about the position of the Bishop, who would have been called the most to carefully tend my children and my messages. He judged according to human inclinations, therefore there was no humility. In this way he could not recognize the Divine Mercy that has chosen me to address the whole world through the children of Medjugorje.

I, your Mother, never avenge myself because of disobedience even as GOD is not a God of revenge. But evil derives from disobedience and is the consequence of negligence towards the divine message. Man, who rejects the Will of God, remains without GOD's blessing. But to forfeit GOD's blessing means to make room which the evil powers are going to fill up.

Priests, dear sons From you I expect spiritual maturity, not the impeding of the spiritual growth and progress of my children who are entrusted to you.

With great love and care I accompany you and I bless you.


Kurescek, July 25, 1992.

Praised be Jesus Christ! Thank you that you are ever more who meet me more often. I especially thank my faithful children who frequently come to this place. I shed tears of sorrow because of the suffering of the people who are so close to me. Cling to me and give God thanks for the peace which is promised to you if you are obedient.

Terrible powers hold you in their clutches. Only with obedience to God and to my messages with prayer, fasting and sacrifice will you be able to counter them.

Announce my messages to the world.

You, Smaverski, endeavour still more, pray even more, fast and offer up your pains with gratitude. Be a faithful disciple of my school. Beginning on the 5th of August, I will meet you during the whole month and teach you. Wait for me every day at 9 p.m.

Publish all messages from this year, beginning on February 8, except those only meant for you.

I bless all, especially those who are tried because of war, sacrifice, fear and the loss of their homes.


Kurescek, August 5, 1992.

Thank you that you have come on my day. Rejoice with me that I am your Mother and that you are my children. You will make me rejoice the most when you will love the Father and my Son and when you let yourselves be guided by the Holy Spirit. All of my children, love one another and at the same time love those who oppose them.

I also ask you: Pray for the Pope, the Bishops and Priests.

With prayer and fasting you will take the destructive force from the evil powers. Satan flees from the Name of the Crucified. Prove that you belong to Jesus! In Him is your strength. Remain my faithful children. I, your Mother, the Mediatrix of Peace bless you.


Kurescek, August 8, 1992.

Praise be Jesus Christ! Thank you that you have come in such great numbers. I rejoice over your happiness with me. At this place I promise you again many graces for all those who will take refuge in me with faith, trust and humility. May your faith not only be destined for me. All belongs to God, I will help you.

I desire always that all men live in the peace that God gives and that all may be willing to live in reconciliation. I will bless your endeavours for peace and reconciliation.

Forgive, forgive and be thankful to God for peace and protection. Stop evil in the Name of GOD and with faith in Him who gives you strength. Stop hatred and wars with confident prayer, fasting and reparation.

Priests, my beloved sons! I am thankful to all persevering and courageous priests who come here. I rejoice over the new ones who give themselves through me to the Son in the ministry of Sacrifice and Reconciliation. All those who doubt my presence shall listen in humility. I will address each one; only arrogance hinders me.

I bless you all and those for whom you have prayed.


Kurescek, August 30, 1992.

Return of the Statue of Graces and Inauguration of the Renovated Church "Queen of Peace" through Archbishop Dr. Sustar.

Mary awaited us at the twelfth Station of the Way of the Cross.

Praised be Jesus Christ! I rejoice over each of my victories among men. Today great joy is in my Heart for I celebrate with you the victory on Kurescek. My blessings will be with all those who have taken seriously my wishes for the renewal of this shrine and all those who through their work and money have made the renovation of the church possible.

This is my place, it is a place of great graces. Believe and trust me. My Heart and the Heart of my Son wait for you.

Priests, my beloved sons, I open the door of my shrine and invite you to find joy in coming here to offer the Holy Sacrifice and to exercise the service of reconciliation and prayer. Come here in your personal and priestly afflictions as well. I am the Queen of Peace. I await you priests, my sons, in a special way. Come and guide your little sheep to me and more peace and joy shall be among you.

To all of you here present and to all those for whom you have prayed I give my blessing.


Kurescek, September 5, 1992.

Bring to an end and extinguish the fire of hatred with the fire of love. Forgive with humility. Compete in seeing who can be more successful in spreading peace. Pray for your adversaries and forgive them.

Fear to judge, that you yourselves may not be among the judged. Through administering divine graces you yourselves stay in the power of grace.

Remain my faithful children!

May my blessing be with you; I especially bless the sick and the handicapped.


Kurescek, October 3, 1992.

You are my joy, for you are always more numerous with me also in this place. Try even more to make the Gospel become your life.

I am especially pleased with those priests who open themselves to my Heart and to the Heart of my Son.

My blessing is with you!


Kurescek, November 7, 1992.

..... Several false prophets and teachers come to you in my Name. Beware for you do not know from where and when the wolf is coming.

Priests, guard your stables. Wolves are breaking in and trying to disperse the sheep entrusted to you. Your responsibility is great. Be close to me and with me and do not be afraid. Do not rely on your capacities, your strength and your knowledge. Only the Triune God is your strength. Yet I am your reliable help.

Nobody will leave Kurescek without my blessing, provided they come here with good intentions, this I promise to you. I will impart a special blessing on those who take refuge in me in afflictions and trials of the soul and body and on those who seek peace.

My motherly Heart blesses you!


Kurescek, November 13, 1992.

Praised be Jesus Christ! I have invited you in order to reveal a great danger that is threatening you, the members of the Church.

Theological science destroys the belief of many. In a lack of faith they spread a merely human theology; many therefore find themselves in a crisis of faith. This is especially bad, because this crisis affects some priests. The crisis of Faith is also the cause of the other errors.

Pray, my children, not to be poisoned by the erroneous theology that some consider to be a scientific theology. Pray for theology professors, especially for the educators of future priests and the religious clergy and for all the Superiors in the Church that they develop a true theological science that strengthens faith and does not spiritually destroy others.

Some theologians in the Church develop a false philosophy; they want to interprete everything rationally. They claim that no miraculous interventions of God exist, that no angels exist and no father of evil and no evil spirits. This is a terrible error destroying true spirituality and giving Satan many a possibility for activity.

You priests shall care for a true spiritual current. Remain therefore faithful to the Gospel and to the teaching of the Church. Avoid all spiritualities that do not conform to the Gospel, especially because they please men through their comfort. Redemption was paid at a costly price. Let us confirm it therefore through a life lived according to the Gospel, through renunciation, prayer and fasting.

Priests, my beloved sons, do not divorce yourselves from your Bishops and Superiors. Be one with them as the Father and the Son are one. I will also bless fidelity to the Gospel and to the Church.

Pray that you may not undergo temptation; seduction is great and strong. God is almighty.

I will be happy to help you.

Do not let those brothers alone who are under trial. You shall show them your love. Help them!

The visionary asked Mary what he should do with this message. She responded to him:

Publish these messages, for they are for the whole Church. My blessing will remain with all of you.


Kurescek, December 5, 1992.

Do not worry about those who do not accept you and my messages. Again I say to you: Do not prove the reality of my messages and of my presence and do not convince those who do not take this as true.

Some are weak-sighted, therefore they do not see the proofs that I already have given. Pray for them that they may be healed and reach understanding.

The incessantly growing number of pilgrims will also be accompanied by other signs. Those will see and recognize them whose eyes are spiritually sane and who believe in the Son who speaks through me.

To love is the greatest commandment. Love God, also love me and I will prove to you that I am with you. Care for those who are in need of your help. Love your priests and pray for them, for through them graces flow to you.

Priests, my beloved sons! Love and support one another. Encourage one another to fidelity and love for the One who has called you. I am waiting that you might approach me even more for many of you are in great trial precisely because they are far away from me.

I bless you all, especially the sick, the tried and the suffering.



Kurescek, January 2, 1993.

Our Heavenly Father, the Creator of the universe, has cared at all times for humanity in His unending love. He has guided His people through the Patriarchs and the Prophets. When the people heeded the Will of God and lived according to it, God's blessing remained with it. Yet disobedience was followed by severe consequences.

God is leading His people now as well. He pronounces His will through the Church, through her documents issued by the Holy Father under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. God is likewise speaking through me who I am your Mother. The documents of the Church that the Holy Father issues and my messages are the working of the Holy Spirit.

God's blessing is upon humanity and the individuals who live according to the Will of the Father, yet disobedience has severe consequences.

Priests, my beloved sons! Know that God is speaking to you through the Church and her documents that have been written down according to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Also live my messages that my Son is entrusting to me.

Teach men and you will fulfil your responsibility for the souls entrusted to you; you will share in GOD's help and blessing; you yourselves are going to experience the work of God.

I pray with you for the obedient and the disobedient, and I bless all who are striving to live according to God's will.


Kurescek, February 6, 1993.

Praised be Jesus Christ! How happy I feel seeing you steadily growing in numbers. I especially bless those who have come from far away and who work so that as many people as possible can hear my voice as well as the Will of the Holy Trinity announced to you through me. I bless also those who endeavour to make my voice heard all over the world.

