
P r o p h e t i e s   O n   L i n e   


The largest library about Nostradamus for free !


Nostradamus's comparison
Bibliotheque Nostradamus
Halbroon's Researches
Digital Library
Crisi Finanziaria
Financial Crisis
Various People
My Library
The Medal's Secret



Books from 1500 to 1567 | Book from 1568 to 1599 | Books from 1600 to 1649 | Books from of 1650 to 1699 | Books from 1700 to Today | Halbronn's Library - 1st Part | Halbronn's Library - 2nd Part | Halbronn's Library - 3rd Part

Digital Library



From the links above you can access the various sections of the documents scanned. Because of the huge number of images (around 50,000) that are available, I have chosen to divide them into a number of periods. For convenience, each page will open in a new window so that, once you have finished consulting it, you can close it and go back to the menu on the left.
Enjoy it



Cliccando sulle pagine del menu' superiore puoi accedere alle varie sezioni dei documenti digitalizzati, ho preferito dividere il lavoro in piu' periodi a causa dell'enorme mole di fotografie (attorno alle 50.000), le pagine per convenienza si apriranno in una nuova finestra permettendo, una volta finita la consultazione, di chiuderle e tornare a consultare il menu principale sulla tua sinistra.

Buon Divertimento




Read my blog below, or check it online at: 

Mario Freedom's Space


Note: All reasonable attempts have been made to contact the copyright
holders of any images that are not either the author's own, kindly made available to him or already in the public domain.

We would be grateful if any whom we have been unable to contact would get in touch with us.


Updated Monday, 11 June 2018

© All Rights Reserved 2009 - Designed by Mario Gregorio