Repeatedly I share with you the Will of GOD that you should work for peace and for unity in the Church. Priests and all of the faithful, you should be at the side of your Bishops Pray and endeavour that the evil spirit who is bringing disunity, disobedience and dissension into the Church will become powerless and without effect.

You should be a light, help and support for one another. You should not judge but rather love.

Priests, my beloved sons! Thanks be to all of you who are faithful and who do not take notice of those who take offense at your love, fervor and fidelity to me. Light shows the way out of darkness.

I am sad about those Priests who content themselves with their comfort and their errors; who are disunited, given to the goods of this world and even disloyal. You are not to judge them. Pray for them, love them and through your good example show them the way.

With great joy I bless all, especially the sick, those weighed down by the cross and my faithful priests who are ever ready to serve GOD and man.


Kurescek, February 10, 1993.

The third anniversary

Praised be Jesus Christ! For three years I have been at this place in a special way. For a long time already this place has been belonging to me. All of you who had open eyes and hearts could see and experience my presence and work throughout these years.

I promise that with the building of the new shrine on Kurescek, dedicated to the Most Holy Trinity, the Church will also grow and be spiritually enriched. Not only here, but also at many places in the world churches that are already almost dead will revive.

I am the Queen of Peace. Trust me! Abolish hostility and through prayer, forgiveness and reconciliation bring the war to an end.

The month of May this year shall be dedicated in a special way to prayer and activity for reconciliation, so that the heavenly powers may conquer the evil and darkness which are penetrating into nations. Unite yourselves with me, and we will gain the victory.

The messages that I give in Medjugorje and Kurescek complete one another, therefore you should accept them as one, as one and the same address from God.

Only some of it relates only to Kurescek. The messages are meant for the whole world.

Priests, my beloved sons! Today I rejoice especially over all the priests who dedicate themselves to me, surrender themselves into my service and come to me on pilgrimage. A special blessing to me are those sons who, in spite of the offence others take, come on pilgrimage to me to Medjugorje and to Kurescek. Therefore I bless you with great joy, so that you can be even stronger lights and living witnesses of how GOD is pouring out His blessing through me.


Kurescek, March 6, 1993.

Together we prayed the Stations of the Cross. At the twelfth station (Jesus dies on the Cross) the Queen of Peace appeared during prayer. I fell to the ground as always. Mary said: "Behold the love of GOD!" Then she disappeared and instead of her I beheld three crosses with JESUS in the middle and on both sides the thieves. Looking at Jesus, my body transformed itself into a single suffering mass. The pain did not last long, it was covered with a bliss and love that I had never experienced before; this love was not mine, but the LORD's. During this feeling of bliss and love I heard an unknown, hidden voice: "This is the love that is stronger than suffering." Then I beheld an unending crowd of people. In front were priests, bishops, religious men and women. Even though they were mingled among the other people, they were the most numerous. The hidden voice told me again: "This is the humanity of all the world and of all times" I then heard the voice of CHRIST: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing!"

Before me the crosses appeared again and several people standing underneath. A terrible screaming of insults echoed, yet the criminal on the right hand looked at the LORD and said to Him: "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom!" And the Saviour looked at him and redeemed him: "Today you shall be with Me in Paradise."

JESUS looks at us, at the whole crowd, and His gaze adheres to one woman, whom I recognize as Mother Mary; to Her right stands a girl and to her left a young man. JESUS said to His Mother: "Woman behold your son!" Then He looked at the young man and the girl and said: "Behold your Mother!" When He was saying this He looked upon the whole crowd. The unknown voice still said: " From now on you have a Mother, and she has you." CHRIST reached out with His hands, as if they had not been nailed, and embraced the whole crowd.

After this embrace, I no longer saw anyone, I heard nothing. When I came to consciousness I cried out of happiness, emotion and a special abundance. It was a great happiness to experience the passing terrible pains and the overflowing of these pains in the love with which the LORD redeemed the world. All of this is hard to describe.


Kurescek, April 3, 1993

Praised be Jesus Christ! As you celebrate the greatest events of the salvation history of mankind which take place in front of you, discover with awe the divine mysteries regarding the price which the Father paid to redeem us.

I am still calling you and invite you to prayer. Pray and live according to the Gospel. This is the only weapon against evil, only in this way will you solve your problems. Do not admire the beauty of my messages, but accept them and live according to them.

Persevere in unity and endeavour for unity within the church. Be united to the priests and bishops. Do not talk about the bad qualities of your priests and spread them. Even if one did not happen to be a good person, as a priest he is an administrator of divine graces.

Priests, my beloved sons! Take care that you do not walk behind those sheep that expect stronger nourishment from you. Walk ahead of the sheepfold and listen to those who are hungry and thirsty for prayer and growth in the spirit. Do not look at the majority resting content in spiritual superficiality; rather look to the small number of sheep, even one or two, who want to pray with you and expect help from you for growth in the spirit. These sheep are seeds and a blessing for the parish, they will not stay alone.

Open your hearts, so that you may receive the blessing of Easter and my blessing. I give my special blessing to those are disabled, to the sick and abandoned.


Kurescek, May 8, 1993

Praised be Jesus Christ! I am the Mother of the Church, therefore be with me as living members, united to the body, whose head is my Son. Reject all that is growing and fear it. Only by remaining in complete unity with the Church are you assured of the right spiritual nourishment. The part separated from the body is doomed to death.

I already invited you to unite yourselves especially in prayer during the month of May and to live according to the Gospel more intensely, for only by doing so will you conquer the dark forces. Wherever you are and in whatever shrine you might be, unite yourselves to me and through me to the most Holy Trinity, in whom is your strength and salvation. Do not fear, we will conquer.

A healthy body nourished with pure food is able to resist disease.

May 13th is my day in a special way. Be with me this day for at least an hour; let us pray together for the holiness and fidelity of priests and for all those who have made religious vows.

Priests, my beloved sons! Love and pay attention to one another. If one of you becomes sick or falls, do not leave him without help. There shall be no judgement in your hearts, only love heals and lifts up those who have fallen. I am with you, do not be afraid. Only the one who is without a mother is without protection and helpless; he is an orphan, thrown to and from. Stay with me as beloved sons and you shall safe.

All of you my children, care especially for the helpless, the sick and the old. You too will be helpless and lonely one day.

May my blessing remain with you and give you support. Also help the helpless by bringing my blessings to them.


Kurescek, June 5, 1993

Praised be Jesus Christ! The greed for worldly goods, comfort and splendor totally preoccupies man. He has no time for noble deeds, for prayer, he has no time for God. Even the believer remains in a faith that is superficial; the light decreases until it finally expires. Darkness begins to reign and the dark forces attain their goal. Friends become foes and the one who is attacked becomes an aggressor. Families fall apart, good relations with one's neighbour are transformed into tension and fight. Where spiritual darkness begins to reign, pride and the sense of independence from God are growing as well as the feeling of freedom, a freedom that is actually slavery to the dark forces.

Once darkness has repressed the light in the heart of a priest or Christian who has already felt the grace of God and who has already received revelation, my pain is even greater! My Son suffers with me in the mystical body when believing victims become aggressors and seekers of unrest and hostility. Therefore I invite you and I call you to live the Gospel and the message God is giving to you through me. Extinguish the fire of tension and disunity within the Church. Kling to the Holy Father and to your bishops. I invite to unity with the bishops, especially the priests, my beloved sons.

Because of your fidelity to God, to the Gospel and to my messages and because of your growth in inner depth you will partake in the persecution of judgements, hostilities, insinuations and even lies. Console yourselves with the fact that your redeemer has partaken in all of this and that he does so even today through you.

You are not alone, I am with you, your mother and so are my blessings.


Kurescek, July 3, 1993

Praised be Jesus Christ! I rejoice with you who are close to me that the voice is spreading throughout the world that the Holy Trinity is addressing to the world through me. My advice, my warnings and directions penetrate into the hearts of man very slowly. But I am thankful to all of you who are a shining example. Your obedience to the Gospel and to me is a message to those for whom I am still waiting to open their hearts for the light and the grace coming from heaven through me.

I am concerned about all my children who are hindering my flame from shining forth stronger through their unbelief, mistrust and stubbornness. Therefore I invite you to forgive everyone and to pray for them with me. Also be ready to forgive when the arrows of humiliation and accusations strike you.

Be vigilant and faithful, for you live in very serious times, but times even more serious are ahead of you.

Think about the content of my messages, live according to them and pass them on to others. All of you, my daughters and sons, are collaborators in the proclamation of divine love and grace that the most Holy Trinity is sending through me.

This is not a new gospel! This is help from heaven to help you live according to the Gospel and to protect you from the danger which is threatening you. God wishes that all men be blessed. Therefore He speaks through me and pours out His special grace over humanity.

Priests, my beloved sons! All of you who open themselves to me and to the messages that the Lord is giving through me are my joy. But I am sad about those who close themselves to the documents written by the Church through the Holy Spirit. Ignorance of the documents of the Church causes obstacles to the new spiritual renewal movement of the Church that wants to protect you from the currents of evil spirits and powers of darkness. I have already made you aware of this.

My sons, the priests, I love you. I want to have you still closer to myself, that you may hear my voice better and recognize the divine care, love and grace that heaven is bestowing on the Church through me for the sake of her mission.

Come, I am waiting for you. I want to help you.

I bless all of you, who are gathered here, as well as those whom you have recommended to me. I bless especially the weak and the sick.


Kurescek, August 7 1993

Praised be Jesus Christ! My heart is filled with joy, for the little flame of love for the Holy Trinity, to whom the messages which God is giving to humanity through me spurn you on, is being enkindled ever more and more. Spread them all over the world, for the messages are an expression of a special grace of God. Through this grace the hand of God desires to protect you and to direct you and to make you aware of existing dangers. It gives you the means and shows you the possibilities of being inwardly renewed through the power of the Holy Spirit and of successfully withstanding the pernicious forces which are oppressing the Church with great power and deceit.

The Church is redeemed and she redeems. Live as redeemed members of her Body and partake in the work of the redemption. The Son of God was offered up for all men.

Remain vigilant and promote unity within the Church, with the priests, the bishops and the Holy Father.

Resist the increase of non-biblical and non-Christian ideas.

The bishops are the custodians of the true faith; you, my beloved sons, are to be their helpers. Hence remain close to them. Unity with your bishops is your wall of protection.

Pray, pray, and pray again that you may not deviate from the right path. The rosary is your weapon. Strengthen your prayer through fasting and repentance.

Those who do not accept me and who doubt the authenticity of my messages should not be like water on the fire! I am with you with the blessings that God is giving to you through me.


Kurescek, September 4, 1993.

Praised be Jesus Christ! There is no true joy without happiness, yet happiness is found in God alone. The one who is with me is in God, for I became the Mother of the Son through God the Father. Stay in my Heart, for only through my Heart will you be victorious. The times ahead of you are not going to be easy, but those who stay faithful to God and myself will conquer.

My son, a great trial lies ahead of you. The cross will be heavy, but you will be able to bear it for I am with you. It will be so heavy that it will seem as if the whole world were crushing you, but all will brighten up again.

I bless all of you who are here with gratitude and those for whom you pray. May my blessing remain with all those who seek to make my voice penetrate the world. The divine calls and warnings you are receiving are an outflow of divine love, so that all may be saved. You need the strength and wisdom that you can only obtain from one source alone. Listen to the Gospel and to my messages and remain faithful members of the Church.

Priests, my beloved sons! I love you. Those of you who desire my closeness and love to visit my sanctuaries are a special joy to me; lead those who are entrusted to you into my Heart. May my blessing come upon you and through you to all people, especially to the sick and lonely.


Kurescek, October 1, 1993


Praised be Jesus Christ! Beloved daughters and sons! How beautiful it is for us when we are together with sincere hearts and not with insidious intentions. Anyone who does not feel this beauty has not yet come close enough to me to let me embrace him. Let us stay together and it will be more beautiful and easier for you! I once again invite you to pray the rosary. Prayer shall be your weapon and your protection in spiritual warfare. Enjoy praying the rosary, for along with the prayers of Holy Mass it is the central prayer. Presence at Holy Mass and the discovery of the mysteries of the rosary are the summit of prayer and of closeness to God.

My son, come here whenever you can. You are not bound anymore to the first Saturday of the month. Often pray in front of the tabernacle where the most Blessed Sacrament is present. I also will encounter you there, especially during times of distress. You will receive my support just as my Son received consolation from an Angel in the Garden of Gethsemane. For it will seem to you that all have abandoned you. Already now I tell you that I will be with you.

Pray much and offer up your sufferings for my sons, the priests, especially for those who are too far away from me and in dangerous trials.

I bless all my children, those who have a healthy spiritual eye and those who are spiritually blind.


Kurescek, November 4, 1993

Praised be Jesus Christ! I ask you my children to grasp my messages according to the spirit, not according to the letter. The letter kills and does not allow you to understand well. Ask the Holy Spirit for spiritual understanding. The only reason why there is so much resistance to my messages is that letters are not capable of expressing the true content of my messages.

Priests, my beloved sons! Renounce material wealth, which preoccupies you too much and leads you away from spirituality. You are shepherds! Tend your sheep! Your responsibility is great. Pray, so that you may not fall into temptation.

I bless all my children, especially the suffering, the sick and the weak.


Kurescek, December 2, 1993

Praised be Jesus Christ! Praise the Lord and be grateful to Him, for He has called you and revealed Himself to you. Tell the people that on June 10, 1989, I promised you that you would become a priest. At that time there was no hope, yet you trusted in me. My son, you have become my beloved son. From now on you will only receive messages for others occasionally. You will be inspired to write and to say what you should. You are to share this with the people. After some time, you and others will understand what I command you now. This is the beginning of a new mission.

Be without worries. Your task consists in prayer and to guard yourself against the temptation to pride and to not distance yourself from the divine will. Be careful that you do not change or take anything away from God's inspirations.

More people still are going to seek help from you: but watch out, that you do not act selfsufficiently, in your name alone. The Lord is your strength, wisdom and your knowledge.

Offer up all Holy Masses and yourself entirely.

Be faithful to the vow that you gave, when you became priest. Be faithful and obedient to God, to the Church and the Bishop and through him to the Holy Father. This will be the source of your strength.

I bless you as well as all priests, my beloved sons, and all my children.



Kurescek, February 10, 1994

4th anniversary

Praised be Jesus Christ! I am the Queen of Peace. I promise help, support and blessings to all of you, who have endeavoured to live according to the Gospel and to the messages that I have given here during these last four years.

My sanctuary is renewed. At this place many hearts, the sanctuary of God Himself, have also been renewed and have found peace. All of you who have found peace and reconciliation with God and men are living witnesses of the encounter with me and my true work.

You priest-confessors are also living witnesses, for the confessions at this place are a proof of true conversions. I have promised you that this will be a place of graces for the healing of diseases and wounds of the soul for all those who take refuge in my Heart and in the Heart of my Son. Only those who are spiritually near-sighted and blind do not recognize how God is working through me.

Do not worry about humiliating remarks. There will be more and more living witnesses that I am granting peace and healing sick souls here. This is a place of graces, peace and reconciliation with God and the people.

Go on seeking to be my living witnesses.

Pray and take efforts to accelerate the growth of the possibilities for the construction of the church of the Most Holy Trinity, and that my voice will be heard in the whole world.

Do not prove the authenticity of my messages. I will speak myself to the spiritually good and open hearts.

I ask the priests, my beloved sons, to accept my invitation and to follow me. I do not call you to a faith which is blind. Open your hearts, so that I may enter.

Be courageous, my son! You are not alone. I am with you and so are many faithful. Even when you will feel lonely, I will be with you.

I bless you, especially those who follow me and the sick and the weak.

Mark 2: 14-17


Kurescek, April 29, 1994

Praised be Jesus Christ!

My son, I know your distress and your pain. You are not the first to suffer from hideous accusations, lies and hatred.

My Son Jesus Christ, though innocent, was sentenced to death through evil accusation. Look at Him and you will not give up. Trust. The fire of hatred will be extinguished and become powerless. God is the judge to whom nothing stays hidden . He knows your sins and has forgiven you everything. He also knows that you have not done what some are accusing you of. Do not fear any of these threats. The world is full of woe and injustice.

My Heart and the Heart of my Son are terribly wounded; therefore I wish and ask and commission you to make reparation through prayer, fasting and the offering up of your sufferings for the grave offenses committed against my Heart and against the Heart of my Son. Forgive always and accept injustice, pain and suffering with patience. Learn to value all kinds of suffering. Only suffering accepted as something valuable can be offered up in atonement and for other purposes. Suffering, that is not accepted as something valuable, is a twofold suffering.

I know about opposition against me and against you who follow me and are obedient to my messages. Do not be disturbed by those who do not seriously accept the divine grace God is sending through me. Some are even behaving in an insulting way. Be forgiving in patience.

Unite yourselves in prayer-groups and communities and consecrate yourselves to my Heart and to the Heart of my Son. Wherever two are gathered together in prayer, a third will soon join them which will form a family that can consecrate itself to my Heart and to the Heart of my Son. I will be especially pleased if such a prayer-group is formed by married couples and their children. Pray and see to it that families become healthy and are transformed into prayer-families of my Heart and of the Heart of my Son.

Be a light in the darkness.

So many of you are not baptized! So many people are lukewarm after baptism and even dead for God without your being aware of them and without your caring for them. In spite of this some are content with their spirituality. You do not have to go far to fulfill the mission Jesus gave you: "Go out into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel!" This world is in your midst. Live the Gospel there. This will be the most effective proclamation.

Consecrate yourselves, your families, and the nation that you belong to and the whole world through prayer, fasting and atonement, especially by meditating the mysteries of the rosary.

Rejoice over the newly baptized, especially the grown-ups who freely choose the Christian way of life.

Welcome with joy the sons and daughters who were lost, who have gotten back up on their feet and have returned into the arms of the Church.

To the priests, my beloved sons, I address the great wish that Holy Mass be celebrated daily at Kurescek. This will be a great blessing not only for Slovenia but also for the whole Church. The priests who sacrifice their time and efforts for the celebration of Holy Mass in this church will experience my blessing. May my blessing come upon all of you, especially upon the sick and the weak and upon my daughters and sons.


Javornik, June 4, 1994

Praised be Jesus Christ! The shrine in Kurescek is becoming a place of graces and blessings for you my children, who are coming here. Many have already felt this, therefore they are to be living witnesses of the presence of God and of His work.

Your most powerful prayer of petition is your gratitude for the graces and blessings you have already received. Forgive and be open for reconciliation with each person who has anything against you or you against him. Ask for the gift of love and the power of forgiveness. Pray for peace in your hearts.

Allow the Almighty to fill your hearts with love for life and with reverence for unborn children. I promise you my help! If you accept new life, your life will be more beautiful and full of peace. You are not alone, I, the mother of God, am with you.

Set up the sign of the cross and begin to pray at the place I indicated to you, where the church of the Most Holy Trinity is to be built.

Again I tell you: Live the Gospel and the messages that God is sending to you through me. The events in Medjugorje and the messages that I give to you there shall be a warning and a lesson to you. My answer to the prayers in Slovenia shall be a witness of my presence to the world. You are saved by the grace of God. This is my response to the faith of a small number. Heaven is waiting for your gratitude. Do not attribute your successes to human wisdom and power. Be on guard so that you may recognize the hand of God blessing you. Be a light! Dark powers will only flee the light.

Priests, my beloved sons! Each priest who opens his heart to my love and to my words is a special joy to me. Each gaze that you direct to me, your Mother, and each step with which you guide the people entrusted to you to me, increases my joy and your blessing. Woe to the priest who is without me, his Mother. The way to God is much harder and steeper for him.

Priests, my sons, love one another, visit lonely and inwardly withdrawn brothers. Entrust yourselves to my protection and help. I also bless all those who support you, who love you and pray for you.

I love all of you, my children, therefore I bless you, especially the suffering and the lonely.


Kurescek, July 6, 1994

Praised be Jesus Christ! I bless you, my children, all of you who endeavour to live according to the Gospel and my messages. Striving for holiness and growth in faith is your strength. Do not doubt my help. Do not worry about how to realize what I have commissioned you to do. Simply open up your hearts for the divine, listen to divine inspiration and it shall be revealed to you what, when and how you are to act. Be a temple where God abides, then my own presence will no longer be a mystery for you.

Pray for priests. Be thankful for those spiritual guides who help in spiritual growth and administer the sacraments to you. Entrust all priests, theologians, members of religious orders and those preparing to enter religious life to Bishop Vouk and to my Heart.

I want you to meet me here at Kurescek and at other shrines in great numbers on August 5th. I wish to be especially with those who have to stay at home because of sickness, obstacles or because of age. They should turn to me with faith in their hearts and I will be with them.

All those who are in distress and tried through suffering I advise to recommend themselves to Bishop Vouk.

Pray and sanctify yourselves, so that you become living cells in the families of my Heart and of the Heart of my Son.

Do not forget that Kurescek too is a place of graces for reconciliation and peace. Pray, pray! Anyone who finds it hard to forgive should pray again and again and he will receive the gift and the strength for forgiveness.

Priests, my beloved sons! I thank you that you spiritually care for my children at this place of graces. I protect you and bless you all. Continue your efforts and love God, the Church, myself, your bishops and superiors.

I also invite all women-religious, my beloved daughters, to remain faithful to their vows and to their superiors. In this way they shall please God and myself. They will be bright lights in the Church and their prayer will be a source of graces for many, especially for priests.

My children, I bless you all, especially the weak and the lonely.


Javornik, August 5, 1994

Praised be Jesus Christ! Today is my day. I am grateful to God, my Creator, that He has chosen me and included me in His plan of redemption and that He has given me to you, my children, and to the Church as a Mother.

Each encounter with you is a joy for me, especially when you take to heart my messages and call. Today through my intercession and blessing I will especially be with those who have accepted my invitation and have visited me at my shrines.

I once again ask you to pray for the unity of the Church, for priests and for those who are active in the Church. Pray and forgive continuously. All those who live in religious houses, especially my beloved daughters, the women-religious, I call to fervent prayer for priests, for religious vocations and for peace in the world.

The priests, my beloved sons, are to provide good spiritual nourishment and carefully guide the sheep entrusted to them. In me is found good pasture and safety. Guide the souls to me and through me to God. Be living witnesses of divine love, witnesses of my presence and work.

I bless you, especially those who are making efforts and shine as a light. All the sick, the weak, the abandoned and the lonely, all you who are in misery and desire to be close to me, I bless you in a special way.


Kurescek, October 4, 1994

Rejoice with me, for my voice is being heard in ever more distant places. My children who listen to me, join for prayer in churches and at home. More and more people are coming here to Kurescek from places far away. I am sad because of the blindness of some. Even though they are faithful to me, they think that I only speak through one person to the Church and to the world. God is love. His grace is boundless, but I am the Mediatrix of these graces. God calls you, invites you, teaches and warns you through me.

Do not heed the negative remarks of those who are satisfied with a superficial spirituality. They do have lamps, but you are to pray that they obtain oil for their lamps. At the same time pray that you yourselves do not fall into spiritual narrow-mindedness, that your oil not run short.

I repeat my greatest intention: pray for priests. Materialism and the bad influences of the surrounding world undermine and weaken the spiritual life of many priests. Neglect of prayer weakens resistance to evil influences and human weakness.

I ask all my children to pray, fast and offer up reparation out of love for the sins against love.

Recommend priests to Bishop Anton Vouk. Also recommend yourselves with your intentions to him.

I also ask you priests, my beloved sons, to pray much, to fast and to sanctify yourselves for the dark powers are working very strongly among you as well. Recommend yourselves to Bishop Vouk; he is your great intercessor. He will answer you with his intercession and the Church will recogize his role as intercessor.

All of my children, together with the priests, my beloved sons, promote the unity of the Church, unity with the Holy Father, with the bishops and priests. Your love and your working in faith shall be a sign to the world that you are my children.

I bless you all, especially the sick and the lonely.


Kurescek, October 27, 1994

Praised be Jesus Christ! Many do not believe that God is sending me to you and that this is a special grace for the Church and for the world. God the Father has given commandments to His people, which they should have lived according to. If God was not also a God of love and mercy, He would punish and destroy those who do not keep His commandments. But this He did not do, rather He called and admonished them through the patriarchs and the prophets. But in the new covenant He sends me in order to pour out a special grace upon the Church and upon all of humanity. Through me the Father invites, calls and admonishes you and through me He makes you aware, that - as has already often happened in history - dark forces are at work with great deceit. These powers want to rob man of faith in an absolute God; they destroy unity within the Church and they generally want to throw man into infidelity to God and the Church.

The Pope, the vicar Head of the Church, the bishops and priests and all my faithful children are a special target of the demonic powers that seek to split them and destroy everything belonging to God.

Priests, my beloved sons, and all of you, my children, stay faithful and do not be afraid. No powers can ever conquer the Most Holy Trinity and I, your Mother, am with you.

I bless you all, especially the suffering.


Javornik, December 3, 1994

Praised be Jesus Christ! I thank all of you who listen to me and follow me. All of you who seek to make my voice heard in the world are a joy to me. Call and shout out that more and more people are recognizing the grace of God that you are receiving from heaven through me. Call out like John the Baptist: "Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand."

Imitate the Pope, the servant of God, for he is the faithful Spokesman of the Head of the Church. Work together with the Holy Father for the renewal of the Church. In the documents of the Church and in the talks given by the Pope the way, the manner and the means of renewing the Church are shown to you. Seek to understand these documents, and you will understand the signs of the times in which you are living.

I repeat this message: Pray and let each one strive for the unity of the Church, for the main goal of the demonic powers is above all the destruction of unity within the Church. Pray for the sanctification and fidelity of priests.

Hearing and fulfilling the divine will revealed to you through me is a source of blessing and spiritual strength for you.

I bless you, especially the weak and the lonely.



Kurescek, February 10, 1995

5th anniversary

Praised be Jesus Christ! May all of you be blessed who are gathered with me here on this day. Many graces and gifts of peace were given to those who searched for grace and peace at this place since my first encounter with you. All of you who have experienced this are living witnesses and proclaimers of divine grace, which is love.

All my children, you who are gathered here around me at this place of grace, especially the priests who celebrate the holy sacrifice of Mass and are active in the ministry of reconciliation, partake in my special blessing and protection. I promise you that my encounters with you here are still going to take place. My son Smaverski (Father France Spelic) will undergo a heavy trial. Support him with love and prayer.

I am the Queen of Peace. I bless you all, especially those who would love to be here with me at this place, but who could not come here due to sickness and those who have no one to help them come here. I promise them that I will be with all, wherever they may be, if they only wish to be with me.


Javornik at the chapel, April 13, 1995

I was in great distress and pain. Then Mother Mary came and said:

Praised be Jesus Christ! Son, you are not alone. I know your cross, I support you. Look at the cross, upon which the redemption of the world is hanging, and at the cross I carry during the events of Easter, and it will be easier for you. You are not yet on the cross of Good Friday, but prepare yourself for it. Do not be afraid, my hand is with you.

The Church, too, the mystical body of my Son, is not yet in her greatest pain. Therefore I warn you again about the powers of dark which are penetrating into the Church. One of the doors through which the dark forces enter the Church is the reproach of weaknesses directed to people in the Church.

Only prayer, fasting and sacrifice are successful means against the power and tricks of the evil one. Do not believe in the presumptuous, hideous slander. It is the goal of Satan to create unrest and to disturb the unity of the Church.

Priests, my beloved sons, distributors of graces, be lights in the darkness. Only through faithful service and in humility and poverty will you be able to be such a light. Giving into the pleasures of life makes your fervor lukewarm and this lukewarmness is the cause of other weaknesses and sins.

Stay close to me and with me and do not be afraid of the cross of your ministry.

I am your Mother, therefore I bless you all, especially those who are burdened with the cross of suffering.


R.K., May 20, 1995

Praised be Jesus Christ!

I bring peace and blessing to all of you who seek to live according to the Gospel. My messages are an additional shower of divine grace. Many are deaf. Therefore divine mercy repeats the same thing for them, for it is the will of God that all attain salvation. This is a grace, instead of the deserved punishment.

God Himself chooses His servants. It has also been granted to me, your Mother, to choose the ones through whom I speak. Because there are no perfect human beings among the inhabitants of the world, I use imperfect ones who are trying to become holy. Children who are still innocent and grown-ups who have a childlike heart are the chosen ones in my mission.

All of you are my joy who order your lives according to the Gospel and follow me. Be my living witnesses! Have courage!

You are not to add anything to my messages nor take anything away. Spread the messages I give to you. They are a divine guidance given to the whole Church and to all people.

Son, do not tremble in the face of an uncertain future. Trust in God's help which is give to you through me. Be obedient even in things you do not understand.

During the days of solitude that I worked out for you, you will be given everything you need. Follow the directions that I gave you.

I bless you, especially those who are tried and those who because of their trust in me, God's messenger, and in my messages are undergoing difficulties.


R.K., June 3, 1995

Praised be Jesus Christ!

Beloved daughters and sons! I wish to meet you on August 5th in my shrines, also at Kurescek. I want to rejoice with you on that day.

At your prayer-meetings and other gatherings always read one of my messages, beginning with the first message. Reflect on it, speak about it and examine how you have put my wishes and orders into practice.

I also commission, ask and invite you to live according to the Gospel and to spread my grace-filled messages.

Pray for all theologians, especially for scholars of theology, professors, religion teachers and educators, that they may rest on the healthy foundations of the Gospel and of Christ. This desire of mine concerns the whole Church, especially for those theological and individuals who are animated by a false spirit.

I especially ask all sons and daughters who suffer to pray and offer up their sufferings for theologians and sound teaching. I therefore bless them together with you.


R.K., July 8, 1995

Praised be Jesus Christ!

I thank all those who take refuge with me and through me in the Triune God.

Your striving for holiness is a source of great joy for me. Go on seeking to become holy and to be a model for those who doubt or are in complete darkness. Do everything to make my messages published in the whole world.

Open your spiritual eyes and see. Recognize the cause of the terrible tragedies and hostility among you. The lack of respect towards the divine commandments and towards the will of God and the rejection of the warnings that God's mercy is sending to you through me are the cause of your insufficient strength against the satanic forces. Instead of resisting through the strength of faith, you yourselves get mixed up in the workings of the evil one. To fail to see the signs and to resist the obvious presence of God, as it is present at Medjugorje and at the other places of my apparitions, means to consent to the terrible events and to partake in them through loveless works. If some leaders of the Church and of the nations would have listened in Medjugorje, there would not be as much suffering as there is.

Prevent and stop the atrocities of war and listen to what God is saying through me. Just as the fire of hostility is now spreading, so will the Spirit of peace spread throughout the world and in all places of hostility, if you listen to me.

The world did not recognize how Slovenia was saved from the atrocities of war by the grace of God because of a small number of my children who faithfully followed what I had commissioned them to do. Because people did not recognize these signs of God's grace, hostility broke out again at places of hostility that had already been extinguished and also at new ones.

Recognize and understand what contributes to your salvation. This is also true of personal relationships in families and neighborhoods.

Pray for the wisdom of God, that all of you, especially the custodians of the Church, the bishops and priests, may understand where and through whom I am speaking, for even here the evil spirits are introducing their own servants.

Believe and trust, that I am the true messenger of God among you.

I am thankful to all of those who follow me, and I therefore bless them. I also bless those who out of human prudence are being cautious. May my blessing open their spiritual eyes and hearts, so that they may see through the wisdom of God and believe.

I bless all who suffer and ask them to offer up their sufferings and prayers for the holiness of priests.


R.K., July 26, 1995

Feast day of Saint Anne and Saint Joachim

Praised be Jesus Christ!

I was at the chapel meditating upon Mary, the Mother of the Redeemer. The chapel was filled with a blissful odour. Suddenly Mother Mary herself appeared. She greeted as usual with the words "Praised be Jesus Christ!" For a long time she did not say anything. Her presence though was speaking (without words, silently). What feelings, what blessedness, what an experience! My faith was strengthened and my praise and thanksgiving in God and our Mother who was present increased in me. All these feelings grew in me to such an inner fullness that I cannot even come close to describing them.

She said:

You came back to the Heavenly Father, therefore He has bestowed gifts on you so that you have become a father to many, not just a brother. Therefore say that I wish those, who accept you, to call you "Father" and not "Mister". Be a brother to all, even to those who reject you and speak ill of you. Do not grow tired of forgiving and being patient........... You will not be without work. Even more people will seek help from your in their distress. Do not be afraid, you will not be alone at work. He who calls you, will support you. He Himself will decide how long you are to be His instrument; He is the Lord of your life. I too will be with you. Do not be afraid of the cross. It will be at your side till the end. Pray and sanctify yourself. The help of God will be with you, so that the cross will not be to heavy.

Be holy and my blessing will be with you.


Brezje, August, 5 1995

Soon after recollection in prayer, while kneeling at the altar of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Brezje, I experienced the same state I do during each apparition, only this time I stayed on my knees. I did not fall down. (During the apparition itself I was unaware of what state I was in. Only after the apparition did I recognize that I was not lying on the floor, but that I was on my knees). This apparition was different from the others. The figure of Christ appeared, whose image faded at the waist. Above the breast the place of His Heart was indicated by a reddish glow. In the center of the breast or of the Heart a small green point was visible, which quickly grew ever closer and closer, forming the figure of Mary asit approached. In the left hand she held the cross with the body of the Crucified (the size of the cross was about 12 to 14 inches in length). Big tears were running down her cheeks, falling to the ground. The face of Mary was very sad to look at. She was without words, silent. At my right hand, to Mary's left, the figure of Saint Francis of Assisi appeared, who was kneeling. He looked at the cross that Mary was holding in front of her (in her left hand).

I cannot say whether Jesus was alive. Saint Francis bowed his head several times.

All together everything took quite a long time. I do not know if my estimation of time is right if I say it took 5 minutes, for I lose the sense of time during apparitions.

Mary lifted her right hand, but her left hand, which was holding the cross, she put in front of her. The right hand was in the position usually used when blessing. Her lips were moving, as if she were speaking, but I did not hear her voice. I am convinced that at that moment she was blessing.

The apparition suddenly ended. This was the first apparition of Mary in which I did not hear her voice.



Zalog, January 6, 1996

You have asked for an interpretation of the apparition during my feast day in Brezje. Here is the explanation: I always come out of the Heart of my Son. This time I came with the cross in my hand. I stopped above the globe. Tears of sorrow were falling on the globe, tears of divine grace. They were tears of sorrow, for the powers of darkness are so successfully battling against the Church and undermining spiritual values, especially among many priests with great success. The tears were also tears of divine grace, for the Holy Trinity is sending me in order that through my tears I may call to conversion and Church renewal. Saint Francis of Assissi, who was seen in the apparition, had fixed his gaze on the cross and upon me. This means that the Church needs renewal, just as it did at the time of Saint Francis. This is a call from heaven for the return of all faithful, especially of those from the Franciscan Order, to the spirit of Saint Francis. This spirituality consists in the faith, hope and the trust of Saint Francis in God and love. Out of love for God the Saint renounced all earthly goods, received perfect purity, obedience to his superiors and to his vows. Many faithful, priests, sons and daughters of Francis have distanced themselves from a deeper faith, trust and true love. Poverty is practiced only by a few, and there are many who, following the example of the world, are bound to material goods and to luxury. Those who want to live the life of Saint Francis have become the laughter and mockery of many because of their holiness. Return to poverty, so that you may become small and humble again. Care for a pure life, renounce all means of stimulation that rob you of strength and time. Care for a deeper worship of God and for deeper prayer. Priests, renew prayer before and after every liturgical service, especially before and after Holy Mass. My transferring of the Cross to the middle of my breast means that the Crucified is the center and source of strength. Before Him and His Cross Saint Francis prayed for all he obtained. Look to the cross upon which my Son is hanging. Do not be afraid. My stretched out hand means that I will maternally bless all of you. The knodding of Francis means that he accepted the will of God and that your accepting of His will is also the only way in which the Church will be renewed through you.

Return to the spirituality of Saint Francis of Assisi, following his example and the example of many who followed him. I bless all those who partake in the renewal of the Church and in the combat against the dark powers in the Church. Your cross in this battle will not be easy, but you will be able to bear it because you will share in the strength that can do all things. Pray and look at the Cross, this is your victory.

Zalog, February 10, 1996

Praised be Jesus Christ!

I rejoice over my faithful children who come in haste to meet me this day. Many of you have experienced my presence in the last years, since my first commission: "Renew prayer at this forgotten and abandoned place." Be living witnesses of the graces that have been given to you. Your transformed life shall be a proof to unbelievers, that you have been strengthened through the power of the grace you have received and that this alone is prompting you to holiness and continual conversion. Describe the true grace you have experienced and transmit it to the priests who, together with the Bishop, are going to sift out the possible inauthentic experiences through the gift of discernment. Fear those who exaggerate things, claiming to see what does not exist. But all of you who have truly experienced the grace that has been granted to you through me, are to be witnesses of this grace through your life and word, both spoken and written.

Renew and fortify strengthen the Church spiritually. This is the call from heaven. You will be able to do this by continuously looking at Jesus Christ crucified and risen from the dead, who is alive in the Holy Eucharist.

Before the Most Blessed Sacrament cast yourselves into the Heart of my Son and in my Heart and atone for the desecrations, blasphemies and terrible sins of a godless world and for those who have separated themselves from the Body, the Church.

The trials inflicting you will be overcome by the strength that you will receive through prayer and surrender to my Heart and to the Heart of my Son.

I invite my beloved sons, the priests, to return to the poverty of Saint Francis and to order their spirituality in accordance with the rigor of Saint Ignatius of Loyola and in the spirit of humility of many holy men and women.

This is the way to renew the Church and the strongest weapon against the dark powers seeking to undermine divine order, peace and unity.

Obedience and fidelity to the bishops, especially to the principal bishop, together with prayer, is the condition for victory in the battle against disunity in the Church.

Pray, pray, that you may become guests of my Heart and of the Heart of my Son, and do not be afraid. Everything you need will be given to you.

All that I commission you with and desire from you is meant for the whole Church and for the whole world. Be thankful to the Most Holy Trinity that I have stepped upon this piece of earth in a special and personal way.

I bless all my children, especially the sick and the weak.

Kurescek, April 30, 1996

Praised be Jesus Christ!

You have waited two months for this day. You were tried, but your serious illness has not kept you from being happy.

One sign that I am with you is that you still did not know at 11 a.m. today whether the doctors would allow you to leave the hospital, but I wanted you to be at Kurescek precisely today, for I already invited you two months ago. I arranged thing in such a way that you would be here on the day I wished. This shall be a testimony to all.

There are more and more people who have experienced conversion and other answers to their prayers at this place full of graces; that is why the number of devotees of my Heart and of the Heart of my Son is growing. Also many priests are converting and waking up. For this you should give thanks with joy.

The dark powers are strong and oppress the Church and its individual members. Do not be afraid, just stay faithful to the Church and it's Head. Pray with fervor for the Pope and ask for the blessing you are going to receive. You and your descendants will only understand the true value and meaning of the Pope's visit later on.

I, your Mother, am with you and will continue to be with you. I will rejoice over the good fruits of the Pope's visit. I will also rejoice over the disappointment of the opponents. The dark powers are strong, but God is almighty.

I bless you, my faithful visitors, your houses, all the sick and the weak.

I especially bless the priests who have recourse to my Heart and to the Heart of my Son.

I am united with all of you priests most intimately during the celebration of the Eucharist and during your prayer before the Most Holy Sacrament.



Kurescek, February 10, 1997

Praised be Jesus Christ!

I am thankful to you, for many of my daughters and sons have taken my last message seriously and have proved this today through your numerous participation in the 7th anniversary of the first encounter with me at this place.

Just as you have filled me with joy today, continue to fill me with joy through your great striving for spiritual renewal, following the example of Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Ignatius of Loyola and of other spiritual models.


Zalog, September 28, 1997

Praised be Jesus Christ!

You who are faithful to the gospel are my joy. Be on guard against false prophets and against proclaimers of the Gospel, who are not from GOD. Protect yourselves against the influences of strange religions; for you know the Way, the Truth and Life.

Do not hate anybody and remain spiritually strong and healthy. I am your advocate, my blessing will sustain you.


Kurescek, November 6, 1997

...I am thankful to the priests of all ranks who seek to live the Gospel and who take my messages seriously, through which I am bringing GOD's grace and love to the Church and to the whole world.

I am God's messenger, and the Church is the guardian of my apparitions and messages, and only she can approve their authenticity.

Pray, pray more! Support prayer through fasting, renunciation and sacrifices. There you will find strength and victory.

I greet you faithful and suffering ones.


Zalog, December 18, 1997

Praised be Jesus Christ!

I rejoice over those who prepare themselves for the feast days and great events of God's redeeming "Love" for all humanity that became man and redeemed humanity at Easter.

I want you to live the feast days inwardly! The preparations that you do individually can also be spiritually enriching. Only fear those feasts that are purely exterior, that only mean pleasure, glamour and pretence.

It is my desire that you live the mysteries of the feast days and receive my blessing. I especially bless the weak, those who suffer because of injustice, prisoners, those in jail and all those who are subject to oppression and restricted in their freedom.



Kurescek, February 10, 1998

Praised be Jesus Christ!

Today I am celebrating the 8th anniversary of the day when I first intervened here with the commission: "Renew prayer at this place. Encounter here my Heart and the Heart of my Son." I am thankful to all who have taken these and my other messages seriously.

Many of you have recognized and experienced that I am with you. The preparation for the building of the church and the construction itself took place with such speed that only the blind do not see. You have trusted my messages and I was and am with you.

Because many have followed and fulfilled the commission I gave to you on March 3rd and May 5th, 1990, you have been preserved from the terrible consequences of war.

There have already been many conversions and answers to prayers that you entrusted to me here.

All that was commissioned has not been fulfilled, but my motherly heart still rejoices with you and again I commission to you:

You priests, remain faithful to your promises and be obedient to your bishops. You yourselves are to deepen your faith, renew the priestly poverty and piety of Saint Francis of Assisi. Guide the faithful along the path to holiness, guide them to the Heart of "Life " and to my motherly Heart.

Pray for a quick and successful procedure that the Church may count Bishop Vouk among the Saints. It is not difficult to prove his holiness, his heroism and his surrender to God.

Hasten steps for the creation of families and communities of my Heart and of the Heart of my Son.

Pray for reconciliation and peace among yourselves and among the nations. Be on guard against the demonic powers.

All you faithful, not only the Slovenians: Pray that the commision accelerate its work of examining the events at Kurescek and that the time for the construction of the church of the Holy Trinity mature more quickly.

In your prayers do not forget unhappy mothers who are fighting in and with themselves, deciding over the life or death of the child they have conceived, so that life may conquer. Help mothers yourselves in their suffering.

I am waiting for you to fulfill my wishes.

I greet you, especially the helpless, the lonely and the sad.

Zalog, March 7, 1998

Praise be Jesus! I am happy of the unity, in which you are gathering today in all the sanctuaries, because of the offenses against mine and my Son's Heart. To the whole world and also to the enemies of the Church, your unity is proof of the spiritual strength, which is in the mystical Body of Christ - the Church. Thank you for your atonement, for the offenses and profanity against the Holy Eucharist, symbols of your faith and all sacred things. Always be with me, because I am never alone. With me is always He, who is your only true path. Stay faithful to the vows you gave when you received the sacraments.

Again I instruct you do not try to prove my apparitions and the authenticity of my messages. I myself shall prove them. Only the blind will not see the evidence.

Love is your identity, of who you are. Love should be lived and not preached.

The fulfillment of love to God and people is through loving people, especially the distressed, the sick and all those in need of your help. Do not forget them!

Pray for all priests and your superiors. Pray so that they may receive strength and help. Priests, brothers and sisters, do not leave your brothers or sisters in loneliness. Loneliness paralyzes people and can even kill them.

Do not abandon eucharistic gatherings as some have a tendency to do. The mass and receiving of the sacraments guarantees strength and spiritual health.

Work for forgiveness and complete reconciliation and unity in marriages, in families, among neighbors and all people.

Delaying and disdaining good deeds is not accepting God's blessing. Do not be slow in doing good!

All those who have already received special graces at this place of grace, Kurescek, please: be live witnesses of this grace! Do not keep this joy for yourselves, share it with others. This is not proving but witnessing.

I Bless you all, who work for peace, for atonement, and also the needy, the suffering and the lonely.

Your Mother-Queen of Peace.

(The message was translated by Terezija & Andrej Bevec)


Kurescek, April 4, 1998
Praised be Jesus!

I thank all those , who follow and wish to fulfill God's will, which is proclaimed in the Gospel and in the encouragement, which Love - God is giving to the Church through me. I thank you, priests, who like my sons live according to their vows and enjoy the service of Love and joyfully proclaim the Gospel.

Priests, pray for your brother priests, who are under trials. Love them and do not judge them. All my children especially my beloved priests, be attentive of the dark forces, which penetrate the Church in many ways and are in the Church already, that they do not seduce you and make you their victims. Priests, you are responsible for yourselves and the people, which are under your leadership. Stay faithful to your Church and its head - Christ, the Pope, Bishops and to other representatives, that are faithful to the Gospel.

I wish that you pray in all my sanctuaries and other churches in the month of May for unity in the Church and the strength of faith, with which you will resist the dark forces. In all my sanctuaries there should be at least one mass offered for the unity and for spiritual health and strength. In larger centers there should be a daily holy mass for this intention.

Do not argue with those, who do not believe, that I your Mother and Queen of Peace am also coming into the Church through the visionaries. The proving leave to me. The visionaries should try to go unnoticed and should not allow the faithful followers to have them as the center of attention. They should be hidden, faithful and role models. Those visionaries, that are overtaken by greed for admiration are eliminating themselves from my chosen ones.

You all must try to fulfill God's main commandment - love. All those in need should be cared for with love, especially the weak, the lonely and people in distress.

Priests, be attentive to other priests, who are distressed and have become lonely for whatever reasons. Be role models in leadership and instruction to the young.

I bless you all, especially the weak and the lonely. Be faithful to the baptismal and other vows, which you gave to God in the Church.

(The message was translated by Terezija & Andrej Bevec)


Kurescek, May 2, 1998
Praise be Jesus!

The heavens are happy of all, those who strive, to live the Gospel and the messages, whom Love - God sends through me to all Christians and all people. Many know God and me only in time of crisis and fear, but when that passes, they again include themselves among the life styles of the unbelievers. The faithful, must strive even harder, to consecrate themselves and be the model of light in darkness.

With great sadness I again say to you all, that you rewrite and inform everyone in the world what I said to you on December 7, 1991:

My Heart is sad because there is so much hatred and lack of peace on the earth. Yet I rejoice that the number of my children who are faithful to me increases. Pray, so that you may become capable to understand the voice of the Gospel and that the world may see my hand reaching out to it.

My dear daughters and sons, today I have a special wish which you shall communicate to the world. Protect the Holy Father John Paul II through prayer and fidelity. Pray for the unfaithful Cardinals, the unfaithful Bishops and Priests who sow dissension, cause scandals and unfaithfulness to the Holy Father, the Church and to God. John Paul is my most beloved son. Listen to him and there will be more peace, unity and blessing in the Church and in the world. Priests, my beloved sons, neglect of prayer is the cause of your faint-heartedness and of the deviation of many. May prayer be a need for you and not a duty, for it is the source of strength and blessing. I bless all of you who endeavor, especially the suffering and the handicapped. Carry my Blessings to all the lonely!

(The message was translated by Terezija & Andrej Bevec)


Kurescek, June 6, 1998
Praised be Jesus!

No one can prevent you from witnessing what you have experienced, in the places of grace. We are live witnesses.

Do not be restless, if the Church does not publicly accept some visions and messages. This process requires from the Church time and wisdom. This does not exclude witnessing; these have to be based on truthfulness.

Witnessing to the representatives of the Church and to the public. Everything should be given to the judgement of Church representatives. All written testimonies should be sent to the care taker of my sanctuary at Kurescek. He will care so the testimonies that have a truthful base will be published.

Do not be afraid of those, who do not accept me, even those are my daughters and sons. My presence here and the authenticity of my messages is to be judged by the Church. I say to you again. Do not try to prove my presence here and the authenticity of my messages. All of this I will prove. You must be quiet so I may be heard.

To you, Smaverski, I say to you, be hidden, and do not attract attention, stay humble and I will support you. If you will ever be tested and you will have doubts due to the weight of your cross, call and you will receive help. Of your personal cross do not talk about it, but write about your testimony for future generations.

I bless all Christians - those, who believe in my presence and my messages, and those, who do not trust, so that they will receive the trust.

(The message was translated by Terezija & Andrej Bevec)


Zalog, July 4, 1998
Praised be Jesus!

A lot has been accomplished, for my messages to spread throughout the world. Continue to spread the messages and seek new avenues, to make it easier to reach other people, who are not informed of the essence of my messages, that I am giving in Medjugorje, Kurescek and other places.

I Bless the work and the sacrifices of those, who work for the families and the togetherness of My Heart and of the Heart of Jesus.

Pray, that soon conditions will mature for the building of the new Church of the Blessed Trinity.

You, Smaverski, on September 17, 1987 obtained your first Christ's wounds, which where open to now. From now you will occasionally have one open wound. The pain will be greater. Also, you will suffer greatly. Your inner suffering will be greater than the physical suffering. The cause will be from people, who do not accept you. Be courageous, you know, you are not alone and in whose service you are.

Priests enjoy your work of reconciliation and lead the people towards reconciliation.

I Bless all the sick, invalids and others, especially the abandoned and lonely.

I Bless all the faithful to God, the Church and me.

(The message was translated by Terezija & Andrej Bevec)


Zalog, August 8, 1998
I Bless all, who live the Gospel and my messages, which are nothing else than encouragement for living according to the Gospel.

I Bless all, who through prayer support your priests, Bishops, and who love the Pope and pray for him.

Everywhere the Church is under trials. The enemies of the Church attack the Pope, Bishops, and priests, to undermine Christian values and the influence of the Church, so to tarnish the image of the Church. On what a low uncultured level they are ready to go, the hidden and open enemies of the Church, there is enough evidence of this in Slovenia. The first goal of those against us is to tarnish representatives of the Church as much as possible and ruin their image.

All mine and God's children you must resist such agendas. Be strong support for Bishops and priests. Pray for them! The strongest support is your exemplary Christian life.

Do not be led astray! Stay faithful to your Baptismal vows!

With prayer and personal Christian posture help all families, so that they will be spiritually healthy and that married couples will be faithful to their marriage vows, that they gave to one another in the sacrament of marriage.

The first fruit of your prayer for the recognition of the holiness of Bishop Vovk is here. The Church has started the procedure for the recognition of Bishop Vovk as blessed. Be thankful to God's wisdom, which is God. Ask even more for the intercession of Bishop Vovk and do not hide the answered prayers. Exactly to this saintly Bishop recommend your Bishops and priests, that they will courageously stand against the pressures of tarnishing, embarrassing and belittling. Also to him, Bishop Vovk, pray for more priests.

My thankful Heart will always be open for my children. Listen to me and live according to faith, which you preach.

I bless all, especially the suffering, invalids, the lonely, orphans, and those looking for a new meaning of life.

Your Mother, Queen of Peace.

(The message was translated by Terezija & Andrej Bevec)


Oresje, September 5, 1998
Praised be Jesus!

I thank all those who have heard my calls and spread my messages. Unfortunately many still do not know about Kurescek the place of graces. Especially among Slovenians and people from the surrounding area there are many who do not know anything about it. Many doubt and some have their hearts hardened.

On 24th of September, I will give the last message from Kurescek and for Kurescek.

Live and act in accordance with previous messages. At Kurescek I will talk in the form of events, from now on.

Smaverski remains my beloved son, whom I will continue to teach and meet. He should write and talk about the things that he will learn in my school without mentioning all the time that he learned them in my school.

On September 24th the messages and visions that are in connection with the events at Kurescek will end.

The meetings with me and the visions that Smaverski will have in my school will not be connected to the events at Kurescek. Kurescek remains and will become more and more a place of grace, and you will be the witnesses of this.

Write about special events in detail and present them to the representative of the Church, that is appointed for this purpose.

Messages from Medjugorje and Kurescek are priceless. Don't have them forgotten on your shelves. Live them.

I bless all my children especially those who need my and your help.

The Queen of Peace.

(The message was translated by Terezija & Andrej Bevec)


Kurescek, September 24th 1998

Praised be Jesus,

In my previous message I said that I would give you my last message today. It is the last one only in regards to the form in which I'm giving it to you. From now on I won't talk through the visionary, but in the form of events that you will experience.

All of you who will receive graces, at Kurescek the place of graces, record them and send the report to the rector of the Sanctuary at Kurescek. Be live witnesses, from now on I will talk through you.

Representatives of the Church should decide if the testimonies can be published at once, or need to be further examined. Suitable testimonies are to be given to the whole Church, be published in religious media and translated to other languages.

I will continue to come to visionary Smaverski. I'll teach him and he'll record my message. He won't, however, tell the messages as he did up to now.

He will use my teachings and messages when writing articles for the media, and when writing his diary which will be used in later times.

Don't be afraid I'm not leaving Kurescek. My presence here will be even stronger from now on.

My great wish is that you pray and consecrate yourself so that dark forces that are penetrating the Church, and are already in, won't be able to overcome you.

Also the dark forces from outside the Church are fearlessly attacking it too, in order to take away it's respect and power. God's promise is that the gates of hell will never prevail against it.

That's why we are not afraid for the Church. It is possible though, that there will be many victims among humans because many people let the dark forces fool them.

Keep fidelity to triune God, the Church, my beloved Son, the Pope and his faithful bishops and priests.

Priests, my beloved sons! Be faithful to God, the Church, to my beloved Son, to the Pope and the Bishops that are faithful to him. Renounce material luxuries. The humbleness and poverty of St. Francis are the basis for spiritual growth. No liturgical event, especially Eucharistic Liturgy, should be routine work, but a work of faith , respect and fervency. Priests, be happy to give the sacrament of reconciliation, the most miracles happen in this sacrament.

Kurescek is a place of graces too. The fountain of grace will become ever stronger. That is why a new large church consecrated to the Holy Trinity will be built there. No man can stop this from happening.

I'm assuring you again that I'm not leaving you. Keep coming to me here at Kurescek with faith and trust; you will recognize me in my works and signs. I'm not leaving Smaverski either. He'll remain in my school and service. There will be no more messages as there have been up to now. I will talk through Smaverski even more strongly in other ways.

Don't forget God's main Commandment, the commandment of love toward all people, especially the powerless, lonely, hopeless and poor who count on the goodness of your hearts.

Bring my blessing to all the people of the world, also the faithless and those who don't like me nor you because you are the children of God. Be my light and many will find a way out of darkness.

I bless especially all who love the triune God and me.

With my hand and petition I support all who suffer.

I am the Queen of Peace.

(The last message was translated by Terezija Bevec)



Report from Father Spelic about five visions from the Queen of Peace immediately before or after the mass occurring in the church or in the chapel in Zalog on March 20, 27, and April 3, 10, and 17, 1999.

The Queen of Peace in five separate visions (March 20 and 27, and April 3, 10, 27, 1999) communicated her great worry and message for us, when she talked about pressures imposed on the Holy Father - Pope, Bishops and priests, who are faithful to the Body of Christ - the Church and to the Pope.

The Mother Mary reminded us, that she was warning us years ago how the dark forces are penetrating the Church and that they are strongly present in it and are working in conjunction with the dark forces outside of the Church.

These dark forces want to discredit the values of the Church divide the Church and destroy its unity, discredit Peter's successor and splinter some of the Cardinals, Bishops, and priests and by this bring disunity among the faithful. By their disobedience to the Holy Father and by the penetration of foreign non-Christian ideologies and religions among the faithful, even among the priests on all levels, they are causing chaos and uncertainty.

Mary the Queen of Peace is cautioning us, warning us, and asking us to pray for unity in the Church, for faithfulness to the Triune God, the Church, and the Pope. Especially she is asking us for prayers for fallen away members of the Church and especially for unfaithful priests on all levels.

The Mother Mary was crying in all these visions, especially when she was talking about the pressures imposed on the Pope, John Paul II.

In the last vision (April 17, 1999) she told us, the faithful, to become "the guardians through prayer" of the Holy Father. In order to be good guardians, we should be joining together in the heart of her Son and her heart.

She said, "Explore the secrets of our hearts and find in them the strength needed to bear the temptations, and to pray for the strength of the Pope, Bishops, priests and all the children of God. Pray to the Holy Spirit to give strength to the present Holy Father and for his true successors. The dark forces want the present Pope to be removed as soon as possible and are preparing for the anti-christ to succeed him."

Mary did not say exactly if this plan of the dark forces is for the time after the present Holy Father or for the time after some other successor of the Holy Father. She was specific about the pressures imposed on the Holy Father, but I can not talk about this now.

She was begging me to tell the whole Church her wish, that we as the Pope's "guardians through prayer" fervently pray and support him with our faithfulness. Our strength comes from her Son's and her heart.

She told us not to wait until there are many of us! Even one, two, or three of us can do this. She is promising her motherly help.

She blessed us after each vision.

(The message was translated by Andrej & Terezija Bevec)



Zalog, March 13, 1999

Report from Father France Spelic about the vision of Mary Queen of Peace; he had a vision in front of the altar in the church immediately after the holy mass.

Zalog, March 13, 1999

This is my report about the vision of the Blessed Mother. I am not telling literally what I heard and also not going into the details. The Blessed Mother told me more and also in more detail than I am reporting. I will soon describe this vision in detail, when I have the opportunity.

The Queen of Peace had a sad face. Many times she repeated that she warned us about the dark forces, that are penetrating into the Church, with only a few responding seriously. Those who could do more, higher and lower authorities, could give encouragement in these serious times, when Lucifer wants to create divisions in the Church by breaking in with non-Christian foreign sects and ideologies. People are divided. This is the part of the burden that the Heavenly Mother had in her lap in the March 6, 1999 vision.

It was known for a long time that there would be a satanic event in Ljubljana, Slovenia (February 22, 1999). How did the Church prepare for this? Nothing was done. Individuals of their own initiative were praying and asking others to pray with them.

Let us pray, fast and do good deeds in order to protect the Holy Father-Pope, all his faithful Cardinals and Bishops with their priests, so that they will be able with God's wisdom to be truly united and that they can discern the tools of the dark forces in their midst and eliminate them. This is a fight, but the absolute God is with us.

We missed many opportunities, but not all. Mary is calling us to do all that can still be done. Because we in our disobedience were slow to act, there will be grave consequences that can be mitigated because the Almighty is with us.

At the end Mary blessed all those who carry out her orders.

(The message was translated by Andrej & Terezija Bevec)



Zalog 6 March 1999, by father France Spelic

The Heavenly Mother was in a sitting position leaning back extremely. I could not recognize what she was sitting on, but my impression was that she was floating in mid-air in a sitting position. In her lap was an enormous burden that looked like a rock. This burden reached from her knees, over her whole lap and up to her neck. The rock was much wider than her body. She was supporting this burden with her hands on the bottom. Only her fingers were visible.

She was crying out for us to help her crush this weight, this weight is caused by hatred among people and by the enormous opposition to the Church and her head-Christ! Help me to crush this rock, so that this burden will be taken away from me - the Mother, and from the Church, and the strength given to Satan by this weight. This weight is hatred among you, hatred even in the Church, disobedience to the Bishops, disobedience to the Pope, and wars everywhere.

I am the Queen of Peace, and you are trying to achieve peace with threats and death. She mentioned (not by name) disobedient Bishops and priests who have a destructive influence on the faithful, who sow division, rebellion and disobedience to the successor of Peter - the Pope. A large part of the burden in her lap consists of wars of all sorts, inequities in the distribution of resources, crimes against people and nations, and violence caused by limitations of freedom. Many such limitations are lawful, allowed and even ordered.

The Queen of Peace with a great sadness expressed her great sorrow with a crying face, when she mentioned millions of abortions. She said, that killings of unborn children are equal to the crime of war. "Millions of unborn children are killed! The massacre of the infants was not only when my Son was born, nowadays every day is the massacre of the infants. This is the burden in my lap. Help me with prayer and by being a good example to break this rock and to unburden me and in that way help the Church. Help the Church to cleanse itself of this weight, so that it will be strong enough, so that it can withstand all of this."

The mother Mary was asking us to strengthen our faith to God, the Church, the Pope, and his loyal Bishops and their priests; to live faith and understand her (Mary's) messages only in the light of God's love. She said that there would be much less of a burden in her lap, if we live the faith and fulfill the gospel and her messages. Her pain is also the divisions in the Church that are extinguishing the Spirit which helps the acceptance of her, Mary, when she wants to save humanity, with her apparitions.

She blessed all present and all those that will help to destroy her burden. The Queen of Peace told me to describe in my own words to all the present faithful in the Zalog Church, how I saw her and what she told me, right away. I told her message in my own words because she did not tell me to quote her literally, but the content of her message is the same, down to the details.

(The message was translated by Andrej & Terezija Bevec)


Updated Tuesday, 07 April 2015

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